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Everything posted by Jimmidii

  1. I like this idea, but I'd adjust it slightly to abstract it away from Snacks directly being the life support resource. Each Kerbal could have its own 'Energy' resource, depleted at a flat rate normally, with functions such as a pilot's heading hold, or a scientist's experiment reset or an engineer's repair depleting it faster. Energy could be replenished by Snacks, or by breathing air (as if Laythe wasn't already awesome enough...) with Snacks stored on a ship like any other resource and perhaps replenished by an Electricity consuming module (improving the efficiency of that could perhaps give Scientists something else to do). I love the idea of Kerbals going into hibernation, it'd stop the life support game play being too punishing, and make rescue missions possible (and stop the fridge horror of what happens to the Kerbals from all the rescue contracts you don't take...). Oh, and hi everyone! Long time player/lurker here!
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