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Everything posted by SilentGunner13

  1. well this is embarrassing... EDIT: I changed a couple of things, still no joy. But I've now discovered that whatever bug I'm having is breaking KSP Interstellar as well. Heat Radiators don't work. Could it be a problem with ModuleManager or some other extension? Updated links below here's the KSP Output https://www.dropbox.com/s/i699xg9g4h69pzt/output_log.txt and here's the most recent screenshot of my mod directory https://www.dropbox.com/s/dwsmo4dsvw4584h/Screenshot%20%28152%29.png
  2. I'm now having an issue with realchute again. Since updating some of my mods and modulemanager etc Realchute has stopped working properly. The parts still appear in the tech tree and I can select them in the VAB and SPH but when I put them on the craft I'm unable to modify them in any way, such as changing their size or deployment parameters etc and they don't appear in my staging. Stock parachutes act the same way that they would if Realchute was not installed (right click tweakable). I have a really bad feeling it could be Mechjeb, seeing as its the only other mod I have that isn't working, and the problem is similar, the part itself and its entry in the tech tree is there, but I have no functionality with it. Anyone know if there is some kind of fix, i.e. any mods that interfere with these two or if they interfere with each other? Help much appreciated EDIT: Included image of Gamedata directory so full modlist can be seen
  3. Ah. That's a great help. Didn't realise that change had occurred! thanks!
  4. update: I've got limited functionality. I have a small number (around 5) of the chutes appearing in the tech tree but the rest still don't appear.
  5. I can't get this to work with 23.5. I put the RealChute file and ModuleManager into my GameData folder and it still doesn't work. Doesn't appear in tech tree or anything and I can't use vessels that I've used realchute parts on. Help!
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