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Sgt. Cookie

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Everything posted by Sgt. Cookie

  1. When you can reach a stable orbit by estimating your burn times.
  2. Managed to put a craft in a stable Minmus orbit without needing to use maneuver nodes. I'm dead chuffed at it. Now to do that for Kerbin.
  3. I would like to request a flag. I would like mine to have a black background, with a brown chocolate chip cookie on it.
  4. Have you ever needed a chuck of self propelled science? Do you care about never getting it back to Kerbin? Then do we have the product for you: The Fire and Forget Science Probe! As you can see, this probe is tiny, but it sure packs a punch. Powered by two Rockomax 24-77s and fueled by advanced quantum toroidal tanks, this little probe has a mass of little over 3.2 tonnes and a Delta-V of 2122 m/s, this can perform deorbit manoeuvres on any celestial body! But don't take our word for it, take MechJeb's: So, how about a small demonstration? A Minmus landing: Here we are in a stable 30km orbit around minmus, taken there via our master pilot Hi-Peer E-dit, and where we begin our deorbit manoeuvre. Due to the low gravity of Minmus only a minimal retrograde burn was required. Here we are about to touch down. Because Minmus has no atmosphere, the onboard parachutes are useless, but it has plenty of fuel so some more retrograde burning later: Here we've touched down on the surface, ready for some SCIENCE! Order today! (Launcher not included) FaF Science Probe (Google Drive link) Be sure to install the Craft file into your Subassemblies folder.
  5. Tried to rendezvous with a space station. Failed miserably. I need MechJeb...
  6. That is pretty cool. Could we get the craft file for that?
  7. Put a kethane sat into munar orbit. The scan isn't over yet, but there are some very juicy deposits there.
  8. Personally, I only use Hyper edit when I'm sending many payloads of similar type to a planetary body, such as transporting several fuel tanks to the Mun for a kethane base. I do have to make the first trip manually, though, to prove that I can do it. The Hyper Edit-ing from then on is simply a time-saving measure on my side, so I can get on with more important things. I also use Hyper Edit to transport things that could realistically be built on other bodies, such as a Rover parking lot, provided they had the materials on hand. Obviously, the materials are sent there first, then they're destroyed and the "newly built" structure is HE'd into place.
  9. By the 6 gods of Jool, that thing is massive! How did you even design that thing? Can it go any larger?
  10. Is it just me, or are ships that were previously workable breaking apart? I just tried making a fairly hefty ship, I tried launching it and then it just, falls apart. Also, the new throttle control. Dear god it's like trying to swim in treacle.
  11. Practiced my Kerbostationary orbiting skills.
  12. Hm. Count me in. I'll see what I can come up with.
  13. I've tried. Best I've managed to get is small acceleration. Maybe 2 MPS? It was a while back. The thing is, keyboard and mouse just doesn't have the precision required to set the throttle "just" right.
  14. First off, that's pretty epic. I've not seen many boats on the forum. That could just be because I've not been round here long, but either way. Second, it reminds me of these guys So, how about Pond Skimmer or Water Strider as a name?
  15. Attempted to build a hovercraft. Sadly, the best I got was a slow upwards crawl. Perhaps a different method would work better... Hm.
  16. All I want is a button that gives an on screen grid, to let me line up my parts better.
  17. Figured out that you can attach a strut to another strut.
  18. Yes, but it's a little tricky, you have to attach the second strut nodule to the first strut nodule of the first strut. Here's some pictures to help: The first step is the first strut nodule, like so: This attaches to the booster, like so: Now, the above image also contained the second strut, this one attached to the booster. THIS STEP IS IMPORTANT: Only the second strut nodule of the second strut will attach to the first nodule of the first strut. Do it right and the strut will go thicker than normal: Again, the order must be Secondary Nodule to Primary Nodule, it will not work the other way around. And a close up of the strut-strut connection: So, to reiterate once more: Strut nodule 1A connects to object A, Strut Nodule 2A connects to object B. Strut Nodule 1B connects to object B and Strut Nodule 2B connects to Strut Nodule 1A. And yes, you could add Strut 3 into this, in which case, Strut 3B would connect to 2A. The same holds true for Strut 4, Strut 5, Strut 6 and so on and so forth, attaching the second strut nodule to the primary nodule of the strut before it. Hope this helps.
  19. The end goal for my fuel depot station: It has space for a grand total of 20 jumbo fuel tanks, holding a grand total of 57600 units of fuel and 70400 units of Oxidiser. Resupplying this thing is going to be a bitch. The girder segment at the top is an extended docking port, allowing ships to glide over and refuel without disrupting the tanks, although now that I look at it again it could do with being a little taller. It also includes room for 12 Kerbals, so it can also serve as a backup crew transfer module, if needed. I created the main sphere via precisely tilting five 4X4 panels (4 way symmetry was a must!), each panel is about five or six tilts ahead of the prior one. After that, I stuck docking ports in the centre of each of the panels and Bob's your uncle. The fuel tanks are there simply as demonstration, it will have to be sent up piece by piece. This is what it looks like pre tanks: Now, this is actually version 1 of the depot, this I have gotten into orbit, but as you can see, no extended port, so it had to go. This is the lifter for the sphere stage, which, as I said, has gotten version 1 into orbit with fuel to spare. So it should be able to get version 2 into orbit no problem. MechJeb gave the vessel a final mass of about 182.5 tonnes, with only about 22 tonnes of that being the sphere. So, with 0 launches down, there's only 21 to go before this bad boy is finished.
  20. Struts can be attached to struts. This is extremely useful for Girders. Some context: I was building, basically, a docking port on a stick, but it looked a little unstable, so I decided to add struts. Unfortunately, I found out that the second strut end ALWAYS defaults to the very top of a girder segment, but obviously the first strut doesn't. So, I hit upon an idea, what if I attached a strut to another strut. And it worked, giving me much greater freedom with my girder stabilisation.
  21. Got the first two sections of an orbital refuel station into orbit.
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