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Everything posted by Lightwarrior

  1. Tried it with the same ship on the launchpad - it works better. No problems with EC at 10.000-100.000 warp (may be they are just "invisible", but it does not really matter ), but at x1.000 EC jumps from full to almost zero few times a second. And no messages from antimatter tank - this is really good. But antimatter production problem is unchanged... which makes me think - may be there is a problem with the lab itself? I'll test heat mechanics tomorrow, on launchpad with 3.75 fission reactor and 4*huge radiators WastedHeat just stays zero and efficiency looks like it's the same with 0.8.1.
  2. I've tried ECLSS too... and now i use TAC life support. It has no visible impact on performance. So yes, performance is most important thing here, and for now KSPI has no problems with performance at all. BTW tested old bugs and... resource management in timewarp is still working very bad. Yes, may be EC/MJ rate is fixed, but at maximum warp MJ still go to zero, and with antimatter tank containing antimatter it is still very hard to use maximum warp. Antimatter production rate (single 3.75 reactor) at maximum warp (x100.000) is 0.03 and at x10.000 - 1.89.
  3. Thanks, with fixed dll it works much better. But... seems like another bug: 0.625m generator attached to 1.25m fusion reactor gives ~1.2Gw generator output. And it really works while there is enough ThermalPower:
  4. Yes, it was silly idea If we assume that oxidizer is liquid oxygen even materials reactor is built of will be "flammable" in such conditions.
  5. New radiator behavior is... a bit strange. As already mentioned above retracted radiators always have lower temperature => higher generator efficiency. WasteHeat is building up, but it is a problem only for fission reactors, fusion/antimatter can be shut down after burn and you will never need to extend radiators. This is strange and wrong IMO... And BTW it would be interesting to be able to use oxidizer as fuel for thermal nozzles, i think there is no difference what to heat using reactor, except difference in masses, but this can only lead to lower efficiency (which will be still ok).
  6. You need Megajoules. And personally I prefer to use one or even two 0.625m fission reactors. They are not too heavy (only ~0.3-0.4T) and this is the most reliable way. If you will accidentaly shutdown fusion reactors or run out of power you will easily restart them. And you can shutdown fusion reactors during transfers. I also manually shutdown one of fission reactors to preserve fuel.
  7. I just use 8 of them. It is perfectly enough to power engine and there is enough left for reactors themselves. They also have much less weight than single 3.75 fission reactor, and being placed around 2.5m fuel tank above the engine they look cool imo (here is single small radiator per reactor, but really only 4 small radiators are enough) :
  8. Yes, and i does not complain here, its interesting engine with it pros and cons. But those fusion reactors removed one problem - requirement to use very heavy 3.75m reactor or antimatter. This engine is ideal for multi use "transfer stage". Sure it can also be used on landers, but leads to really ugly designs because of its size. BTW i usually have no kerbals at KSC, i move all labs, reactors and kerbals 4-5km away from launch pad to avoid additional lags (especially annoying when you try to land spaceplane and all those vessels start to load causing freezes), so no problems here.
  9. Either start in on launchpad and never shut down (btw you can still restart it after accidental shutdown if you have few megajoules left), or use smallest fission reactor to start/stop them when needed. D/T tanks are very lightweight btw, and single tank containts a lot of fuel (4*fuel storage of 1.25m reactor). ... I recently used the same craft to fly to eeloo and back to kerbin, and than dres->jool moons->kerbin. It uses 8*1.25m fusion reactors (which i shutdown during transfers) to power DT Vista and one 0.625 fission reactor. Fission reactor still has ~40% fuel left and fusion reactors + engine used only ~20 units of deiterium/tritium overall. p.s. those DT Vista + 8 fusion reactors combination seems a bit overpowered, reactors are lightweight enough for it to be able to lift of from kerbin with all supplies (+lifesupport) and lander for eeloo expedition.
