I have been away from this mod for a long time but thought I would give it a go in sandbox and test out some stuff. I seem to be having a problem with plasma thruster operating in quantum vacuum mode ... or am not understanding something. My test vehicle has a 1.25m antimatter reactor, charged particle gen, & a plasma thruster in quantum vac mode.
Reactor Stats: Charged Power 586MW / 4.5GW (Why isn't it generating more?)
Generator Stats: Current Power 507MW of 3.89GW
Thrust: 0.8kN with max throttle power: 507MW (Is this all that the thruster can do? Is it limited in the power it can output?)
I kind of assumed I would get more thrust out of it since the wiki states this:
I am certainly not seeing the same performance as liquid fuel ... so whats going on exactly. Thanks for any information.