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Posts posted by Zinfandel

  1. So I'm currently working on a mental 8 stage rocket and it does pretty well as is.

    In stage six there is a tri couple with three liquid engines. Each engine has an SRB attached (so I can have nine Liquid rockets at the base).

    Now. With the SRBs the thrust in stage six is good but obviously they run out far quicker than the liquid rockets so when the SRBs deplete their fuel the rocket decelerates.

    Now if I could jettison the weight but keep the liquid booters in that stage running it would be much better.

    So is there a way to start both the SRB and Liquid in one stage but jettison the SRB while leaving the liquid rockets firing?

    I'm experimenting with the radial decouper but can't figure it out, plust it's super destable :(

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