Ohh... I found it on the minecraft forums. There was a person there named... wait for it..... vexx32! I assume it was you. You (If it really was you) posted the exact same riddle on the mc forums and I found the official answer there too. It seem as though (Again, If it was really you) were giving out minecraft gift cards. Now I shall think harder! I shall figure it out! (Sorry for the slightly off topic post, thought that was cool) (And I really thought I found it) EDIT; I keep having ideas for the answer, and then I read it again, finding something that makes no sense, for example; OH! It must be wife! *rereads Everything makes sense except the cloaked in darkness part, and the fact that is a non physical object. On to more thinking! This is really fun though. EDIT 2; Getting closer, broke the riddle down into base components! That helps a ton. You make great riddles and games, vexx!