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Everything posted by nodrog6

  1. I'll have a new build for 1.1 released within the next few days.
  2. Sorry, I'm not 100% sure what you mean by your question. The lights that are missing seem to be part of prebaked lightmap on the walls. The 6 or 8 light arrays that line the bottom (plus their pulsing textures) are missing too. There aren't many Light-type objects in the VAB/SPH. Most of the intricate lighting was created using textures and lightmaps.
  3. For anyone wondering what's going on with 1.1: I started work on updating for 1.1, but there are several changed lightsources and missing pre-baked lightmaps in this prerelease. This bug shows off the issue. I'm waiting until the final 1.1 release to update. Stay patient and let's hope Squad can bring the VAB and SPH back to their former glory!
  4. No. During daytime mode, the editor uses the default skybox. During nighttime mode, the editor shows the night sky without clouds.
  5. I'll look into adding the cabin lights - that feature sounds cool. I'm also working on ways to match the inside VAB/SPH time with the outside time, though progress is slow as I've got a lot going on at my job right now. Lastly, I've rebuilt the mod for KSP 1.0.5. Enjoy!
  6. That's a good idea. I haven't used Ambient Light Adjustment before, but I'll try it out and see what I can come up with.
  7. Unfortunately, no. I'm working on some cool features which may aid in adding this in the future though.
  8. Configurable hotkeys are definitely on my todo list. Hopefully I'll be able to add that feature within the next week or so.
  9. Thanks Das! I'm a big fan of the stream. Feel free to try it out live sometime - I'd love to see how it's used in the hands of pro.
  10. Thanks for posting these logs CommanderSmith - they're very helpful. I saw the same line in the debug output that made me suspicious. I was able to reproduce the error by creating a new save with ModuleManager installed and then deleting ModuleManager.dll plus the extra files Module Manager creates. It behaves the same on Mac and Windows. Look in your save file (persistent.sfs) and search for "TechTreeUrl = ". If it reads "TechTreeUrl = GameData/ModuleManager.TechTree", I think we've found the source of the error. When you delete ModuleManager and ModuleManager.TechTree, the game save doesn't know what Tech Tree to load. I recommend either starting a new save or installing ModuleManager again. Both solved the issue for me. As ObsessedWithKSP mentioned, let me know if you have any more issues, but this seems to be ModuleManager issue.
  11. I just posted it to Kerbal Stuff and it will be on CKAN once the pull request is approved! Enjoy!
  12. I updated LightsOut for KSP 1.0 compatibility. I'll also upload it to CKAN and KerbalStuff as soon as it's updated.
  13. I like the idea of having a button to toggle the lights, but I'm not sure that right clicking on the current button is intuitive enough for most users (including myself). I'd use another button, but that feels wasteful, so maybe I'll make the current button have a popup? I'm open to any ideas.
  14. Version 0.1.2 is released. See original post for download link. Changelog: Texture Replacer skybox changes now supported. - - - Updated - - - I think this is fairly easy to do, but I'm worried that users would want it to be day outside and the lights turned off. Closing the VAB/SPH doors may be tricky. Maybe there's some middle ground that will still look good.
  15. No, for now it's always day in when entering the editor. I have some future plans which will make the KSC time match the editor time, but I haven't started exploring that feature yet.
  16. Sorry about that. I added the license file and readme to the download itself. Thanks for the heads-up. I ended up removing the daylight lightmap during night-mode. For now, night mode is dark enough that most details are lost in the level 3 buildings. In the earlier versions, I might create new lightmaps for night mode to reintroduce much of the lost detail.
  17. Add day and night modes to the VAB and SPH! Turn off the lights in the editors! Works at all upgrade levels! LightsOut takes the existing VAB and SPH assets and modifies them to emulate a day and night mode in the VAB and SPH. It's designed to help with testing your craft's lighting without having to launch and then time warp to night. Downloads: v0.1.5 from SpaceDock | v0.1.5 from GitHub NOTE: This mod is an early beta. I'm still working out all of the kinks. Any feedback is extremely helpful and welcome. Enjoy! Hotkeys: L - Toggle day/night mode and all part lights U - Toggle all part lights Preview: Possible Future Features: Configurable hotkeys Faster load time Animated day/night transition More detailed assets in VAB/SPH during night mode Installation: Extract and merge the GameData folder with the GameData folder in your KSP directory. It's also available via CKAN. Source: https://github.com/nodrog6/LightsOut License: MIT
  18. I've actually been working on a replacement for Dimmable VAB for a while now. It works in the SPH and the VAB at any upgrade level. I'll be releasing a beta version within the next day or so. Here's a preview of the VAB in the day versus night.
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