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Everything posted by burnoutforzai

  1. Nah, it's got so much drag that the 6 turbos don't even get it to mach and is about fine at 300ish m/s What sort of leeway is there for the speed?
  2. I've been working on it and managed to put a bomb bay there... Now to work on fuel consumption.
  3. I'm going to have to say that this is most certainly a bug and is annoying me like hell. Trying to make a bomb bay with them but no... I guess I'll just have to remove all my other brakes and put them in something like rcs... Ugh Squad why?
  4. Well this was fun >.> 674m/s may have spent a bit too long on this one. Exactly 5 seconds of burn time on that one. Also, the time one the 6th image was a bit late. It was just because of the fact that I forgot to brake and was surprised at the results. It does look like a short brake distance and it is.
  5. Sure thing Carry one crew member maximum (+100) Have a CH-J3 Fly-By-Wire Avionics Hub (+50) Max and Cruise speeds are the same (+40) Max Speed is 275 m/s @ 10 Km (+15) (Near enough at sea level) I'll let you off with a warning: Use a turbojet (-60 The drag is crazy on the replica)
  6. Wow, what timing! I literally finished a replica of it a couple of days ago. Just realized it is a bit of a gate crasher with the lack of a bomb bay. God dammit.
  7. Rip me. Sorry for being so inactive and I'll try and put this project into view. I'm thinking of doing something similar myself about oil and the artic. Let me know if I can do anything for you
  8. You do that imgur /imgur but with the last section of this link http://imgur.com/a/IcxYN. So you would do {imgur}IcxYN{/imgur} (with square brackets).
  9. I have no clue how to install this. If you could link me to a tutorial that would be great!
  10. This is some crazy stuff here I've been working on this and come up with a design that works just like the real life ones... kinda... not... sure, fine ok but it looks similar... ANYWAY, onto the scoring. Over the Moat: 906 (1.3km if the f3 screen wasn't broken) Clear the Walls: 540 Environmentalist: 100 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Total: 1546 (1940 if you count the other measurement)
  11. I used to make calculators in minecraft. *Racks brain* On other news, this is such an interesting 'challange' which happens to be one involving working together! ---Edit--- I think I remember that adders were made up of 2 half adders that were made up of used 2 gates, AND and XOR. So... that's what we need for large numbers. Also had an idea for better 'data' transfere. Why don't we use landing legs do push solid objects through tubes.
  12. Or you could join the SHA for it's well known aircraft design. - - - Updated - - - This has been discussed and no.
  13. Whoa, those wheels look bloody reliable! I might use them on some of my craft. Edit: majorjim's right, didn't think about that.
  14. Happy birthday bro. Also a technical question; how on earth did you get the white dart to draw from both fuel tanks inline?!
  15. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/73329-Docking-From-Navball-to-First-Station-and-Beyond LEARN IT!
  16. I need to get into this. How would in atmosphere fights be done? Such as tanks or even planes?
  17. Is this basically like the old weekly challenges? Cause if so that's going to be brilliant!
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