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Everything posted by kalizec

  1. It's a file named "RemoteTech_Settings.cfg" with the following content: MissionControlRange = 7.5E+07 MissionControlPosition = -0.1313315,-74.59484,75 MissionControlGuid = 5105f5a9d62841c6ad4b21154e8fc488 ActiveVesselGuid = 35b89a0d664c43c6bec8d0840afc97b2 MissionControlBody = 1 ConsumptionMultiplier = 1 RangeMultiplier = 1 SpeedOfLight = 3E+08 MapFilter = Dish, Path EnableSignalDelay = False RangeModelType = Standard NathanKell_MultipleAntennaSupport = False ThrottleTimeWarp = True
  2. You can still turn off signal delay. Just copy paste a 0.22 config file with that setting and the 0.23 version will turn off signal delay.
  3. The experimental 0.23 seems to work fine for me. I started a new game upon 0.23 and already have a working CommSat constellation containing 6 satellites in different orbits with both omni- and directional antenna's. The only bug I've seen so far is that in map view the lines of communication weren't always visible (haven't seen this repeatedly though). P.S. I'm using this mod in combination with the following mods (just to show there's no incompatibilities): Toolbar Plugin B9 Aerospace with Text Reduction Pack BoulderCo Texture Compressor CrewManifest DeadlyReentry DockingStrut EditorExtensions Kerbal Engineer Redux EnhancedNavBall FerramAerospaceResearch Haystack Keramzit Procedural Fairings KerbalJointReinforcement KSPX KWRocketry with Text Reduction Pack MechJeb2 MultipleSavesDA NavyFish PreciseNode RealChute RLA_Stockalike SelectRoot TACLifeSupport Kerbal Alarm Clock KSPInterstellar Squad Texture Reduction Pack
  4. So far I've tried the following periapses: 78k5 (skips), 78k, 77k, 76k, 75k, 74k, 70k, 60k, 50k, 30k, 10k, -10k, -30k, -50k, -75k, -100k, -150k, -200k. All result in overheating and none even manage to ablate more than 5% of the heat-shield. I will try this somewhere in the near future, but first I'd like to determine what's actually required to survive an uncontrolled entry. Is indeed cool Stock Eve. Thank you. I will try that next. Nope, eyeing it for the future though. My Cd? Not familiar with that term. If you mean Shockwave Exponent then it's 1.12.
  5. Is it possible that DRE currently doesn't have a sane way of surviving reentry to Eve? I've currently got a probe 'stuck' in orbit around Eve and I've tried numerous things, but all end up in destruction. The probe weighs approx 4000kg (including shields), has a diameter of 1,25m. It has two 2,5m heat-shields attached to it (stacked on top of each other). It's deorbited from just above the atmosphere, which results in a velocity of around 3100m/s. The target periapsis is 78500m which results in a nice 'skip'. Any and all reentries end in the exact same way, the heat-shield overheats and explodes. The next heatshield only lasts another second or so and also explodes. It seems to me the problem is the heat-shields don't have a high enough maximum temperature. The only work-around I can imagine is retro-rockets. But as Eve is supposed to be the equivalent of Venus and the Russions managed multiple landings using heat-shields during the 70's I feel that DRE should provide heat-shields that allow for landing on Eve. I've tried tampering with the part-cfg's. But even raising the maxTemp value of the heat-shields to 50000 still only results in an ingame maxTemp of 2500 and that simply isn't enough to survive reentry.
  6. I'm stuck on this as well. Performed an aerocapture coming from Kerbin with a probe such that it orbited Eve with a Pe in upper atmosphere. Each time after aerobraking I lifted my Pe again such that each maneuver effectively only lowered Ap. After 10 such maneuvers my Ap was below 150km and I've tried Pe's ranging from 70 to 76km. With approx. a 3km/s reentry I don't see how I could go much lower with regards to velocity without bringing retro-rockets. All attempts so far result in ruin. The probe uses 2 heatshields stacked into each other Mk1-2 heatshields for what otherwise would be a 2 ton probe. Both heatshields don't get a chance to properly ablate. Instead they blow up because of overheating. The first one manages only to ablate 25% of it's total. The second one doesn't even manage 5% before it overheats. Is it possible the max. temperature for these heat-shields is set too low? Or am I simply doing something wrong? With regards to reality, I'm sure that the Venera probes the Russians sent to Venus didn't use retro-rockets for their landers. As Eve is supposed to be the equivalent of Venus I think it should be possible to land on Eve by just aerobraking.
  7. Having the same problem. (Not the FPS issues, but definitely the parts disappearing bug.) I've narrowed it down to having a KOS-program loaded while switching between craft. How to reproduce: - KSP + KOS (no other mods) - Two stage rocket with KOS module in second stage and both stages having a Remote Guidance Unit. If you orbit that rocket manually, then seperate the stages and switch between them, nothing happens. If you orbit that rocket using a program, then seperate the stages and switch between them, the bug occurs. If you then edit your savegame and remove the variables and stored programs from the KOS part, the bug disappears. Not sure yet whether it's the stored variables, the locked steering, the powered on KOS-part, the stored programs, or the specific program that's the problem.
  8. Same thing happening here. Checked it out with only KOS installed. Orbiting a rocket with the KOS part installed but flying it manually is no problem. Orbiting that same rocket with the KOS part installed, and having it run a script during ascent, results in corrupt saves. I first bumped into it while decoupling my ascent stage from the orbiter-stage. The orbiter stage has a KOS-part. The ascent stage doesn't. Switching back and forth between the two stages from map-view causes the bug. If you then manually edit that save to delete the loaded variables and program the save becomes 'good' again. Not sure yet whether it is the specific program, the loaded variables or the storing of the program that causes the problem. How to reproduce: - Create a rocket with two stages: one ascent stage, one orbiter stage. - Add a Remote Guidance Unit to both stages. - Add the KOS-part to the orbiter stage. - Load a ascend program onto the orbiter. - Run the program. - Both stages are now in orbit. - Decouple the stages. - Switch to the ascend stage. - Deorbit the ascend stage. - Switch back to the orbiter stage. - Now most parts of the orbiter stage no longer show. - Save the game anyway. - Exit KSP. - Edit the save. - Lock up the KOS-part. - Delete the harddisk and variables. - Start KSP - Load the save. - Switch to the orbiter stage. - Orbiter stage appears normal again. Possible causes that have been ruled out: - Other mods (only KOS was installed). - Bug in KSP itself (doesn't happen when ascending manually) - Bug in KOS-part (doesn't happen when ascending manually with KOS-part on the craft) Possible causes not ruled: - Bug could be specific to the program. - Bug could be specific to the decoupling. - Bug could be specific to the on-rails/off-rails switch. - Bug could be specific to switching between crafts using the Map instead of the Space Center. - Bug could be specific to the harddrive. - Bug could be specific to the loaded variables. Could be I'm seeing: https://github.com/Nivekk/KOS/issues/220
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