One more thing I just have to mention is, that a multiplayer mode would be epic. I showed my nephew the game, and tried to explain him some stuff about getting stuff to fly and building rockets. I think a two player multiplayer would be really awesome for KSP for several reasons: - because ksp is extremly physics based, it should work well as multiplayer game as physics run by themself and only buttonpresses would need to be submitted, the outcome/result on both computer would be the same, if the button press is executed in the same frame on both computers (aka delayed). - while both players are far away from each other the amount of data transfered between both players would be tiny - because of multiple things you can do on a ship (like send data from satelite dish, control upper boosters, control robot arm on ship, on board paint food roket launchr) and ships can have multiple kerbals and vehicles (like spaceship, footman and mooncar, etc) players could fly and discover on the same spaceship and split up - and of course each player build, launch and fly their rockets and planes independetly or rescue each other, as the game keeps always running, even while the other player is offline, this would of course require a second base like 2 km or more next to the player 1 base - players could help or manipulate each other, they could sent stuff into space leave it there and let it for the other player there to continue from there and so on and so forth I think KSP has huge 2 player potential. Just my 5 cent as I am game developer myself.