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Everything posted by burnoutforzai

  1. I have a plate and one I beam and lots of struts but the majority of them are just for placement and aesthetics... The chassis its self is made up of 8-20 of them... I need to check tho cause I'm not on my main pc.
  2. Wait... Excessive uses of cubic struts aren't't alloud?! I have quite a few. What do you mean by this?
  3. Also here's my lap. A 1:29. 1:30 start. 2:59 end. Cleanish race. I went wide on a couple of corners unfortunately D: I'll get on recording another lap on YouTube over the weekend.
  4. 1st try at the new track and I just got 1:30... Looks like I'm gonna be competitive ---------------EDIT-------------------- Eww no don't do that. The whole point of this is to create the car and evolve it.
  5. 45M/S Also I remember talking about a rally style racing class. Any chance of that happening or do you want me to create that?
  6. Just managed a 1:24! Crazy to see how 5RCS being taken off the weight can reduce your time just enough! Drawing on the record for this lap with Kyrian! TRK download: http://www./download/ds0w09par6vxrt4/KRF_-_Formular_K_-_SHA_MKV_LIGHT.trk Also I'm very sorry for all the 'spam' as you can see above xD.
  7. There's a really odd bug that I've gotten. When I modded in the old small control surface the elevon 4, when I place it, get's replaced by the old one at launch. It's REALLY weird and I was wondering if you guys could help?
  8. There is reason tho. If you were to cut the whole lap it would be invalid is my idea...
  9. I just thought that I could MASSIVELY reduce the weight on my car -------------------EDIT---------------------- Removed 2 of the I beams and it weighs 933kg empty! Funny thing was it was under that limit so I had to put radiothermalscopic things on there to keep the weight above 900kg. Got a 1:25 with infinate RCS fuel just now too!
  10. Ah ok I didn't know that the time in-between races.
  11. Sounds like a bad excuse imo . ANYWAY is there any chance of getting race 2 soon?
  12. Ok then Kyrian. I was thinking of doing a jet design for the open class. Is that aloud if I can tame it xD
  13. Thanks bro... To be honest it should be a 1:32 but I was moving at the beginning meaning that I should get a penalty xD so I thought 0.5 secs would be ok. lol
  14. Oh ok. xD fair enough Ah just got a 1:37 but I guess I can't post it? And a 1:34! then a 1:32.5
  15. I thought that you could only do 1 re-try. If not I'm heading out on the track again very soon! Also that was the closest qualifying I've ever seen (1997 GP)!
  16. So I'm gonna post it here and maybe later on my YouTube channel... 4:30 start 6:08 end A time of 1:38. Man am I proud of that xD Thanks to Kyrian for the tips tho. WOULD NOT have been able to do it with out that! Didn't reduce the rcs fuel though. I had 4.66 units at the end of that run. Also I would like to know how you're gonna deal with the drawing points wise.
  17. Slightly new to the racing scene so I will take those points into consideration. Thank you! Only problem is when racing I com back with about 5-7 units of rcs fuel left so... yeah. I also might try to only use 1 rcs port to reduce the consumption of the fuel like you did <3. ---------------------EDIT--------------------- Due to that help I just acheived a 1:39 Nearly in that drawing group xD. ---------------------EDIT--------------------- Just got a 1:38! MOAR POINTS!!!
  18. For now, cause I'm not on my main pc, I'm gonna put the video of the first race here. Nothing too good but I hope I get better
  19. Could somebody please tell me what that mod is on the bottom of zhollet's screenshot? Also I've recorded a video and I got a 1:48 I will try again but not now. Leme upload it and I'll post it here!
  20. Gotta do this now. Have a craft which is good in my opinion
  21. OH DEAR GOD... AN IDEA MAKER. WHAT IS THIS SOUCERY!!! Yeah shows how bad I was back in the days. And that's less than a year ago! Quite like this idea of looking back into the past.
  22. I'ma do the this challenge. I have a craft on my main pc that's quite good. Can't wait
  23. I am so gonna enter this. Brb with a car (I.E. in a week)
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