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Posts posted by DancingWind

  1. Get the newest version from github it shoud be RC4.1 (i downloaded form the link on the first page and got RC1 with the problem in big map you described).

    Another problem .. after rc1->rc4.1 upgrade parts are no longer present in research tree in carrier mode. The sats that are already in orbit work fine but the parts went puff... Deleting SCANsat_CommunityTechTree.cfg fixed that. parts are back in tech tree.

  2. It's quite intentional, actually.

    You should think of this tech tree as playing KSP in story mode. There was a time when the Kerbals had no rockets. Instead of the usual science grind like the one you might be used to, I'm giving you the means to imagine being a kerbal administratengineer from before there were rockets, gazing up at the Mun and stars and the sun moving across the huge empty sky in abject wonder and belated misery that you don't know what the heck lies up.. above the ground, when suddenly you are hit by inspiration, and a rock because you live underground when the inspiration hit you too, and you start getting ideas and images in your mind of walking among the stars and touching the Mun and some of the faster moving stars, if only there was a means to leave the ground.. the ground that gives you life, but you feel hope when you think of up above, hope for excitement, for adventure, for chaos bound by moments of crystal clear order, so you make a deal with yourself that you will find out what is above and you need help, because you don't have the faintest idea of how to go about getting away from Kerbin, which is why you organize your fellow kerbal and share your wild ideas and dreams of a new and better and exciting future, up on the surface and beyond, perhaps among the Mun and stars, so a whole heap of kerbals rise with you at your back to the surface, the desolate and sparsely vegetated surface and there, yes there by the big outside lake you stand tall and proud as your adventurous group shape and build the land into something new, something better, something fearful like when you are young and you know there's nothing in the lake, but you still worry about something finding you and getting you but no more for you are an adult now and no fear of the unknown will stop you, or your brethren as you build the most magnificent and glorious of structures arrayed in a compound there by the big water so big and vast like the dark sea of stars above in the night sky that you know with all your being you will see and touch and maybe taste like the future glory and victory when you finally get there but first, always first, you must look about you, you and your people, you must figure it out for everyone’s sake, not just your own fulfilment of twisted and weird feelings and dreams, dreams that you have when you sleep and when you stare awake at the sky and oh how you're tired now, tired and ready to begin your journey to somewhere, but first you must sleep, perhaps in one of them metal tents with transparent rock windows that someone found earlier and started reproducing them for everyone to sleep in, because they are only big enough for one kerbal to fit into and sleep in like you are doing right now, snagging your strange new suit on which was likewise just found that keeps you so comfortable and warm feeling until you wake up, dazed and tired still inside the metal tent with windows when you notice something, something odd and new, like the scent of newly discovered flowers that you just normally forget about not too soon afterward, but this time, it is different, for you decide to write down what you're noticing in a report thing so others can read it and learn from it, but for now, you need to get back in your tent because you're still tired, so you write another report thing after you get in about your situation within the tent, after which you try to figure out who you're going to give the reports to because you know someone must see them, they need to see the reports so you and your kind can gain new knowledge and understanding and perhaps someday have the ability to go up, far up, and touch the Mun with your own hands, but first the reports must be made by your kerbal people, and turned in, so you go to the top of that new structure they built and sit and give orders and directions and plan and scheme to be ready for the time when kerbals are ready to leave the ground...... aaaaannnd that’s when you get to grind the science.

    By my reckoning, you only need 25 science points to get small SRBs, and another 50 to get liquid fuel capability. In only a couple of flightless launches, you should be able to gather enough science in and around the KSC to really start taking off, as it were. You really do not need parachutes if you have liquid rockets, and probably can skip solid booster only flight because you have some much science after a little while. There are 124.8 159.6 non-flight required science points from surface samples and reports in and around KSC, which includes the three nearest biomes. The journey is a challenge we must all face.. we might as well make it mean something in a meaningful way along the way.

    Then we seriously need a donkey wagon mod - we could even integrate into it biomass resource system :) or is that too high tech for starters?

    Well its your mod but if you want it to be age of empires type game just make it clear in description. What I came looking in this mod is a more granulated and logical progression not back to bicycles (UUUh another mod idea :))

    Also Realfuels type parts upgrade system would be nice. Maybe even a simple counter system, something like engine technologies give a 1-2% percent bonus to engine ISP or thrust and material sciences reduce parts mass by a couple percent. Nothing earth shaterring but after a bunch of upgrades noticeble (like latest shuttle engines run at something 111% power compared to base models due to minor tweaks over the years). These counters may be even improved by number of successful missions.

  3. Hello,

    Is this playable? I get a girder and 2 capsules unlocked at start and thats all. no engines, no tanks, no parashutes...

    I have b9, nova, kw, Deadly, DockingStrut, engineer, far, KAS, Interstellar, ProceduralFarings, Kethane, Mechjeb, Protractor, RealChute, Tac LS, Biomass mods (I updatet them all to newest versions as of now)

    I create a new a career mode, exit, putin tree cfg and reload save.

    Edit: Ok ...looked at tree.cfg ... node0 doesnt have any engines ... so what I walk to north pole collecting samples?

  4. Does your big ship have connection to the ksc? if it doesn't you'll need it to be able to connect.

    Also are you using an AEIS antenna? i f you are try using a squad antenna on the big ship

    (sorry if this doesn't help)

    also do the probes with the massive dishes have a probe core? it just looks like rcs fuel and a dish to me, they need a probe core to move

    Yes - the main probe body has currently connection pathways to 2 satelites via 3 KR-7 reflectron dishes (marked 3 in picture) aimed at 3 different kerbostationary comsats.

    There are also DP-10 antennas mounted on the separeted dish module and main ship (maked 1, main ships is obscured) and the main ship also has a EXP-VR-2t (marked 2, and as you can see its clearly active).

    ... Well I suppose I could mount every available antenna and see which works (If any this is not the first time im experiencing such nonsence with detachable probes), I have unlocked them all I think in career mode.


  5. Hi,

    I think in this version of remote tech omni-directional antenna are broken.

    I have a kerbostationary sat network set up with directional antennas and I am trying to construct a big com station for Interstellar probing. I'm going to use a couple of biggest 9000 dishes but to extend them and not break anything I decided to mount small dish modules on a vertical axis to take up as much space as possible. and then in orbit dock them on a horizontal axis so that they wont break anything when deployed.

    The problem I have is the mothership does not bounce the connection from directional antennae to omni-directional. I have omni-directional and directional antennas on the mother ship and a small omni-directional antenna on dish module. All antennas are active but when I undock the dish module I loose connection. Or am I doing something wrong?


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