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Everything posted by Porkjet

  1. Nice ship, Barty I definetly want to do this. But you know, I want to do a lot of things, more than I have time for... Yes, i didnt make it for that purpose tho. I'd have to make a special tank designed for that bay, which is easy to do, but I'm not really sure where I'm going with this 5m bay, I thought of it more of a way to dock landers and other small spacecraft inside a big one, instead of having to mount them front or back, or on the sides causing center of mass issues. I was hoping someone would inspire me by finding interresting or exotic uses for that thing. We'll see I'll first expand on more habs now tho.
  2. Excellent! I've allways wished this was possible. Gonna test this.
  3. Oh yea! That looks nice. Some kind of framework where they retract into could be pretty cool.
  4. Hi there! i guess it's time to let you guys play with the tanks. Download Propulsion Pack I switched to Dropbox because some of you had problems with mediafire. This contains: - A version of the stock NTR that runs on hydrogen - big collection of hydrogen tanks plus really big 5m versions! - VLADIMR plasma-thruster (yes I renamed it) - big variety of argon tanks - little Extra: Some structural adapters and a 5m strut cargo/docking bay (picture below) Turns out you can make some pretty usable landers with this too (I increased the ISP to 850 to make up for the increase in tank mass, whole system is still slightly "inferior" to the overpowered LFO nuclear rocket, so: Nope, nothing cheaty here, this actually makes your game harder!) This is the 5m bay. I'm honestly not sure how useful this thing is, or the adapters, or if I'll include them in the release version. I'm curious about your opinions, have fun!
  5. I think these 3 length sizes are enough to work with. Don't wanna stuff the parts library too much, right? What do you guys think tho? If you want more sizes, we'll make more.
  6. Okay, so here's what this is about: The argontanks are compatible with near future. The gold-ish colored ones are Liquid hydrogen, and not compatible with NFP, NFP uses gaseous hydrogen. Why I'm doing this is, I want the nuclear engine to work like it's supposed to be. With big fat liquid hydrogen tanks. Hydrogen gas turned out to not be an option because the density is so ridiculously low, you would probably need a tank the size of the VAB attached to your ship to get reasonable amount of dV with a nuclear engine. Of course i could just cram huge numbers into reasonably sized tanks, gas is stored under compression after all, but that's kinda unrealistic, and apparently by liquifying hydrogen you can make it more compact that you could reasonably compress it to in a gaseous state. That's why I'm adding liquid hydrogen as a resource, even tho I'd prefer not to spam KSP with even more recources, but whatever. And still: liquid hydrogen has only about ~7% the density of Liquid fuels (kerosene and hydrazine). For simplicity's sake I rounded this up to 10% the density of in-game liquidFuel and used the same amounts per tank as standard LF/O tanks (since LH2 is not stored under compression). So a jumbo-64 sized LH2 tank contains 6400 units of LH2 (2880units LF + 3520 Ox) and the nuclear engine will burn this tank 10 times faster than a LFO Jumbo. I'll probably keep tweaking around on this after I have tested how this works in game and match it to the 'difficulty' of the game.
  7. 10m diameter?! That's a big ass ship! Dockingrings are in interresting idea. Smaller ships could fly through them and dock inside. Only bad thing is you will be able to attach things to nothing like you demonstrated. There need to be 5m attach nodes that only attach to 5m parts to prevent this.. I guess.
  8. The inflatable part is unlocked in "nanolathing" that comes after composites. You may need to unlock that tree first. Glad you like it!
  9. That's correct, but on the other hand it rotates rather fast (10rpm) the proposed nautilus x centrifuge (that the guy I'm quoting below so coincidentally linked) is apparently estimated to produce 0.5g at 10rpm and a radius of 9m. My centrifuge is about 7.5m in radius so theres no big difference. Also most things in Kerbal is smaller and slightly exeggerated than RL, like the rocket fuels are about 5 times more dense than real fuels, and don't get me started about planet densities. For those longing for a bigger centrifuge, I will make one like I statted on the first post. It will be HUUUGE, possibly accomodating 16 Kerbals or more. But I first want to sort out how to make a centrifuge work properly and bug-free. Yupp. This was my reference. (Possibly moddled it a bit too close to the original... it feels like stealing nasa designs lol) I get asked this a lot. I might agree to making the flat cap 2.5m. Eventually. hmm
  10. No, it isn't much. For reference, the internal model for the hitchhiker storage container is 21.5mb alone. All my parts have interior models that are more complex than that, and still they are only 17mb together. I do keep these things in mind and constantly try to find ways to minimize texture sizes, but I'm not a sorcerer.
  11. No problem, sir. Glad you enjoy it!
  12. I have placed several double-clickable camera transforms throughout the centrifuge, theres one roughly every 1/8th of the ring. You can 'walk around' the whole interior with these. 1) Was the kerbal the only pilot of your ship? Because you need control over the ship to start the rotation. 2) Yes! I noticed this too. I think it started to happen with .23. All things with the alpha cutoff shader darken and in space become black. I guess i'll have to leave it to squad to fix this. I'll try if the other transparent shaders are better tho. If your version already has the folder named "porkworks" then there should be no problems. I've only changed tech tree position recently, that's probably not a problem. If you have a very old version where the mod folder is named 'PJ Hab Module", updating will delete your ships, so evacuate your kerbals.
