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Everything posted by ttb

  1. Thanks for the links, very useful I was originally intending to do a in game interface, then got thinking about doing it in hardware. I'm a long time flight sim fan, and always liked the external hardware you could purchase eg radio stack, gauges etc but they are all so expensive. I would like some assistance to write a plugin for KSP to extract and manipulate gama data, going to be using tememachus mod at first, if anyone's interested. For now, need to send and receive data over serial port, later maybe could use Ethernet. I assume C# can do this? Thanks ttb
  2. Gonna use metric units, this will save space in ROM and make the program less complicated. Plus I live in a metric country AFAIK, the AGC did its internal processing in metric units then converted to imperial units for display on the DSKY. Thanks ttb
  3. So, I've been thinking of the circuit design, haven't got anything written down yet, I'm probably going to drive each 7 segment display (there would be 21) with a 74HC595 shift register, one each per 7 segment. To save costs, will use a sign indicator LED instead of a separate alphanumeric segment display for the a,b and c displays. Hopefully I van drive the sign LED off the serial output if the last shift register. I intend to daisychain each if the a,b and c displays, also the verb/noun displays, and program display. Have to start thinking about the status lamps, how they will display info from KSP etc. Some won't have any use (eg TEMP warning), but I'll probably wire them in anyway for future use. As for the keyboard, I'll probably use a PISO shift register to save IO pins on the arduino. Hoping to be able to use a uno rather than a mega, cause then future units can be built using a atmega328p chip instead of the more expensive arduino. I've figured out how to get flight data out of KSP, via Telemachus, and a python script to send the data to the aduino. So the first version of the AGC will only implement displaying of flight data, rather then direct control of KSP. That can come later, once I've got the physical circuit going. Any thoughts or ideas welcome. Thanks ttb
  4. Thanks, I think you are right good pics on the link tho ttb
  5. Thanks! The more the merrier The terms of service don't say you can't, I would imagine it as a peripheral, much like a joystick is. Regarding making this, I'm not interested in profit, if I did sell them it would be at cost plus time. This would be a open source project, will start a project on github when I've got something to share. Thanks ttb
  6. Upon further investigation, the Telemacus mod looks promising - for displaying data at least. Should be a relatively simple manner to expose this data to Arduino and then to DSKY. Gonna work on this tomorrow, had a few beers ttb
  7. Hi all, I like listening to Gustav Holst's The Planets suite. Especially Jupiter and Mars. Not to everyones tastes I know. Also, SomaFM have a channel called Mission Control, its chilled out music overlaid with real NASA radio recordings: http://somafm.com/missioncontrol/ Thanks ttb
  8. Sorry my bad. Thanks for the list, didn't realise some of these issues existed until now I was thinking more of the orbit lines of planets. Thanks ttb
  9. Ok, this project is a GO! First off, a slight change in direction. The Current Plan is to build a DSKY with Arduino and provide the functions of the AGC to the DSKY, running on the Arduino. Note, that this will not be a AGC emulator, I plan to implement the functionality of the AGC only. So, here's the plan: (like all good plans, subject to change ) 1) Design and plan the physical layout of the DSKY (including part costs). As I only have a few 8-segment LED displays at the moment, will probably emulate the display over serial port (for non-arduino users, think USB). 2) Write DSKY software i.e. program the keyboard, led displays and such 3) figure out some way for KSP to spit out the info required for the AGC over serial port, to display on the DSKY. Please note, the first iterations of this project will revolve around displaying KSP information on the DSKY. Then I will work on actually using the AGC to plot maneuvers etc. I am also thinking of adding another panel to the DSKY to display/control KSP functions eg Landing gear toggle, lights, abort button, also custom action groups. Would like to hear comments, criticisms, ideas etc. Also would be keen for some assistance regarding the KSP to AGC software interface (I guess using C#). Lets collaborate! Thanks ttb
  10. Hmm, you've just given me an idea: could run the ACG code directly on the arduino ( or other avr MCU ) rather than using python.Thanks! ttb
  11. Further thoughts (just some ideas I'm throwing around): I play around with arduino quite a bit, I'd love to build a lookalike DSKY and have it interface to KSP either over serial USB or Ethernet. Would also like to design a in game DSKY interface. Don't really want to learn C# for this tho, although I've been looking at the source code for mechjeb. It doesn't seem a terribly complicated language to learn (I am however biased against micro$oft products All code and external hardware (if any) would be open source. Regarding the AGC section, I would imagine that first I would implement the guidance functions, and save full emulation of the AGC for a later version. I would be keen for others to help write this if anyone's keen. Timeframe for a workable example would be a few months at least, possibly longer, would have to work on it when my wee fella is with his Mum. Thanks ttb
  12. Hi all, So I'm interested in old school computers. Once I started playing KSP and tried the mechjeb mod, I found myself wondering about the feasibility of designing a Apollo Guidance Computer with DSKY mod. As I don't know how to write in C#, but am familiar with python, I'm thinking of using either IronPython or python for .net. Just wondering if there is any interest in such a mod, and has anyone successfully used python to interface with KSP? Thanks ttb
  13. Noob player here, just been mucking around with interplanetary transfers, I thought it would be useful if it would be possible to declutter the map view, perhaps one could select just the destination planets orbit line. Gets a bit confusing with so many lines drawn on map, especially when I'm trying to plot a inclination maneuver when viewing the orbits side on. Thanks, ttb
  14. ttb


    Thanks dude I must say this forum is a very friendly place to be, the only other game forum I hang out on gets some abusive types, possibly because the game is so competitive. I love the sandbox nature of KSP, I'll probably stick to this rather than career mode. This is the game I've been waiting for
  15. ttb


    Hi all, Just thought I'd stop by and say hello. Been lurking here for a fekkw weeks now, I must say I'm spending rather a lot of time in KSP at the moment. What a awesome game Made it to Duna for the first time today, sent a mapping probe to scan for kethane and ISA mapsat. It seems my navigation is a tad slapdash, will have to send a few more probes yet Also building a space station at Minmus, might have to redesign that though due to high part count and poor computer performance. See you on the launchpad! ttb
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