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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Thanks Eskandare for sharing this. I'm just a little confused as to where to put this. Do I create a new file? Do I paste it into an exiting file? I looked through all of the RT2 & Kerbin-Side files I could find and none seemed to suit this code.
  2. Don't despair... just because people don't reply doesn't mean that nobody uses it. It just means you've got a solid thing that doesn't need bug fixes or new features Keep up the great work, I too am looking forward to an update.
  3. I love what you've done with the mod. I use Planet Factory extensively. If you're still wanting to add more planets to your mod, I had an idea that I've always wanted to implement, but I don't have the tools nor knowledge to make them in Planet Factory. How about binary twin planets? In other words, 2 planets, on the exact same orbital plane and alignment, but they are positioned at opposite ends of the sun, thus they would never have line of sight with each other. In fact, to make it easier, you could just create 1 new planet and put it into a binary orbit with Kerbin Keep up the great work, I look forward to seeing what else you have planned.
  4. Here's what you're looking for. That'll be $35, you can send it to me via Paypal or as a Steam gift.
  5. I really hate asking this, because IMO, real life comes first. But I only ask because I just got a brand new computer and want to know if I should hold off or not. Do you have a "hopeful target date" for when you want to publish RS19. I know, any dates provided are not set in stone, I am not looking for something to hold you accountable to nor am I wanting to pressure you. I just want to know if I should bother downloading RS18 and spending the time fixing it for .23 As always, thanks for all your hard work and dedication, it is greatly appreciated.
  6. VERY glad to see you plan on eventually adding these, I'm in no rush to see them added, "one day" is good enough for me lol. Thanks for all your hard work.
  7. 2 questions... 1) Are all the sats in the same Sphere of Influnce? 2). Are the ScanSat antennas active on all of them or just the one you're actively flying? -if the ScanSat isn't active, and just placed on the pod, then it has no telemetry data to broadcast to the others sats in orbit.
  8. First thing to note, MapTraq is ONLY to allow you to view the map, it has absolutely no scanning features whatsoever. There are 4 others, the BTDT, which is used to scan anomalies, you it has an affective range of 2km. You pretty much use it to find out the identify of an unknown anomaly. The other 3 are used for low res, high maps scans as well as anomaly detection and biome identification. Place these 3 onto a single satellite if you wish. I've found the best altitude to place the probe's orbit at is 440,000. This way you get a full planetary scan within 72 hrs of launch (assuming you have a 90° orbit) and all 3 scanners are at a relative optimal distance.
  9. Wow, I'm really loving what you're doing here. If you're still taking suggestions, might I recommend you add: L-Tech Scientific Stuff http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/53813-0-22-L-Tech-Scientific-Stuff And SCANsat terrain mapping http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55832-PLUGIN-PARTS-WIP-SCANsat-terrain-mapping
  10. I just downloaded this mod today and I'm loving it. I've been reading some of last discussions in the thread and it got me thinking. How about converting the IC Camera into a HD Camera, thus making a new science line "HR pictures". You could do something similar with the radios where one detects low frequencies (ULF, VLF, SLF), and the other detects high frequencies (UHF, VHF, SHF)
  11. Just discovered this thread today, I love what you've done so far. The coordinates, are those MechJeb based? Just a few observations/requests... In the OP, you're missing the surface info for Moho. Any chance of eventually adding a list for the monoliths and Easter eggs (maybe with coordinates as well). Any plans on eventually adding coordinates for the Kerbin biomes? If you do, might I suggest you use coordinates for a flat area in the various biomes so players can land a rocket or plane as they wish.
  12. Is it intended that I use so many stages just to get into orbit? When I was finally in a LKO at 100km peri & api, I had just emptied all the fuel from stage 7. (Or stage 5 full tank if you prefer). We're all those initial stages intended to just get the ship in orbit? Or did I overspend some fuel?
  13. I love the idea of this mod and everything you have planned for it. If I could make just 1 suggestion... It makes sense that a space program would have planned several launches back to back, and while 1 mission is in flight, another one is bring built. So I suggest adding some way to "bank" days while flying missions to spend later when building something in the VAB/SPH. That way if you spend more days building a vehicle than you have banked, then you warp the appropriate time difference. But if you have more banked than is required to build the vehicle, it gets built immediately, as it is assumed it was built during those flight days. You might also want to consider having 2 separate time counters for the VAB and SPH, as it stands to reason each building would have different engineers and building crews and theoretically they can both build a craft simultaneously. Keep up the great work, I look forward to seeing more.
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