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Posts posted by Sakata

  1. Threading is also a damned headache when it comes to coding. The biggest things I can see for 64bit are addressing the 3G barrier that is the bane of all modding, and actually using the x64 processor to its full potential, speeding up the game. Heck i'd imagine that they're having to use some silly hacks to get calculations done right due to x86. Also the OS will like it more 'cause then no visualization.

  2. So many pages, or I'd dig through. Does anyone have a guide on how to run ATM *with* half-res textures? Google turns up a bunch of nada. The memory leak in .9 is so bad it keeps me from playing quite effectively. I've started thinking of reverting to .25 until they release .91 (or someone comes up with a patch to fix it) or if unity can get x64 stable and ksp gets updated.

    Only other option I can think of is squeezing some space out of another drive and installing a small linux partition, but I'm not even sure if that will work 'cause I hear there are issues with linux x64 too

  3. This might be a dumb suggestion, but how about a standalone app of it?

    It could be run before you fire up KSP so that you won't have the trouble to go though several ram crashes of KSP before being able to play.

    I second this. It would make it so that we could run an initial pass on the game at the least, and then it wouldn't take a full day of texture compressing to get it to work when we re-install/update.

  4. WOW. openGL rocks. Just hope the performance isn't crap! Mine is mostly CPU-bound so physics is probably worse for me than gfx.

    1.248<MM>1.619 (MM seems to take a chunk of memory)

    1.714 at loading screen, @KSC 1773, with normal textures.

    Not a HUGE saving, like some report, but still quite considerable considering I upped the textures.

    [edit] actually after a bit of playing, I think its FASTER than DX mode... for me at least. Probably less memory/disk operations. I'm still on ddr2/800 ram and an old core2duo

  5. Ahh that was my next question. Seems that setting the res in-game helps on memory as well, but made the situation with buttons and such much worse. Not sure why but seems that .25 has much worse memory load, so my game crashes after a few ships are loaded / some arbitrary time has passed. Seems that the in-game texture quality sames a lot of RAM but makes the game look like dirt.

    Getting quite irritating, and wish there was some way to save some more RAM. Wish x64 wasn't a pile of steamy poo :(

    At half-res in settings, I get: 1.567 pre MM, 1.891 after, 1.995 at loading screen, 2.063 in-game.

    Is there a way to get ATM to be more aggressive with normal texture size in game settings?

    Also, wonder why some icons are horrible but ones like KSPi icons look fine.

  6. Is there a way to get the GUI to work in NEAR? I'm tempted to run the somewhat cheaty FAR-no-spontaneous-disassembly trick to get them back. It's difficult figuring out what the heck is wrong with a craft without it aside from moving tons of parts around and seeing if it works. Is far with aerodynamic failure literally the same as NEAR? Bit confused on that. FAR seems to indeed be a bit much, but NEAR without a GUI is... meh. Heck Stock without a GUI is meh for that matter.

    Also I had one other question. With cargo bays, does FAR/NEAR 'care' which side is facing 'up'? I wanted to make an SSTO with a cargo bay inverted so it would deploy downwards, but when I do that, the stability is crazy weird.

  7. After some thought I also installed kOS and started playing with it a bit. I guess, since it can be set to run a program when an action group is activated, it should be possible to have signal delay taken into account properly when it comes to program execution. Antenna range is another issue. At the moment the connection to the Archive at KSP is instantaneous and does not have a range limitation, so updating scripts in flight is possible anytime, anywhere, and (probably) without any delay. I guess, one just needs to stick to the RT2 rules and only use this when the craft has contact to KSC...

    One thing I could comment on here. We regularly send programming to satellites already. kOS would just be a program sent to the probe, then the probe can run the program locally. So there is no delay, aside from the delay of sending the probe the programming ahead of time.. That is one of the things that I thought was goofy with remotetech assumptions. Manual commands being sent would take a while, but if you send a program ahead of time, then the probe can run the program whether it has a signal or not.

  8. Odd, that ship actually didn't have any pure LF tanks aside from the fuselages I didn't switch - The others are KW LFO tanks that I have to stick to the kethane converter for it to pump fuel.

