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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Yeah, same here, my career mode is now acting as a sandbox mode, so everything is unlocked and the R&D facility is closed. Reverse is happening to a friend.
  2. I created a rocket to suck up some of the remaining science on the Mun. However, it has so far took three iterations (slightly less than average!) in order to get any results. The first iteration, whilst not too different from the second, was devoured by the Kraken, as soon as the first stage ran out of fuel it exploded completely, flipping out and leaving the probe head, goo observations and the Science Jr. to fall to their demise whilst debris scatter and burn up around them. The second iteration was much more successful, I made it to orbit of the Mun (is LMO a term?) and filled up the science mechanisms. Escaping from the Mun, I decoupled the second stage, and disaster struck. One of the landing legs (which due to a design flaw, stuck out because of the wing it stood on) was clipped by the shell over the engine, ripping off the wing and unfortunately, the engine too. This isn't a problem, as it took out the center engine and I had the outer engines to work with. What was a problem, is the fact that my rocket was now incredibly asymmetrical and thus was flipping around in the middle of a very wide kerbin orbit. I had to burn periodically as my ship pointed towards the prograde marker and let off when it didn't. I had eliminated my periapsis, and as I entered the atmosphere, I decoupled my stage and let out my second pair of landing legs, and then activated my parachu-. I forgot parachutes. I again, crashed into the sea. The third iteration, whilst it has not launched yet, is expected to have sorted out these issues. I hope.
  3. Yep, fixed it now, tried that directory the first two time and it didn't show up at all, but now it has. Weird, but cheers.
  4. So, when I install this, the clouds are pure white and cover the whole planet, and there is no city lights to be found. I know I'm installing it wrong, but what am I doing wrong/what is the right way to install this?
  5. Landed my (now useless) probe on Eve, so it's just sitting there right now, nothing new to transmit.
  6. I had a wing end up in a solid kerbin orbit after a spaceplane crash. Pretty neat.
  7. I actually really like this gradient on the orbit. Why did they remove it?
  8. The ruins of my first two test rovers that were carelessly driven around in order to test suspension etc. Thankfully, they held up and the crashes were due to dodgy landings and crashing into the water.
  9. Today was a fairly good day. I landed my first 3-man crew on Minmus (but they're not the first on there) and made an attempt at getting to the North Pole via a spaceplane. The spaceplane had its wings near enough completely ripped off when I got too high and so with what was left, I made an attempt to glide down safely, and ended up by the swampy area right by the pole, but the landing was too fast and the plane crashed, each piece exploding one by one in a trail of fire. Unfortunately, Jeb was the pilot, but I'm sure he'll be back.
  10. Stranded in a botched landing attempt on the Mun with Bill and Bob. The cockpit was the only thing to survive the plunge down the side of the crater.
  11. Today, with my first Mun landing, I took this picture. I really like it.
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