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Everything posted by snowlion

  1. I just wnat to know what you like about The new KSP .23 update. I like it mostly. What are your thoughts?
  2. Ah so im back with a problem with KMP. Well not a problem but a request is what it is more like. So ive looked and looked for a easy to follow video on how to make your own KMP server. But I found non that were good. im running windows btw. Everytime I try to follow one of the vids It says on the consol, Handshaking Handshaking failed or something like that. Thanks -justtellmeanothtime
  3. I found out about KMP today and my friend wanted me to make a server. As I look up how there are no mac Tutorials. Mac is the only computing OS that I have, my question is, is it possible? If so link a video or write instructions down. Thanks! - SL
  4. What Makes Ksp fun. This post is all off of opinion, I'm not saying its bad just what do you think makes it fun? Oh you want my opinion? I like that fact that it has high quality Aerodynamics and space flight. -SL:cool:
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