  13. Actually it's probably not a problem, my parts are more loosely based on the copernicus, like I've made the strut cage go all the way around the tank and it won't be possible to eject the tank. It's just an ordinary static tank. I'm doing this just because I wan't the nuclear engine to work with liquid hydrogen like its supposed to be. You seem to go for full realism. I'm sure there's use for both.
  14. God dammit! I'm working on pretty much the same right now :S
  15. Many thanks for the harty feedback everyone Glad you like the parts. Thank you for that description! It's hard to find documentation on this stuff. As for your raster prop monitor, I'll look into that too when I've figured it all out. Tho, as nice as those instruments look, the Orb is not intended to be a primary cockpit, and is supposed to only feature a bare essential of instruments. I'd love to include that camera monitor tho, to replace my mock-up monitor.
  16. Very nice! And useful indeed. I think I could texture it for you, shouldn't take long.
  17. Wow.... how did you place these so easily?! :S
  18. Just properly released this at last http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/64442-Habitat-Pack the to-do list seems to have no end tho
  19. This pack provides a variety of habitat modules and base building parts to give players the ability to colonize space in a more realistic way. Inflatable modules are compact on launch and can be deployed and loaded with crew in space, offering adequate living space and comfort for a plausible approach to space colonization. Part list: Inflato Storage Container PA330 Medium inflatable living space. Inflato Storage Container PA550 large inflatable living space. Inflato Storage Container F.L.A.T Toroidal hab, suitable for base building. Low Profile Base Mount Dedicated mount for building bases, can also be used for other things like small landers. Small Centrifugium rotating habitat that generates gravity through centripetal force. TMA-1 Orbital Orb Minimalistic but spacious command pod with large storage capacity. Derived from the Soyuz orbital module and intended to provide some living space for small spacecraft. <snip> (dropbox) Plugins in use: Habitat plugin, made from scratch by Sirkut (source included in download) Firespitter plugin made by Snjo LayeredAnimations by Starwaster Changelog: v0.41 / 13.06.2015 - compatibility update for 1.0.x v0.4 / 23.04.2014 - new part: Base Mount for F.L.A.T hab - redesigned PA550 model v0.3 / 06.02.2014 - new part: F.L.A.T Inflatable hab v0.2 / 26.01.2014 - new part: PA330 Inflatable hab - added props to Orbital Orb v0.1 / 01.01.2014 - Release - Parts: PA550, Small Centrifuge, Orbital Orb This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Plugins: Firespitter Plugin - made by Snjo All rights to the included plugin are held by the original creator, for license information, please refer to the provided link.
  20. Working on the Orb IVA. It's gonna be quite crammed up with stuff. I might make it heavier, maybe 2 tons or more.
  21. This was squads plan? Personally, I think this is a bit too complicated. I've been thinking about resource gathering parts for some time, this is my rough idea how it could work: Liquid fuel: A big part that extracts liquid fuel from the atmosphere. like, apparently Nasa made plans on Mars to process CO2 from the atmosphere to Methane and use that as fuel. In kerbal that could just be liquid fuel. Venus atmosphere is also largely composed of CO2 so it would work on Eve too, and the atmosphere on Laythe could also also contain some CO2. Oxydizer: Where there is CO2 in the atmosphere, a greenhouse module can be used to produce Oxygen, and that can be cooled and liquified to liquid oxygen. Hydrogen: Ideally this will be added to the game and used for Nuclear thermal rockets. There could be a drilling part that extracts it from surface soil. This would be the method of choice on atmosphere-less planets and moons. And Coincidentally, these usually have rather low gravity, so Landers with Nuke Rockets could have a good enough TWR to make advantage of the hydrogen there. To keep the game interresting and challanging, these parts would generate recources at very slow rates, require huge amounts of electricity, and be very heavy and thus difficult to launch/land.
  22. Ok, I did that but still no luck. I've moved them further apart like kujuman said too, which makes sense, but it doesn't help either. Using the dockingNode transforms gave the same result: only one node works, the other doesn't. Then I renamed the dockingNode's to top01 and top02 and referenced them in cfg accordingly, but that made both not work. (on the bright side, at least I've learned that transforms could be used for docking nodes tho) here's a pic of what I did in case I made a mistake: //node_stack_top01 = -0.7, 0.7, 0., 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1 //node_stack_top02 = 0.7, 0.7, 0., 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1 commented these out^ --------------------------- MODULE { name = ModuleDockingNode referenceAttachNode = dockingNode nodeType = size1 } MODULE { name = ModuleDockingNode referenceAttachNode = dockingNode nodeType = size1 } It seems to me that there's a dilemma because if both nodes have the same name, the game can't tell them apart but I also can't rename them because the nodes only work when exactly named "dockingNode". Edit: I just tried to be a smart-ass and name them dockingNode01 and dockingNode02, but that resulted in both not working again.
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