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Posts posted by Boomerang

  1. I'm really loving the immersion-factor of this!

    I've noticed briefly though that at least the Inline Command Pod from Near Future Spacecraft doesn't function. And the config does contain:



            name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
            animationName = InlineCommandPod-Windows
            startEventGUIName = Lights On
            endEventGUIName = Lights Off


  2. I run between 40-50 mods, though most of them are relatively minor/limited in scope. And most of those I tweak a bit myself to get what I want out of the game. And that's running the native instillation for OSX. No 64 bit cracks or anything and no memory crashes.

    That's in my main save, anyway. I've got another experimental save that just features a few mods that I consider nearly-essential while I test out new parts and such. And I do have a vanilla install, if for nothing more than a clean save that I can copy original data from when I've mucked things up in my other saves.

  3. I said 60% as a rough estimate. If it were my product, I wouldn't consider it any where near a state in which I would be comfortable or proud to have it for sale, at full price, on the shelves. We're still having significant aspects of gameplay added (the upcoming addition of required satellite relays, for one), and probably more importantly, the bugs haven't been ironed out. I'm not talking about minor things, but bugs in the category of, 'if I hadn't paid a low price with the understanding that this is in early-release, then this would be unacceptable'. Random crashes, random collisions or disassembles flinging parts away at solar escape velocities, or collisions making the rendering of Kerbin disappear and locking the game up. Things of that nature. To say nothing of continuing balancing passes.

    I don't mean to say the game is bad in its current state. But if it was my brain-child, I certainly wouldn't put it out there and expect people to pay $35-50+ for it.

  4. What exactly makes the life support wedges for this mod enter into the 'Life Support' category that it creates? I noticed the 'KPBS Settings' cfg that seems to have something to do with the filtering, but looking at the part configs, I can't see what places the wedges into the LS category vs. the greenhouse itself staying with Utilities. It'd be nice to have the greenhouse and my other LS containers all fall into that tab.

  5. I can imagine the creepypasta.

    Early career mode's going as expected. You've gotten Jeb into orbit, done a Mun flyby ... and then you look in the contract list and see one labeled "Scott." That's funny, you think, usually they're more descriptive descriptions, such as "test so-and-so in such-and-such a scenario." You can't decline it and it's simple enough, just plant a flag on Mun, so you accept it. You build a fair-sized Mun rocket and land.

    That's when KSP crashes.

    You restart KSP to discover that your ship is now called "enemy ship." You cannot go to it in order to view it. You generally freak out, as you weren't expecting this to happen. Then you see an orbit line appear. It must be taking off. You wonder why.

    Eventually "enemy ship" makes its way into LKO. You get another contract, this one called "Hullo." Its parameter is to dock with "enemy ship" and subsequently land its crew safely on Kerbin. You will get 666 reputation, but no other rewards. You do not wish to accept this contract. You attempt to leave mission control. A window appears telling you that you cannot do so until you accept this contract. You try to force quit KSP; upon restarting and opening your save you are put in mission control again. You have no choice but to accept.

    After accepting, you discover that attempting to enter any other body's SOI - even Mun's and Minmus's - results in instant obliteration of your craft. "Complete 'Hullo'" is now a parameter for every other contract. There's clearly no choice other than to proceed. You do so. When you dock and transfer crew, you discover that your kerbals' heads have switched to Scott Manley's. After completing the contract, you hear Scott Manley saying "I actually wasn't expecting that to happen!" (Interstellar Quest ep. 56) followed by another crash.

    You log on. KSC is now on Eve. You enter the tracking station and discover that Kerbin's texture is now Scott Manley's face.

    Et cetera.

    And we've got an SCP for the 3000 series...

  6. Been slow in here, but I'd like to reiterate my previous request. If there's a model for the HCV that doesn't feature the LES engines at all, I'd love to get a hold of it. The way I used to disable the engine module but leave the animation module now induces a bug with the part. So if I don't want the LES, I've got to delete all relevant bits of the cfg and be left with a pod that always has the engine flaps deployed.

  7. A more streamlined means of cherry picking which revamps are applied would be an awesome update for the future. For now I'm sat here scratching my head as to why I have about an 80% success rate when I try to block revamps with the // in front of the @PART[xyz] within the Parts cfgs.

    Edit: As an example, I've blocked all of the modified stock solar panels in the 'Eletrical.cfg' (sic) except for the Gigantor XL (@PART[largeSolarPanel]), yet when I load the game, absolutely all of the solar panels are showing their native graphics.

    And any edits at all to Eletrical.cfg seem to disable the revamped versions of the two stock spotlights.

  8. RoveMate the WORST Probe Core.

    High power drain. No features. No reaction wheel. Shape that pretends to be square but isn't really. Its forward direction points skywards.

    Worst. Probe. Core. Ever.

    Seriously, open the Aerodynamics tab, pick a small wing connector or a pair of Structural Intakes, or the I-beam from Structural, or even a plain Girder for your rover body and attach an OKTO or HECS in the right orientation, or even OKTO2 and a small reaction wheel. Don't torture yourself with this piece of junk.

    And this is why I delete the part from my saves.

  9. Pre-.90, there was a mod called [thread=92511]PartArranger[/thread] that allowed one to shift around parts within the editor parts lists. So that, for example, you could order your fuel tanks so that the 3m LFO tanks were arranged large to small, then the 2m tanks, 1m, etc, then the aircraft tanks, then xenon.

    Changes were saved to a text file within the mod's GameData folder and were reloaded in the user-defined order each time an editor was opened.

    The features that PartArranger were based upon were eliminated with the editor-revamp that occurred with .90.

    The only real game in town for organizing parts now seems to be Filter Extensions, which, while helpful and with a rather dedicated support staff, just doesn't provide the same level of finesse that PartArranger did and it's no where near as ergonomic.

    So, my request is for something akin to PartArranger, that would allow us to re-order the tabs of the parts list to our liking, without having to resort to something silly like manually renaming the titles of parts in the cfg.

    I don't know if this could be accomplished by the introduction of a new editor parameter and some clever use of MM or anything of the sort - if I knew more, I'd be taking a stab at it myself. But the biggest drag on my enjoyment of the game right now is how disordered my parts are and if someone could give us a meaningful way of organizing them, I'd be very grateful.

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