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Everything posted by Ethan3369

  1. I think I may be able to make the docking probe and I will do what ever is needed at mission control.
  2. Can I join? I would like to be part of the flight crew when possible and anything else at some other times. I am also interested in the autonomous docking probe but i want to know the extent of the autonomy wanted.
  3. Xfrankie Thanks that's very nice to know.Should probalbly be added to the wiki.
  4. I was wondering because I cant see the info any were how do you upgade fusion reactors?
  5. I have a problem with placing struts on the small thermal beamed power receiver the struts go staight through I know I have seen other part with this problem im just am not sure which ones they are.
  6. Umilux I plan to try to get the wiki up to date because noone else seem to be getting to it but it will be a while before its done.
  7. you cant really call this Kessler syndrome just bad luck in a bid to deorbit a almost spent tug giving it a periapsis of 67km with far a few passes later this happened. it crashed into the interplanetary ship it helped create. and it was the only debris in orbit.
  8. I didn't know about the delay to post so I thought it didn't go through and can seem to delete the post so this is the best I can do.
  9. I know you said not to mention anything about silver and bronze but I think my idea on how to use them is something that you will consider ok. My idea is just for the orbit and landingpips of the grand tour. I think bronze should represent one body orbited/landed silver 2 bodies and gold 3 bodies. This allows you to show all planets orbited or landed on not just 7. This was just a thought I had I just want your opinion on if a system like this would be something your interested in.
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