From Kerbin's reference frame (again not assuming game physics, but assuming special relativity), it really does take 130 Kerbin years for it to get there. It is *also* going to take another 130 years for any signal to get back to Kerbin, so the round trip would be 260 years for anyone who waiting on Kerbin. Assuming the decoupler instantly turns around and comes back, though, then it will have only taken the decoupler another 17 seconds to travel back to Kerbin. In special relativity, the shortest distance between two points isn't a straight line, the *longest* distance between two points is an unaccelerated reference frame (straight line). Here, though, "longest" is the time spent getting between those two points in seconds, not distance in meters. If you graph the two trajectories out: time | B | |\ | | \ | | \ | | / | | / | |/ | A +--------------- space We look at that and it looks like the crooked path is clearly longer. But in SR, rulers are wonky and there's only 17 ticks on the two legs out and back, while there are 260 * 86400 * 365, roughly, ticks on the straight line between A and B. The "ruler" here, though, is a clock making those two trips. And the difference is that one of the clocks goes out and back and the path is not straight. If the decoupler never decelerated then you've got two straight lines and the situation is symmetric and Kerbal observes clocks on the decoupler as running slow as it goes away at nearly light speed, while the decoupler observes clocks on Kerbin as running slow as Kerbin retreats at nearly light speed.