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Everything posted by Jimmidii

  1. One of the (not so) hidden benefits of localising software is that it needs virtually every line of code be given at least a once over. That naturally leads to many many bug fixes. So far for me, 1.3 (completely unmodded) seems like it might be the most solid version of KSP yet. Very happy so far, a massive thank you to the Devs and QA team.
  2. Started a new career, one that will require work just to get the basic infrastructure for launching unmanned missions into place, on custom hard mode with additional ground stations turned off and kerbal unconsciousness turned on, as well as no reverts, respawning, etc. Val was to be the brave Kerbal that would be the pioneer, the one that would go and do all the firsts. Right up until the first rocket she got into fell over on the pad and killed her Well fffffff[[ ~ Please Stand By - Technical Difficulties ~ ]]
  3. I guess mine would be Kerbal Space Effect: Andromeda
  4. Think of something I want to do. Figure out how I'd do it. Build it. Fly it. Didn't work, build it again. Fly it. Didn't work, build it again. Fly it. Almost worked, build it again. Fly it. Should have worked, fly it again. Build and fly the bits I thought of during this process that I want to add. Think of something bigger I want to do.
  5. For me, a friend was in a gaming clan that were using IRC to chat. I tended to hang around in there sometimes. (And eventually joined that clan myself) They found the early KSP demo in 2011, and really enjoyed it, mainly because of Jeb I think, and were constantly talking about it. I found it really difficult to find, back then 'KSP' on Google didn't bring up Kerbal Space Program in at least the first ten pages. The sense of accomplishment when I eventually managed to get something into orbit for the very first time... knowing I could just leave it there and it would just stay in orbit... I think I left it just running on my screen for a couple of hours while I did other stuff, having been on the ground, buildings around, and then having got up to have that view of Kerbin... it was beautiful. At the time my knowledge of orbital mechanics extended to 'this end towards space', so my efforts to circularise my orbit were laughable. (Something along the lines of 'height going up, point down and fire engines, height going down, point up and fire engines') It gave me the most wonderful tiny, tiny, little taste of what it was like to be an astronaut, and that was when I decided to buy the game, right there. I think I paid £8 for it? Certainly less than £10. Considering the enjoyment I've had from it, the interest in real space missions it inspired, and the knowledge I've gained due to it, it's one of the best decisions I ever made.
  6. If they do add delta-v to the game, I'd make it so that your delta-v readout in flight mode only updates while you have a Kerbnet connection to KSC, or a connection to an Engineer Kerbal, or have a high level probe core on board.
  7. This might be your TV settings. See if there's an 'Exact Scan' option, or try changing the aspect ratio the TV is displaying.
  8. None intentionally, not yet anyway. Various missions that have run out of fuel and are, uh, awaiting further instructions, however... My first one was Eve back in the days when other planets were new. Let's just say I slightly underestimated the takeoff requirements from there.
  9. Did a search for this and didn't find it, so apologies if it's already been suggested. I'd love a tiny quality of life improvement, a tweakable added to wheels to govern the maximum speed, that would reduce power to that wheel if you go above the speed you set. I love building and driving rovers, but I've lost count of the number that are abandoned due to damaged wheels because I stopped paying attention to my speed on long drives now.
  10. That was one of the scenarios I had in mind. The safeguards you say about are already in place, you can see them when you've copied craft files that uses parts you haven't unlocked into a save.
  11. Apologies if this has already been suggested before. What I'd really like to see is the option to push a successful design to a repository that's available across all of my save games, similar to the stock vessels option, but with only my own craft. I realise that it's already possible to an extent by copying .craft files, but that's a bit clunky and I always end up having to look up where they're stored.
  12. I've spent less than an hour in 1.2 pre-release... (and did not go to space that day) so for me the new features will be NEW. I'm looking forward to it
  13. Could you create the boosters separately in radial mode, save them as a sub-assembly, then attach those sub-assemblies in mirror mode?
  14. I have another nomination. Dr Robert Brownlee. What could be more Kerbal than trying to figure out if you accidentally launched something into a suborbital trajectory with a massive explosion?
  15. The Wright Brothers... "You want to do what with these parts!?!?"
  16. Before my time I'm afraid. My moment in terms of 'I was there' and a proper sense of awe/wonder for space was watching/listening to the live feed of Philae telemetry as it was the first probe to soft land on a comet.
  17. Starting to sound like advanced tweakables is going to be a must have for me.
  18. As I understand it, it lets the player put down a waypoint that's treated the same as the waypoints used for location based missions in career mode.
  19. "Eh, looks about right, let's launch and see if it works."
  20. Rockets. That carry planes to Laythe. That carry rocket powered probes, that have fins for better targeting in atmosphere.
  21. Forgetting that I've taken all the fuel out to check the dry stats of my craft. Twice. (Same craft, same mission, and the reason I was back in the VAB was just to put the fuel back in before I got distracted by other tweaks.) Also, on one occasion, forgetting to put a heatshield on the nose before takeoff. (I wanted a really REALLY fast takeoff)
  22. F9 was the first to be recovered after launching a payload with enough dV to reach orbit, though. It's like Russia being the first into space, but the USA then being the first to the moon. Blue Origin attracts disdain because they set themselves far FAR easier goals, achieved them, and then their PR started comparing those goals to SpaceX's. (Or rather, compared SpaceX's achievements to their own.) The two shouldn't really be compared, they're trying to do different things, but Blue Origin invited the comparison on themselves.
  23. Individual Biome multipliers for science returns could help with that, if a micro-biome (or hotspot) had high science returns, it'd be worth trying to pinpoint it with a rover. It'd give something else for satellites to do as well, indicating the general area for something interesting from orbit. It could add a bit of replayability to the game as well, if some of the hotspots are randomly scattered at the start of the game. (And something to do in the endgame, after you've unlocked the science tree, tracking down the hotspots you haven't found yet.) They could act as targets for missions as well (Building up infrastructure around them, tourist destinations, etc.)
  24. Sounds like you're looking for a game like Empyrion, or maybe Space Engineers, since they added planets.
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