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Everything posted by burnoutforzai

  1. HA HA HA that's the best thing ever xD Do you want to possibly record some time?
  2. Wow nicely done guys! I'll edit this post after I've read through the stuff you've sent me! Edit: Overfloater! WTF bro that's crazy. To laythe in a plane! Also love your other planes. Hodo. I've possibly seen that craft beat mine on a thread in the challenges xD. It looks really good though! Mazlem. What an idea. You may have made me try at it and god it's hard! You amazing derp xD.
  3. Well hello there budding KSP space-plane manufactures, OK, so the whole point of this thread is to post what ever craft that could count as a plane (by which I mean rely on lift from mostly two lifting surfaces (unless you are going to make a plane with less, that would be crazy!!)) and share it to the public. So on that note there will have to be some rules as obviously people (who are annoying...) will probably try to ruin this thread. Here goes. Stick to the KSP forum rules. Give the thread a plane. not a rocket! It has to be something that you are proud of in yourself. Not comparing it to other designs. Do have a chat about the previous plane or another plane you want to get information about; but don't get too off topic. Stock craft. Eww Modded yukhttp://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/images/smilies/k_undecided.gif! Heh... Have fun... Wow I've always wanted to say that! xD I hope to see some of your planes. Now get building! Burn,
  4. I think it is now hu... I thought my design would do well... well that's a bummer :/ Guess I'll be back for rovers
  5. Just interested, can I vote for my self once? thanks Can't wait for the rovers! Edit: Also I would like to see if you could put the points by the links to the ships, thanks.
  6. Ha thanks! I've always loved making VTOLs and I had never put one into orbit but yeah now I have and with 1.5t of payload. It's my absolute baby and I will evolve it forever xD
  7. Hi there, Today, I present the newest plane that I have been working on, it's taken a total of 4-6 hours to finalise and is therefore my baby. The BarraK So the specs: (Fully Loaded) : (War Load-out) : (Payload) : (Unloaded) : Part Count: 90 : 74 : 66 : 40 : Weight(Tons): 11.03 : 9.53 : 9.83 : 8.33 : Armoury:4 missiles 2 bombs: <------------ : none : none : Payload: 2 0.75t satalites: none : 2 satalites : none : It meets all requirements and is almost maxing the extras: Payload bay of more that 1t (40pts (I think)) SSTO (30pts) VTOL (20pts) 3 kerbals (10pts) 4 misiles 10 or 20pts??? 2-4 bombs 15 or 45pts??? OFC no part clipping And the pictures:
  8. Hi There People, I have recently been looking at how to make a stock bearing in ksp (for a challenge) and I was looking around the forums but there was no tutorial to be found on it. Not to be a bit annoying but I was wondering if one of you guys could make a tutorial in the tutorial section of the forums. Thanks, Burn
  9. Well Here's the v2.5.1 at speed. http://imgur.com/a/seon2#0 It can reach blinding speeds (up to 45m/s on rcs and 23 on electric power alone) and has a toggleable rear stearing which is brilliant for the hairpin bends. Team: burnout Name: Speed-Bringer Weight: more than 1.1 tons Speed: 45m/s (100mph) Cornering: Rolls quite a bit... but hey it has a cool rear stearing feature. Yeah... So see you on the track. (I may need to do it this weekend if that's not to bad for you)
  10. I think I'll enter into this with the FORMULAR K - light v2.0, weighs 1.3 [ish] tons fully loaded and has an action group to change from front steering to all wheel steering. Here it is; http://imgur.com/a/seon2#0. Also do I have to put a craft file on the post? [edit] That was the 2.0 version and there is a newer and stronger fk car; the v2.5.1
  11. I'm going to do a vid... no comentry though. Anyway i've got one of my radial engines attached on the core and 3 more coming up. Using a habitat module and one of the basic comand pods. One lander. Four engines. More shenanigans. And a hell load of docking... LET'S DO THIS!!
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