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Everything posted by VR_Dev

  1. Made the intake rotation setup cleaner. Also the intake thrusters don't look like cheese anymore, and the black has returned to the inside. Top view, blue flaps have to be added still I love how the fuel lines extend
  2. That is awesome, keep me up to date with it. Hey thank you very much sir, it's an honor. And I enjoy hearing from everyone who used to watch that show. I must have been like 5 when it was on, and unfortunately you can't find much info about it anywhere. I don't know if you saw the pics on the page before this but 2.0 is going to be an exact replica. The one in the op is kind of the clown_baby version of the turbokat
  3. That video is awesome, nice work. This video which was in the sidebar of yours shows how the guy used 4 wheels but made them look like 2 on his batpod, good idea. It's true, I resized it though for my f35 back in the day. My tutorial on resizing parts can be found here http://imgur.com/a/JQoJF
  4. I finally got the cockpit looking really good. There is some crazy truss clipping going on here. The new cycle version. Those doors all close, and I'll texture them black. I gotta texture the intakes to look less like a cheese wedge.
  5. Thanks man, the 90's, it's where it was at. I guess I didn't realize you could tweak the thrust on those, awesome idea, thanks
  6. this definitely looks more like the cartoon than mine, and you did build it first. But I hate losing, so be ready for the greatest turbokat this world has ever known
  7. Yeah I actually thing that one up top is cooler, but this looks a lot more like the real thing It could look a little longer I think
  8. Well now I feel dumb. This had to be changed in the .cfg. Have fun homies, change all the colors you want MODEL { model = TurboKat/Engine fan/Intake }
  9. Hey man, that's the first time I got it off the ground lol. The RCS will disappear eventually. Click on that icon of the tree picture(4 from the right) in the toolbar up top, and past the image url in there.
  10. I was trying to tint the color of a b9 part I had duplicated, without loosing the details of the part. Here I will describe how I did it using the program GIMP on my macbook. Further down this page of the thread Windows programs are discussed. Now I duplicated the part here because I also turned an intake fan into an engine, but it's not necessary to do so. 1) Find the part you want in the GameData folder. Could be any part you want. 2) Duplicate the stock .tga usually named something like "model000". What I do is rename it to "ForStockName_model000" in case I ever release the craft I'm working on. If you do want to release your craft with it's custom colors, create a GameData folder in your zip. Then create the tree all the way down to the part you have changed. GameData>squad>Parts>engine>skipper or whatever, then add your tweaked .tga and the renamed stock one into that folder. That way if the person who downloads your craft wants the custom colors, all they have to do is merge the GameData folder with their own. Then they have the custom color and an easy way to change it back. Still include directions in your thread or a README though. 3) So now you've duplicated a backup. Now you can open the .tga with a editing program of your choice. Like I said I use Gimp on my mac, and it works perfect. It has a feature called "colorize" which tints the whole file without eliminating the part details. Like So. 4) Then save the file and the stock model000 will be a different color. If you just replaced the color of a stock part you're all set, but if you duplicated a b9 part, and moved it somewhere else in your gamedata, you must open the .cfg of the part and change the "model =" to wherever you put your new part. Then you're all set, you can change the color of any part you want. Remember you don't have to restart the game every time you tweak a color. Menu - F12 - Database menu - reload all. Feel free to ask any questions. cb
  11. Yeah I know. V2.0 will have it launch straighter. Someone else suggested this, but I don't really understand what that means. Could you elaborate? That is extra sweet
  12. It might fit in mine. I mean just post the pic in the thread instead of the link. V2.0 Man the 2 to 1 engine setup and not rotating them all the way down makes hovering so much harder. Also I stole your idea of clipping the cockpits together
  13. I fixed the nodes for the ramair intake. This one makes more sense, because you could say the fan reverses and uses that to lift the front end. Two of them could realistically do it, the real f-35 uses a fan. But I think this guy would look more like the real thing. You can't really tell from this angle, but it's pumping out thrust and smoke B9 really has to be included in kerbpaint
  14. So I'm looking for some rover help, I figured this would be the place to start. This is what I got, it's a smaller, heavily modified version of u/stetsonG's And sits in this plane. The "turbokat" from the show Swat Kats. It's supposed to launch mid flight and hit the ground running. But this is what happens. thread Obviously it doesn't work. I could use any help on strengthening the thing or allowing it to land safely(preferably without a chute). But I could also use help getting it to drive on the ground. It works for a short amount of time them flips over. Here's the craft, any input you guys have would be awesome, you're the experts. B9 is required, I took the cannons off though. http://www.sendspace.com/file/gxty4s
  15. Awesome I can't wait to see it. I thought about having a version with a big ol gun that lowered out of the bay. Might be able to do that and the cycle now that I wont need the engine up in there. Hah yeah I actually did no that was it's name, but I figured it wan't close enough to call it yet. I saw a couple of those pics and figured there was no way I was replicating that. I knew the whole cockpit left the ship, but also figured that wasn't going to happen. I tell people ksp is lego's where my imagination is replaced with a real wold physics simulator. I get all my joy out of building, I haven't been to space in a long, long time. I feel kind of bad about it
  16. Hey I fixed the download links, sorry, I thought that one link brought you to all of them
  17. Oh damn I totally missed this comment somehow. I explain in the comment below yours that I believe I could make the intakes toggle into engines, and give them just the smoke effects to look like they're blasting out air. It might be kind of hard without being able to open the parts in unity however. I've had trouble with my custom parts making the effects like the fire and smoke point the direction I want. If I set the intakes up with the affects as they are they would be blasting backwards into the ship, not forwards out of the intake. Then instead of basic engines here they could still be intakes on soulreaver1981's I need to figure out how to reverse the thrust and animation in the .cfg As for the drop-tank, thanks for the idea, I'll look into it
  18. Yeah I guess so. I dig the skilful weapons mod but the stock made weapons are way more impressive to me. Like I said cupcake's weapons are amazing. I'm gonna just keep blowing up this thread with ships, I just released a new one that I have to weaponize. Check it out And i dig you craft man, but I'm gonna hit you with some constructive criticism. First and more importantly, daylight man. You gotta take you're pics in the daylight, I cant really see anything. The only thing I can see is in the hanger, and the plane isn't centered in the pic. Also, you're already using b9, you should use those struts without the connecting piece in the middle. It's much cleaner, but if you feel like that isn't realistic, hide those things either on the bottom of the craft or inside the wing. You can connect the struts on the side of the wings(the edges where the black circles are), then attach wings to them completely hiding the struts. Which is just so much cleaner. I hope you don't take this the wrong way, cause it's a cool ship, I'm just trying to give you some tips
  19. http://www.sendspace.com/file/t1uvm3 Hey thanks a lot, glad you like it. It's here now. I wont lie to you it doesn't work great. I didn't put a lot of time into it, but let me know if you can make it any better.
  20. Thanks a lot man. I hope you like it, I only downloaded your f35 but I learned a lot from it. I felt the need to mention you because I got the idea of how to attach the body to the cockpit from that ship. It's not exactly the same but it's definitely inspired by your design. I don't know if you can tell, but I used a girder attached to the front face of the cockpit as an attachment for the body, leaving the rear node of the cockpit open.
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