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Posts posted by gre8

  1. Just leaving this here because I'm having the same problem.

    It is not hardware or mod related: my computer always had more power than the game required and i'm running clean installs (not even kerbal engineer).

    I noticed this huge frame drop when looking at terrain too and I'm guessing it is something related to it also. But evenwhen in orbit, I still get strang hiccups with even the smallest ships, when in the past I used to build nice space stations that would now be unthinkable. Really hoping the next update, or the 64bit version will ammend this.

  2. Hah, I'm the opposite. I've actually been able to pare down my mods thanks to improvements in the game. I used to use DRE and FAR but now the basic aero and heat is acceptable. I use Antenna Range but the base game is getting that next too. So yeah, here's to hoping scatterer and EVE get replaced by the base game one day too!

    Indeed. FAR was pretty much the first mod I installed everytime the game updated and now I just don't really bother anymore. I do like parts and visual enhancement though and I look forward to add those back.

    BTW, random question here. I have a more than capable computer and didn't have problems with hiccup lag. I do now in the current version. Is this a common problem that has been addressed elsewhere already or is this version somewhat laggy? (I'm only running Kerbal Engineer)

  3. Sorry if there is a topic about it, I didn't really find what I was looking for.

    So I was thinking about the Delta-IV CBC (common booster core) design, and I didn't really get why exactly the boosters run out before the central rocket.

    Certainly I overlooked something, but what exactly amounts to this difference of burn time if they are virtually the same rockets?

  4. Full disclosure: In over 700 hours of KSP game time, I've never built nor flown a space plane.

    You really should try man. It is really fun when you manage to design a working one. Plus, there are a couple of tutorials by scott manley out there that really teaches all you gotta know.

  5. Has anyone else encountered this? What I mean is the center of lift that is out of centre, with a completly symmetrical plane.

    Yes, I've had the same problem too. I would just take the wings off and slap 'em back in place and it would solve the problem. But as soon as I added some other part such as solar panel or battery it would shift the CoL to the right just like that. Is that a thing with FAR perhaps?

  6. Well, these are my spaceplanes. The small one is called Wolfie and the big one is - fittingly - called Behemoth.

    Wolfie is a real shuttle, able to carry 28 happy Kerbals to Space; an obscene number by any space agency standards. If flown correctly to orbit, it has some 2000d-V to spare, so it can pretty much reach anywhere within Kerbin's SOI.

    Behemoth is my heavy cargo plane. It can easily carry space station parts into obits exceeding 200km

    BTW, they are supposed to fly with FAR.










  7. I've been having an issue I didn't have in older iterations of RT2.

    For instance, I would send a mission with a large probe with a dish antenna+omnidirectional to orbit Duna with a smaller probe with an omnidirectional antenna that could link to the bigger probe orbiting thus relaying my signal back to kerbin. The thing is that, with this latest version, this doesn't work anymore and I only found out in Duna.

    Was there a change on the code or something, because if it didn't this kind of thing is really frustrating; you just can't expect that RT will work as predicted.

    And yes, I have tried switching to some other vessel and back and still didn't work.

  8. Normalmente o que me salva são os videos do Scott Manley, ele faz uma serie de KSP com mods, e como tambem jogo com varios mods, salva bastante, ele faz coisas incriveis como, shuttles funcionais :o

    Haha o Scott é muito imba! Aquela shuttle dele com os motores stock foi sensacional! Eu até fiz uma excelente, mas era com aquele mod dos motores de Shuttle (que facilita MUITO).

    A série Interstellar Quest dele é muito boa mesmo.

  9. Exatamente isso... Estou indo na onda do "Tentativa e Erro" pra descobrir, mas assim perde um pouco da lógica do jogo que é a precisão de um simulador.

    Seria muito útil esses vídeos.

    Apesar de tudo, o KSP é um simulador com bastante espaço pra erro e experimentação. Acho que eficiência e precisão não são os únicos quesitos a serem considerados. Eu sei que é possível fazer uma missão pra Duna com apenas um foguete, mas eu geralmente faço com vários lançamentos para simular uma missão "plausível" para Marte.

    Por outro lado, os tutoriais do KSP já dão uma bela ajuda pra compreender o básico; foram a minha salvação nesse jogo.

    Mas se tiver alguma dúvida pode perguntar que a gnt tenta ajudar no que for possível o/

  10. That's how I think it should work. The rinse and repeat of running science is tiresome. Its getting the kerbal and rocket and modules there and back that's the fun part.

    The career aspect of the game is pretty much like it used to be on sandbox. Once you land on a planet you have nothing to do really; you click the EVA report and collect sample button and thats it, you are ready to go home. It would be really cool to give us a reason to permanently settle other planets in order to extract long term science...

  11. Eu tenho o gravador de vídeos da nVidia, pretendo começar a planejar o tutorial no começo de janeiro.

    Vou precisar de bastante ajuda para saber o que é mais importante pra quem começou agora.

    Por já ter experiência algumas coisas que parecem banais não são tão óbvias pra quem começa.

    Um exemplo são os manouver nodes, é dificil descobrir pra que cada botão serve e qual o efeito da manobra na órbita.

    Também é complicado pra quem começa como funciona o rendezvous de orbita alta pra baixa e baixa pra alta.

    E principalmente, explicar que maior não significa melhor, um foguete minúsculo geralmente tem muito mais alcance que um outro enorme.

    Cara, uma coisa que eu tenho vontade de fazer é voltar pra minha escola de ensino médio e fazer uma apresentação sobre engenharia mecânica (meu curso universitário) usando KSP pra explicar coisas a respeito de projeto, eficiência e a física envolvida. Ou simplesmente apresentar algo a respeito de orbita. Eu confesso que apesar do interesse, antes de jogar KSP praticamente tudo realcionado ao espaço era um belo mistério pra mim. Hoje eu consigo ler papers a respeito de mecânica orbital e entender o que está acontecendo graças ao KSP. O único jogo que teve um efeito didático semelhante pra mim foi o Age of Empires no quesito história.

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