  10. Fusion reactors? They are also lighter and can be shut down/restarted and refueled without kerbals.
  11. Almost all engines without either antimatter or beamed power are usefull only in space, they have too low TWR with fission reactors to lift off on Kerbin.
  12. And one more interesting thing. I rebuilt those DT Vista/AM reactor powered ship to use 8 fusion reactors instead of AM and while the problem remains it is easily fixed by one single smallest solar panel being always exposed to sunlight. I just put few of then to different sides of the ship and have no problems at all while orbiting kerbol. And it does not matter if i leave something with high power consuption on during warp (say TAC LifeSupport recyclers), one panel is always enough. But when i put antimatter tank (even without reactor) on ship this stops working. Even if tank is emty and its charging is disabled. It makes me think that this problem is somehow related to AM tanks.
  13. And here is another bug i mentioned above: 1. Lab producing antimatter: 2. Lab consuming antimatter. (No AM reactors are present on this test vessel): Also you can notice strange numbers in AM tank charge. p.s. and also another representation of those EC/MJ bug. I had to add "few" 4k batteries to even be able to turn on such high warp.
  14. And for fusion reactors to be self-sustaining generator is required. And still if you use 100% of ThermalPower (say by thermal turbojet in LFO propellant mode at 100% thrust) generator will generate no power and reactor will shut down. And because of this i'd recommend to have backup power, say smallest fission reactor.
  15. Are there any plans on when this fixes will be released? Just curious... And thanks for replies BTW.
  16. I used ship with large nuclear reactor and large generator to power DT Vista engine before i got antimatter reactors, it had the same problem. But there was a workaround - few stock RTG-s or solar panels fixed this.
  17. And again those timewarp problems. They make game totally unplayable. Some screenshots: 1. Ship just launched from kerbin. No timewarp used. Everething works ok, antimatter reactor is disabled and tiny nuclear reactor is working at 30% still generating enough power: 2. I hit maximum timewarp. I tried to increase speed slowly - it changes nothing, so i just hit maximum here. Megajoules and termal power are instantly depleted, and timewarp is reduced to 50x because of unpowered antimatter tank: 3. Turned off timewarp and nuclear reactor is now working at 100% still not providing enough power. And thats it, if i turn on antimatter reactor now it will go to 100%, generator will show maximum power and it will not help: And yes, i have TAC life support installed here, but i tried without it, everething is the same. Also it does not happen on launchpad... And if i remove antimatter tank/reactor and use nuclear instead everything is the same, except timewarp is not interrupted (or is interrupted by life support because electric charge is depleted if it is installed).
  18. After this update if i have antimatter tank on my vessel i cannot use time warp higher than 50x. Even if i disable tank charging and its empty i keep receiving those messages about unpowered antimatter tank... and there is other reactor working and lots of ElectricCharge/Megajoules. Also had a problem with Lab consuming antimatter instead af producing it at highest time warp. No other mods installed.
  19. There seem to be another bug with transmitters/receivers. If i use single transmitter and multiple receivers within one vessel i get too much power, actually every receiver connects to every transmitter. For example using 2 vessels with 1*3m UF4 reactor + 1*3m generator + transmitter and 1 vessel with 4 receivers i get ~ 20-22GW of power (enough for 4 labs with antimatter production).
  20. Thought it would be easithir to pack all, but if you think that posting only .cfg is better here it is: part.cfg BioMass.cfg (removed some resources here to avoid conflicts).
  21. So i took single "bio-fuel module" from "Renewable Bio Fuel Modules" mod and modified it basicaly to convert Waste to Food. But it requires not only Waste, but LOTS of electricity (~80 EC/s total), also it converts some CO2 to O2 as byproduct (with some loss, and CO2 is required for all process), and uses lots of Water (converts to Waste water). I tried to make all those numbers balanced and to make this process expensive enough, but there may be some flaws. And sorry for all those mistakes Here are modified files.
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