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Everything posted by razanon

  1. maybe is kerbal engineer cos that button its blocked now in flight
  2. not friend is not that one, teres no Windows, only text integrated in the screen
  3. Hi Friends. i dunno what i did. since i bought last week your superb name, and installed addons, always inflight, i had a screen data in upper side on the screen data like speed altitude etc. but is no more, to make contracts some data are important to have it on screen. its a vanilla ítem? or its a mod? if its a mod still i have it because i dont delete anyone. i remember to click a button and move screen data... can anyone help me? thx a lot!!
  4. hi guys, i have a question, i can edit any tree and save it to a custom name? i dont want to make it public, only i wanted to play with it. i use treeedit, but only i can load public trees, but i cant save as any name to use it for my game, can anyone help me?
  5. two questions friends, 1: how i can customize EVERY ship with different sounds? always use same config to all ships. 2: how i can get that tv images? SSTV or similar? (i saw that pics several posts ago) thx in advance!
  6. just installed "Mapsat 4 devbuild 2" everything ok, i put the dish on my capsule, and on launchpad screen game freezes. if i quit that dish games goes normal i had more mods (the must have ones) i dont installed any previous versions, only file Mapsat 4 devbuild 2.zip its ram related? cant use it with many mods? or i need to install something besides that zip file?? thx in advance
  7. a lot of ppl seems to have same issue... its IMPOSSIBLE to see on screen "comms status" window. so its imposible to lists com sats etc. any clue? any HELP? i cant control any sat if i cant see the proper window. no one can help me? on space port some one posted the same as last comment. so something is happen!
  8. i download spaceport file, i donwloaded 3 days ago so its the last one, still i wonder hoy i can see the settings menú any clues?
  9. hi have a noob problem, in almost every capture im seeing an options menú, like face some object with your antenna. i CANT put that menú on screen guys. i need some help wiki says : "The first time RemoteTech runs, it creates a config file (Settings.cfg) in you KSP folder in: \PluginData\remotetech You can open this in a text editor such as notepad. The available options should be self-explanatory. You can also press <modifier key> + f11 to access the settings in-flight." cant see how :S
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