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Everything posted by Crzyrndm

  1. Version 2.5.0 - The groups and individuals update Added support for a part module filter Added support for part tags Fixed improperly sized dds'ified icons Icons now must be 32 px square.(I have seen no evidence of any other size being used and this makes the code neater. If this is an issue I can add some leeway back in) Code cleanup Time for some new features Part Module Filter You can now add a part module to any part that can push it into any category and/or block it from any other category. Useful for those oddball parts that just wont go where you want them to or for filtering where Module Manager can get a bit deeper then FE allows MODULE { name = PartModuleFilter filterAdd = subcat1, subcat2,... // listed subcategories will have this part no matter what their own filtering says filterBlock = subcat1, subcat2,... // listed subcategories will not show this part } Tag Check Check for any of the search tags in a part (note that this is for the tag itself, not a search term matching the tag...). CHECK { type = tag value = (more } Of the above, the intention is that groups of parts are filtered using tags and individuals by the PartModule, but you are free to use these tools as you see fit to do so
  2. I believe there's some tool around that does it (I didn't do these myself, got given a zip a few months back that was sitting around waiting). If you want to stick to png that's fine by me, all icons are welcome
  3. Head meets desk moment... @01010101lzy Fix should just be to direct FuelVolumeChanged() to FuelSetResources() if !useStockFuel after the volume calculation. (see my last commit for actual code)
  4. logs and MM cache or I don't have any clues as to what could be causing your problems...
  5. Not renaming, Move the stuff inside "GameData/GameData" to just "GameData"
  6. You nested GameData folders. Make it so you don't have a GameData inside the GameData folder and the error will probably go away
  7. Filter Extension v2.4.3 is released Fix equality checks breaking Unpack dds icons and replace .pngs Fixing config errors (please keep reporting these when you find them) Removed testing category from distribution zip "Stock rework" is now a part of the release once more
  8. I haven't got all the configs updated for 1.1 yet, so there is the odd category not showing correctly or at all. I'm hoping to have checked all of them by the end of the weekend (some intermediary releases will be present also)
  9. Ugh, found the issue. Stock thrust limiter is stored as a fraction (0-1) now, not as a percentage (0-100) and I didn't notice... Fix shortly
  10. Oh balls. No dependency, just forgot to update the config for it when I used the 1.1 fuel volumes instead of the custom ones. Replace FuelConfigs.cfg with // Fuel quantities are per m^3 of fuelable wing ProceduralWingFuelSetups { FuelSet { name = STR } FuelSet { // configuration name to show in UI name = LF Resource { // the resource to use. Must match a resource definition or "bad things will happen" (since there's no error catching in place right now) name = LiquidFuel ratio = 1 } } FuelSet { name = LFO Resource { name = LiquidFuel ratio = 9 } Resource { name = Oxidizer ratio = 11 } } FuelSet { name = Mono Resource { name = MonoPropellant ratio = 1 } } } @m1sz Ugh, haven't tested this with FAR yet. Might be something silly there.
  11. Yea it isn't specified but MM is required for a number of these (VTL, DD, SSRW, and Thermal Monitor)
  12. Dynamic Deflection can probably solve that one. Replace the defaults.cfg contents with: (you can also change defaults ingame, but I figure copy pasta is easier :P) DynamicDeflection { key = 0,0 key = 0.001, 100 key = 40,50 key = 80,30 key = 160,25 } no pressure => no dynamic pressure => 0% deflection (remove any values after the first two if you just want this surface lock functionality)
  13. (Speaking as a mod user only here) Standard practices I see for part mods currently is probably grouped into two categories. Single download all-in-one style (eg. B9, KW), and multi download targeted/themed packs (Near Future, USI). Personally, I don't see the point in offering an additional combined download unless you're going to fracture it into so many pieces that the focused downloads are too numerous to be easily identified (in which case you have other issues...). A few extra clicks has never bothered me. NOTE: I generally prefer the multi pack approach since I'm a little picky on my part mods.
  14. These need to be turned inside out (-ve scaling) for mirroring because the top and bottom are different. With stock control surfaces that don't matter which way up they face, you don't have to use the -ve scaling factor, they just get flipped. I would be looking at the code that moves the surface to see if it checks the mesh scaling is -ve and inverts it's direction if so, not anything to do with mirror axis itself I can write something to determine which side should be the top without too much trouble (and need to anyway for various reasons), but functionality definitely changed here
  15. All mods should now have 1.1 compatible release versions
  16. Further testing confirms this is a visual only effect. Forces applied are correctly oriented (looks very wierd...)
  17. The actual 1.1 update? Piece of cake. This mod interfaces so little with KSP in the first place, and neither interface changed. Only real updates was a few .cfg tweaks (and it looks like you may have found one I missed) Fixing my half completed never tested pieces of work, re-factoring rubbish code and fixing logic issues from that? That's where all the time went
  18. Make sure you're not using any saved vessels, otherwise control surfaces will have that bug. If these are fresh vessels, I may have screwed up the MM patch that fixed it. go into the .cfgs for B&C and remove the line "mirrorsymmetry =..."
  19. 1.1 compatible version available from my Github (see signature for link). A workaround for a KSP 1.1 bug does mean there is a minor visual issue with the wings which I will get back to.
  20. Dynamic Deflection updated for KSP 1.1, others following as I get to them EDIT Add Semi Sat RW, and the SRB thrust limiter to that
  21. v1.12.5 brings Pilot Assistant to a KSP 1.1 compatible state. Only changes are the splitting off of the SAS Tuner / SSAS functionality for release as separate mods. Anticipating a few bug reports about things...
  22. Things will be 1.1 compatible as soon as I am able to devote time to doing so (hopefully tonight, but...). Be patient, or it may end up at the bottom of the list
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