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Everything posted by Sidoz11

  1. That sounds like such a good idea... Challenge accepted
  2. I think I'm going to go for it, I will be sure to do a blog and maybe a video of the interesting bits xD I think if I could pull it off...
  3. Has anyone ever done a real-time Kerbal mission? If so what happened and how was it? I'm intrigued to try it myself as it is the Easter holidays in England and I don't have much to do, I was thinking of a real-time mun mission (apollo style)
  4. Alan Sheperd because he played golf on the moon... And the first American in space.
  5. I always listen to the soundtrack when playing KSP, especially when doing a mun mission The trailer is amazing too
  6. Has anyone here ever seen the documentary 'when we left earth'? If you have, what did you think of it? And if you haven't, watch it some of the stuff on it though is just amazing, it blew me away.
  7. Thanks for the tip, I was thinking of a kerbollo 11 kinda thing
  8. I am thinking about starting a channel, any tips before I start would be brilliant
  9. Yeah, sorry about that, its my first thread and needed help.
  10. Thank you, I have done docking before, I know the basics of it and can dock (occasionally xD), I'll give the rendezvous a go and tell you how it goes, thanks again for all of your help
  11. Yeah, my main problem is intercepting the Command modules orbit with my Lunar Lander, I've looked on youtube and the wiki but I still can't manage it.
  12. need help doing a rendezvous... I've landed on the mun plenty of times, so I decided to challenge myself so I'm going for an apollo 11 style landing on the mun, I can land fine, its the meeting up with the command module and docking, so if anyone can help I would be entirely grateful.
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