So, I've been thinking of the circuit design, haven't got anything written down yet, I'm probably going to drive each 7 segment display (there would be 21) with a 74HC595 shift register, one each per 7 segment. To save costs, will use a sign indicator LED instead of a separate alphanumeric segment display for the a,b and c displays. Hopefully I van drive the sign LED off the serial output if the last shift register. I intend to daisychain each if the a,b and c displays, also the verb/noun displays, and program display. Have to start thinking about the status lamps, how they will display info from KSP etc. Some won't have any use (eg TEMP warning), but I'll probably wire them in anyway for future use. As for the keyboard, I'll probably use a PISO shift register to save IO pins on the arduino. Hoping to be able to use a uno rather than a mega, cause then future units can be built using a atmega328p chip instead of the more expensive arduino. I've figured out how to get flight data out of KSP, via Telemachus, and a python script to send the data to the aduino. So the first version of the AGC will only implement displaying of flight data, rather then direct control of KSP. That can come later, once I've got the physical circuit going. Any thoughts or ideas welcome. Thanks ttb