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Everything posted by Rokmonkey

  1. Sure, I follow. Also, double checked and I'm a derp, they are releasing 64-bit builds for Linux I thought they weren't. I guess I'll have to put a Linux partition back on my machine, I like my mods.
  2. I think I've missed something, but isn't the argument, "I run Linux" kind of moot? If they don't release 64-bit versions for 1.0 won't that also affect Linux users or does that work differently on Linux?
  3. I've seen folks put a landing gear on the back clipped in to be kind of a fail safe in case of tail strike. Either way, I think making your rear landing gear perpendicular might help with the drifting.
  4. It doesn't take long to realize, RoverDude is a cheeky fellow.
  5. Karbonite for me. I played with Kethane of course, when that was all there was and I really enjoyed it. I was hesitant to pick up Karbonite when it came out though. It seemed so much more involved. I was wrong of course. To me they are very similar. And the fact that Karbonite is so easily extensible makes it that much better. To me, Karbonite improves everything I thought was missing from Kethane. Background processing, ScanSat integration, Non-depleteable resources. The latter was very important, for the size of my mining operations I didn't want to worry about running out and having to move the whole operation.
  6. When you start a new game you are able to setting a custom difficulty, in there is a science modifier where you can set all experiments to 150%
  7. As for the drifting on the runway, I've had this problem a number of times as well. If your wheels are perfectly in line, then it actually IS an aerodynamics issue. As you go faster and generate more lift, you will have an uneven force on your wheels. I find that having wheels that are straight down, not angled like yours, helps alleviate this. Another option is to not pitch so quickly until all of your wheels are off the runway. I'm not sure if this helps, but your wheels are really far back. I typically place my wheels just behind the center of mass. This will make it much easier for your plane to lift off, as the lever arm is that much shorter.
  8. As I work more on my Science mode Space Program I've started branching out to interplanetary missions. Up until now, I've been content working within the Kerbin system setting up mining outposts and bases (yes, modded) so I never really concerned myself with timing for transfer windows. I've scooped up most of the science I can in the kerbin system, and I'm sitting on day 90 and now have to wait for transfer windows. Timewarping through an entire year just feels really odd, even though I know there isn't much to do in the interim. I've been restricting myself to 7 day times between launches and I've tried KCT though it made me cringe when I realized I'd have to work within even more increasing restrictions. So, I decided to ask the KSP community, How do YOU pace your space program? KCT, Fixed times between launches, time-warp like crazy? I'm curious if there are other methods out there that others like to do that might be nice to try around with.
  9. Another way is to use CKAN as your mod installer when possible, and then get the Part Manager plugin for it. In there you can enable/disable parts and it also gives you the full path to that part.
  10. This right here. Feature wise, KSP is okay. But The really useful mods are ones that don't even add parts. Precise Node and Haywatch are necessary to get around the finickyness of trying to select vessels or maneuver nodes reliably. This usually happens when a few vessels are right on top of each other in map view and there is a maneuver node there too. Similar problems with trying to select things in the VAB/SPH, usually fuel lines or struts. These are things I would consider bugs, and if they were left in the game at 1.0 I would find it ridiculous. Other things like extremely twitchy closest approach markers or orbit indicators in the patched conics also drive me nuts and are not 1.0 features. Personally I would be okay if it was less precise but more stable.
  11. You think it might be a memory issue? Is there in indicator in the log file that might point to it? The output_log says only 44% RAM. Unless that's System Memory?
  12. KSP: 0.90 Windows 32bit Problem: Crash when changing scenes without indicator Mods installed: 6S Service Compartment Tubes Actions Everywhere Alternate Resource Panel Chatterer Community Resource Panel Crossfeed Enabler Crowd Sourced Science DMagic Orbital Science Docking Port Alignment Indicator Editor Extensions Enhanced Navball Extraplanetary Launchpads Ferram Aerospace Research Filter Extensions Firespitter Core ForScience Continued Fuel Science Haystack Continued Karbonite KarbonitePlus Kerbal Alarm Clock Kerbal Attachment System Kerbal Engineer Redux Kerbal Joint Reinforcement Infernal Robtics Map Resource Oberlay Modular Rocket Systems Module Manager Near Future Construction Near Future Props Near Future Propulsion Orbital Material Science Part Wizard Precise Node Procedural Fairings RasterPRopMonitor Core RCS Build Aid Real Chute Regolith ScanSat ScienceAlert SpaceY Station Science Stockalike Station Parts TACLS Trajectories Tweakable Everything TweakScale Umbra Space Industries Tools Universal Storage USI Asteroid Recycling Technologies USI Kolonization Systems I've tried looking through the logs, but couldn't find anything that stands out, I'd prefer to do it myself but the output_log and error log don't have a rhyme or reason just yet. While I'm using a lot of mods, I've added and removed them over and over without finding anything that stands out. The Large Core mods, I never had a problem with. I am using CKAN to install them. Reproduction steps: Unknown- Only Occurs Randomly when changing scenes. Log: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ipw51hfx542e8fb/AAASejt5DGda7DPnBbFy0Tq_a?dl=0
  13. Couldn\'t say, it all depends on what it costs to actually make it. At the very least I will document it and make the source code open source. Loaded a basic program onto the Teensy, showed right in windows as a Joystick; it was configurable and everything and worked in KSP. No fancy buttons yet though, but the software side works.
