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Everything posted by minimuffin

  1. 8/10 See you often, but not as much lately
  2. Banned for living in a state with the letter "A" as the first letter of the name.
  3. There are no humans to buy soda from you, so you are forever alone. I wish that computer viruses were gone.
  4. Those ninjas......... Banned for having post count less than 9,000!
  5. False! I am not, as I have never had to. The user below me is vexx32.
  6. Never use asparagus staging, it makes the rocket randomly combust.
  7. There is no way! The island does not exist, and who knows what bad things happen in the books.. Unless it is a cheery happy place because then I would press it eagerly. Press the button to get a nice free avatar but have a 10 percent chance to get possibly a bad and or embarrassing one, that you cannot change
  8. Start breakdancing singing, "WAlMart WalMART is so fun! Dah DAH dah DAh dah! Drive a cart, around a store, do a BREAKDance, and sing this song! BuY YOUR GROCERIES!" Sung to the tune of any familiar catchy tune. All the while staring at everybody. That was totally random, and I shall now hide in a corner.
  9. 5/10 Saw you once a while ago. And a few more times before that.
  10. But now people will think you are trying to hurt their babies and you will be put in jail. I wish to be Jebediah.
  11. Banned for really long confusing post.
  12. You become hungry too, as well as the animals in your near vicinity..... I wish that the metric system was adopted everywhere.
  13. Banned for having a doctor who reference in your sig.
  14. You find one, but it is testing the effectiveness of pepper spray I wish that I had Scott Manley's skills
  15. Eh, false The user below has eaten spaghetti within the last week
  16. minimuffin


    I agree with Starwhip. This one is fun, but it would be nice to start up the train again to keep this thread going. It is up to you, oh moderator. You are an epic mod, all of you are. You seem to frequent the games section too. If you do give this one up, please give us the answer to this one.
  17. minimuffin


    Ohh... I found it on the minecraft forums. There was a person there named... wait for it..... vexx32! I assume it was you. You (If it really was you) posted the exact same riddle on the mc forums and I found the official answer there too. It seem as though (Again, If it was really you) were giving out minecraft gift cards. Now I shall think harder! I shall figure it out! (Sorry for the slightly off topic post, thought that was cool) (And I really thought I found it) EDIT; I keep having ideas for the answer, and then I read it again, finding something that makes no sense, for example; OH! It must be wife! *rereads Everything makes sense except the cloaked in darkness part, and the fact that is a non physical object. On to more thinking! This is really fun though. EDIT 2; Getting closer, broke the riddle down into base components! That helps a ton. You make great riddles and games, vexx!
  18. I am not very pessimistic, in my opinion. Also, I think that other people are not really pessimistic, they simply face reality. (I dream alot)
  19. Granted, but you find the game was a scam after buying it and realize it deleted almost everything on your computer. I wish for the ability to play any game I want, including old games like Majora's Mask. (And all the consoles to run them on)
  20. Well, I could not tell you, as I picked up the game at .20 . If they were not there, then..... Epic Theory Fail!
  21. 2/10 I think I saw you once or twice. Stopping for a while to keep from looping
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