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Everything posted by Lordherrmann

  1. Hey NetZerO, das ist ne wunderbare Idee die du da hast, aber leider hatte sie schon jemand vor dir: http://kerbalspaceprogram.de/index.php?page=Index Ich bin hier zwar nicht sehr aktiv, aber das ist eine gute Community, wie es ja auch das offizielle Forum ist. MfG, Lordherrmann
  2. So I've build a capsuleless jet. It holds 8 passengers + 2 pilots: Album By the way: Does anybody whether Damned Robotics is 0.20 compatible? I want to use it for a working hatch. EDIT: Just look at the album while I reupload the pictures somewhere else. Turns out Dropbox isn't the best solution.
  3. I don't know if I can find any pictures of it, but my first mun landing was the day 0.12 came out, using winglets as landing legs.
  4. I'm an atheist and I'm ok with people believing into some higher thing, but there are many things I don't like about religion. Waht annoys me most are fundamentalist religious persons. People who take the bible literally or try to disprove evolution. As many said, it's like trying to disprove gravity. I personally don't believe in a god, because I don't need any deity in my life. I'm a very logical thinking scientific person and the people who say I can't disprove the existence of a higher being are right, but if I say they can't prove it I'm also right. But now a fundamental rule of scientific work becomes important: If you want to have a theory become accepted, you have to prove, the others don't have to disprove it. As long as nobody is able to prove the existence of a god, I won't believe in it. Just a little word on evolution: Creationists mak it sound like a scientific theory is something you simply come up with in 10 minutes. Many very intelligent people, worked on this theory for centuries. It simply is a fact. -Lordherrmann
  5. I can recommend the TouhouTorpedo MK 3 Cockpit Internals Mod
  6. Yeah, launching the shuttle in orbiter manually is actually pretty easy. You just have to apply your KSP knowledge on it.
  7. Maybe they should change their development cycles from really big updates which take some time to smaller ones. I would also love a new animation system for the kerbs in IVA view and on EVAs.
  8. Wie schauts denn mal wieder mit echten neuen Aufträgen aus?
  9. Well, now you can add Germany, too. Also I'm on the server currently, so if anybody's interested he/she can come.
  10. Mir persönlich gefallen vorallem die Cockpurperspektive, Jool und seine Monde und die neuen Spacevisuals sehr gut, allerdings stört mich, dass man die Sterne auch über Kerbins Tagseite sehen kann.
  11. In einen Teamleiter-Bericht würde ich schreiben, was die exakten Vorgaben für ein Vehikel sind, die ich dem Team gegeben habe, was in der Woche geschehen ist und vielleicht noch eine Einschätzung der einzelnen Ingenieure.
  12. Das stimmt allerdings. Es scheint ja gerade vorallem an den Piloten zu scheitern.
  13. I actually think Ike is easier to land on than Gilly, as Gilly's gravitational force is to weak to hold your vehicle on the ground securely. It will be quite easy to propel yourself out of Gilly's SOI accidently.
  14. I believe this pod only holds two guys.
  15. AS nice and beginner friednly erkle is, I'm always in for realism so I prefer ORDA over Erkle.
  16. Here you can see the only space plane I ever got into orbit with. I find this shot quite cool. That's huge launch vehicle, which brought my first apollo style lunar mission into munar orbit. Unfortunately I had some problems with lag in the last phase of my landing, which caused the lander to crash, but here's a picture of CSM and LEM in munar orbit. The name says it all:
  17. Erledigt Dann bin ich mal aufs nächste Projekt gespannt.
  18. 9/10 We're in the same spacecraft construction team.
  19. sh*t (Don't worry not your avatar is sh*t, it's what the Kerbal thinks at the moment)
  20. That's true, but if you can use the atmosphere as fuel (maybe on a Titan-like body), it is enough to take the oxidizer namely oxygen or something similiar with you.
  21. 3/10 I've seen you some times before, but not very often. (Maybe we just post in different threads)
  22. Versucht doch beide mal das Ding miteinander zu konstruieren, so dass zum Beispiel einer einen LAnder baut und der andere die Trägerrakete. Und ü-ei: Dein aufwand ist zwar lobenswert, aber es ist nicht deine Aufgabe Raketen zu bauen sondern diese zu testen die wir konstruieren. Nichtsdestotrotz war das ordentliche Arbeit. MfG, Lordherrmann
  23. Ich übergebe jenskerman da mal die Verantwortung, denn ich bin mir sicher, dass er das ohne Probleme schafft.
  24. 3 - I've seen you some times before, but there is no "personal entry about you in my mind" to say it in a metaphorical way.
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