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Everything posted by Osprey

  1. Or put the station in a polar orbit so it can reach any point on the body's surface as long as you wait for the body to rotate below the orbital path of the station, then you only need the land and return fuel for an equivalent equatorial landing and re-dock. This does mean when you land, you have to wait about 1/2 day before taking off directly into the orbital path again, but that's only a pain on slow-rotating bodies like the Mun, and time-warp is a universal fix for any problem.
  2. Here, made one using stock parts, unmanned of course. (4092m/s Delta-V (Vac), T:W 0.99 (Not enough for Kerbin, but certainly enough for the Mun)) Vacuum Science Craft
  3. It sounds to me like you might be expecting too much out of one vehicle. My advice would be design something different for vacuum use from atmospheric, particularly if it's only for use in the Kerbin atmosphere, as then you can use air-breathing engines instead of liquid + oxidiser. This means you save on fuel weight in the Kerbin version, and in non-functioning lift-generating parts on the vacuum version. For the latter, I'd experiment with a nuclear-engine powered lander rather than something that flies horizontally but lands and takes-off vertically. 4km/s Delta-V is quite a lot for a single vessel though, but not impossible for nuclear engines. Alternatively, try experimenting using Ion-power if we're talking about a teeny probe with only a couple of sensors.
  4. Not bad, though that lander is carrying an uneccesary amount of weight in fuel. I also tend to avoid descending from >9km, as this means you spend more time in the Mun's gravity well and need to spend more effort slowing down the vertical acceleration towards the ground. Weirdly, I find coming in low and fast is much easier than descending slowly from a great height.
  5. I used to design my own with the small solid fuel boosters and some octagonal pylon sections, but the all-in-one tower is much nicer to behold.
  6. Hey folks, I'm curious to know, when playing in career mode, how people go about putting their first Kerbal into space. Personally, I collect as much ground science (and unlock all the tier 2 techs (20-15sci ea.) as I can to unlock some better parts, and build a 3 stage rocket to go into orbit on the first flight, usually carrying a goo container for early orbital science boost. That said, I know there are other alternatives including sub-orbital flights, for which you also get a bonus for where the craft went that you might miss if you just do orbital missions all the time. So, what do you do...? Unlock techs/Go for glory? Orbital/Sub-orbital? Who's your first Kerbal in space? I'll share a picture of my first-mission launcher later when I'm home, but for know I'm just curious if anyone has a set strategy or ritual they go through for this milestone?
  7. See what you make of these... Flag for Jool (Quite a simple one really). Star-burst.
  8. Oh I see, you want the stars to form the KSP logo, not the stars in the shape of the KSP logo stars, misunderstanding. I'll have a crack tonight. I'll see what I come up with, anything particular you'd like in terms of shape or features?
  9. Do you have a high(ish) res image of the vortex graphic used? I can edit the existing flags, but it will look awful and be barely visible. If you have the original image the centre vortex was taken from I might be able to work with that. NOTICE: Also, it would be super if when people make requests, that they could actually provide a link to the stuff, rather than getting people to trawl through the internet to find something that might be what they mean. If you say you want a graphic in the style of such and such a flag or logo, how about a link to that flag or that logo? The more work we have to do on your behalf to find the stuff, the less inclined we will be to to give you our time and effort for free.
  10. How could it be improved? I felt having the rocket starburst for every star was overkill, but if it's a question of colours I can fix that easily enough.
  11. Indeed you may. So is this like an RP group for Kerbal, or just the name of your Kerbal Space Progamme launcher company?
  12. Do you have a version of it without the flag texture on top? Also, how exactly would you like this patch to look?
  13. So people know, I'm now also able to put transparency into images, if anyone wants a mission patch type flag. A couple I made earlier today...
  14. Excellent videos, loved the Kerbal radio chatter as an awesome addition to the audio track. Very classy.
  15. Sure, that's a 10min job, but you need to specify which Irish Flag. Flags of Ireland EDIT: On the off-chance you meant the flag of Southern Ireland, I made this... With tranparency for v.23.5
  16. No Oxidiser, so presumably this means solid fuel and aero-engines only (As well as the RCS thing)?
  17. I'm not that skilled sadly. I can do basic flag-type flags though.
  18. I presume he meant a verison of this... So here...
  19. A couple more new works: Republic of South Kerbfrica (RSK) People's Republic of Kerbin (PRK) As you may have noticed, I quite like to get the letter K into flags somewhere...
  20. My latest creation... United Kerbaldom Again, feel free to use it, would love to see screenshots though.
  21. Feel free to use any of them if you like. They're all the product of a bit of time spent in MS Paint. If anyone does use them, it would also be awesome to see them in a screenshot or two...
  22. A selection of the ones I use. Also, apologies, couldn't figure out how to make [spoilers] as the images are quite large. Space Race Flags: United States of Kerbin (USK) Kerbal Space Science Republic (KSSR) Some others of mine... Federated States of Kerbin Space Corps Alternative Soviet-esque flag
  23. I am not talking about game achievement or Steam achievement or such here. I nots in the career presistent.sfs file it makes a nots of when certain firsts were achieved (first orbit of Kerbin, first landing on Kerbin, etc). Perhaps this data could be directly pulled upon for an achievements wall in the Kerbal Crew centre to show when various firsts were accomplished in relation to the game time? I don't know if there's scope for including the name of the individual Kerbals involved in this. I notice in the progress section, it lists the names of the vessels that were first to land on Kerbin, Duna, etc, and the flags placed hold the name of who they were placed by. Perhaps this could be made into a Wall of Honour type thing for each of the various firsts (in to space, in to orbit, encounters, landings). Just a thought anyway.
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