  14. As a matter of fact, the SpaceNavigators are what the drafters use here at work. Some swear by them, others just stick with good \'ol keyboard and mouse. Personally I never got the hang of those, not that I spent more than 20 minutes using it though! As for doing all the software side of things, I have that figured out, theoretically. With the Teensyduino, nearly all of the architecture is there already for it. I just have to write a modified HID report, and joystick class that has the right number of axes and buttons (actually it\'s all there, I\'m just picky about what things are called). The awesome part about the Teensy and Teensyduino, is that not only is it easy as hell to code, when using the HID Joystick it shows up as a Joystick in Windows. The major crux is just figuring out what to put where. I suppose I should actually do the software part first and hook it up the PC. I\'m going to find a great button here in the lab for my stage separation button and show the results.
  15. Okay, new inspiration...
  16. The Teensy is a USB capable AVR development board. Teensyduino is a software add-on for Adruino that allows development for the Teensy.
  17. I have a Teensy++ 2.0, and the Teensduino setup. Originally I was just going to write it in C, but it turns out Teensyduino doesn\'t need the Arduino bootloader, which makes it attractive, given that there are HID libraries in it, just have to write a new report, that\'s all.
  18. A little question, I\'m not really familiar with BACE, and can\'t really find a description of it (100 pages of posts is alot to get lost in). What in BACE is just a place-holder, and which works. I\'m assuming the docking modules don\'t work. But what about the unmanned pod, is that supposed to work, such that I can hop in my space station after I deploy it? If so, how does it work. I tried to deploy one, but it just shows up as debris in the tracking station.
  19. I like the suggestions! Keep \'em coming. I\'m going to draw something up today, a new revisions with more toggle switches, which EVERYONE wants! I may take a 3D mouse from work and test it out with KSP, though the thing to remember with those, is that it can be really awkward, I always have trouble with it anyways, try to rotate and you translate, and visa-versa. Now, how about a layout like this: Ignore the pedals, and the obvious professionalism. Imagine more duct tape and toggles instead of buttons. I\'d really like to see what C7Studios had been thinking of for cockpit design, in terms of kerbalizing it. Unfortunately, I can\'t really make my concept models very Kerbal because doing so in a CAD is a pain in the ass, (I hate using splines) What do you all think of hat switches for view control?
  20. The Shuttle Orbiter, Apollo Modules, and Lunar Lander are not HOTAS, so not really a step backward. From a practical aspect, how often do you need simultaneous input on Throttle, Translation and Rotational. Usually you are using a combination of Throttle/Rotation and Rotation/Translation. I split them into three controls, as you can get full range of motion, and more ergonomic individual controls that way. If Throttle and Translation are combined it get\'s complicated, not just to make, but to operate. Of course, as I sit here and mull this over, I can conceive of a way to put 4-Axis onto one stick, I\'ll draw it up later when I have the time and see what it is like. Suffice to say it would be a twist throttle (I usually find them awkward, but who knows), on top of a 3-axis translational stick. @Flaillomanz Those are kinda what I had in mind, especially the abort button, for the stage separation part, since there is no abort sequence at the moment. Will have to see about those missile switch covers. I love them, but they can get pretty expensive and hard to find at times.
  21. All thoughts I have had rolling around in my head, especially the further expansion part. I was working on a simpit for DCS Blackshark before I moved to a smaller apartment, and even then I still had to use the mouse and keyboard for somethings. I\'ve thought about using a trackball, I haven\'t really looked into the hardware-software side of that, whether there are ready-made modules or what. It\'d be nice if I didn\'t hack things, so I could make a couple for people who might be interested. On the 'more Kerbal' note; I totally agree. I\'m atrocious at aesthetics. I\'m a Mechanical Engineer, function over fashion in everything I make, which has made some of my more recent work projects a pain, but regardless, if there are some ambitious artists out there who have some ideas to make a controller more Kerbal, a drawing or 3D model would be neat to see.
  22. Hey All, I\'ve needed a project lately, and between KSP and Lunar Flight, my Saitek X52 just doesn\'t cut it. I\'ve been thinking about making a KSP Joystick, and wanted to get some input from the community on layout and design. I\'ve drawn something up real quick in Inventor, so tell me what you think. As I drew it, I realized it\'s a fairly large controller and I may need to make it larger, and definitely need to shift things around to accommodate a few more switches and levers comfortably. I\'ve modeled it after a standard full-size keyboard, and currently it is an inch or two larger on all sides. From Left To Right: Translational Hand Controller: it will actually translate Left-Right, Forward-Back. I\'m not sure how I want to handle up and down, though that may handle it as well. The button on top will toggle the RCS thrusters. Throttle Control Stage Separation Button: I wanted it big and noticeable. Rotational Hand Controller: Pitch, Roll and Yaw control. Button on top, either turns on ACS, or toggles it, not sure which. Assorted buttons that I have no idea what to put. Map, Time Compression, ACS Toggle, Precision Controls etc. Feedback is more than welcome, just keep it constructive.
  23. Nova, have you thought about adding in a hollow decoupler from your previous packs? I always liked being able to hide away my orbital engine, or things of that nature inside a stronger feeling coupler. Either way keep up the good work. P.S. Solar panels can be used to recharge batteries for reaction wheels and/or control moment gyros for attitude control.
  24. Love the orbital map view. Definitely excited about the Angular Momentum being used by ASAS, makes things work so much better. Maybe 0.12 will have proper fuel flow?
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