I still do not understand why you're using wet/dry ratio instead of more illustrative contents/dry ratio, but whatever, let it be. Do not forget the old good toroidal tank from vanilla KSP: Name Wet Dry Ratio round 8 0.136, 0.025, 5.44 Of course larger tanks must be more efficient because they have better surface/volume ratio while material thickness remains the same. Thats why I expected toroidal tanks to be not worse than Round 8. Do not forget that most tanks in game also carry all weight of upper stages of rocket even under acceleration while toroidal tanks only carry up themselves. As a summary: 1) real life tanks have better dry/contents ratio than TO-M-1 and TO-S-1 2) theoretical calculation performed by yourself predicts better dry/contents ratio 3) Existing tank in KSP has better dry/contents ratio than all tanks except TO-XL-1 taniwha, why are you still disagree with me? Did I spoke unclear (which may be case because English is not my native language) or did I some miscalculations?