    Is there a way to reduce AoA on take-off, or when I can manage it, landing? The stupid controls are digital, not analogue, so the biggest problem is that the controls over-do it too often. That is my main issue right there.

    The next is that I managed to make a new one that doesn't break in one shot, but it flys like a brick. I basically am trying to make a craft that can handle... everything. Has kethane miner and two tanks now, so I can 'refuel on the go', and it performs surprisingly well in 0G, but the flying brick syndrome I can't see to shake. I tend to probably overcompensate for things by adding more wings, especially now that B9 took it oupon themselves to put in 'realistic' thrust for jets... they just don't have enough oomph to do crap now, so requires extra engines and wings to hold the load and keep a good glide while the puny jets work.

    I wish I could make a good ship that could both VTOL and manage to break out, and this one comes soooo close but I think I overdid it with the wings, but without em, it doesn't even get to be a flying brick, it just, doesn't get off the runway. Heck even this one has to use the vtol to 'kick' it off the pad :( Plus I had to use the 'my computer hates me' physics breaking strut to add two more jets inside the other jets :|

    Check my previous post for images of the new brick. WAY overdid it with wings I think. The previous cockpit kept getting torn off by the force on the front wings no matter how I strutted it -- actually I think the more struts I added the easier it fell apart.


    Carpathia - Ultra Long Range Cruiser.zip





    ImpossibleInnovations.zip <-haven't used any of this looks neat though










    KW Release Package v2.6c.zip











    SpaceplanePlus v1.3.zip





    x86-Release.zip <-Active texture management

  9. Hey I have a question. I've dissected your planes 800 times and I can't figure out why this happens.

    Basically I'm just trying to put together large wings, to increase lift. I've seen it done a bazillion times, and the mod-maker's 'demo-craft', plus your craft that use large wings don't have this problem. Basically, when I'm lifting off, even with the 'soft-touch' cap-lock turned on, as soon as I lift off, my wings on just one side flex and break off. Weird thing is that sometimes I'll make the EXACT same way and it wont break, other times it's hopeless.

    I've been building my wings out from the fuselage one "section" at a time, then strutting the hell out of it using the b9 heavy struts (also tried the invisible ones so that it doesn't look like crap)

    This is the primary reason I initially looked at procedural wings as a godsend but last time I messed with it it was worse than normal wings with lift and such, and tended to make my NEAR-based lift... suck. Imagine this is why I almost never see any craft shared that require the mod :-/

    Here are some screens of my plane:

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  10. One thing that you're missing in your survey that might matter to someone hoping to get performance out of the game -- what graphics card they have. OpenGL renders different on different hardware. For instance, ATI's OpenGL support frankly blows while nVidia's is generally really good, while their D3D support is often better than nVidia's -- but some cards tend to perform better than others even in the same 'class'.

  11. Sirkut:

    Sorry but that craft was lost -- I had a KOS / quicksave savefile bug, which destroyed that save (luckily I had a backup but its a few launches old)

    Basically I had an I-Beam with a cubic strut on the end, 90° hinge, which was connected to another I-Beam/Strut in the reverse direction, which was repeated one more time. I had a ton of solar panels on the sides of the ibeams (so that when it deployed fully it'd almost look like a virus). It all worked fine, until I selected another ship to decelerate it, then went back to that ship. I almost think it might have something to do with deadly re-entry (the exploding), and cubic octagonal struts since they're 'physics-less'. I'm not sure, but it may also be the solar panels themselves -- I'm not sure if those are also physics-less parts.

    I can try and replicate that ship, but I'm actually thinking that I need to come up with a new design -- that one had other issues than just exploding. It had horrible delta-V and would have taken ages to establish a solar orbit.

    Here's the mods I'm using - I just did a quick dir>>out:




    B9 KSP 0.23.5

    BioMass-master (from github)






    NovaPunch2_03_5 (I don't get why large reaction wheels aren't in KW or something else... and KW's wrap-around reacction wheels seem to be as useful as tits on a boar)




















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