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Everything posted by cernakus

  1. When i click on dropbox link i get "Nothing Here The file you're looking for has been deleted or moved." error message.
  2. Hello, my problem is underpowered VISTA DT engine. As 3,75m part it really should gives more thrust then it does. (Idea is, that as open-cycle fusion engine, the delivered power should be more then 85GW, witch is less then closed cycle antimatter reactors). As an "Endgame" content engine it should have parameters to compensate momentum transition caused by Warpdrive jumps. As in view of Isp, it is OK, behemont size interplanetary ship can easily achieve 100+km/s delta-v, so plenty delta-v for several jumps across solar system. But acceleration is bad. Normally values around 1m/s-2 is quite enough, but not when you want to compensate 5km/s speed. It takes around 1,5 hours of real-time and with behemont size ships is hard to use physical time warp. Also 20 minutes real-time burn is not my idea of good game experience (that is why I dislike electric engines in KSP, yes it is realistic, but I really do not want an "another Orbiter game" made from KSP). So, my question is - will be possible to make Vista DT engine more powerful (even by mandatory upgrade like by large computer core)? Double, or triple thrust output should be fine. Also I tried to do it by myself, but Vista DT thrust limit is hardcoded in WarpPlugin.dll. I checked sources and find out, that in source code is defined as conditional constant. So I tried to located this constant (1100 in dec, 44C in hex) in WarpPlugin.dll (there was luckily only one such value) and change to more convenient values (898 in hex). But result was disappointment. Luckily, I didnt damage warpplugin, but neither there was no change in Vista DT thrust. Is any easy way to modify this? Because honestly, I can somewhat understand c++ syntax but I not sure that I am capable to take sources, change same values and compile them to "my own" WarpPlugin.dll (I assume that there are some dependencies which must be in compilation defined?). Any help or response will be appreciate. Also I am sorry in advance for my English skill, it is not my native language. PS: I can override DT Vista dependency on VistaEngineController and give more thrust in part.cfg, but then I lost radiation bio-hazard and also fancy variable specific impulse.
  3. DT Vista - how to change (extend) maximal thrust. Changing Thrust value in part.cfg does not effectively change thrust in game. (but Changing Isp works correctly).
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