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Posts posted by Sakata

  1. My feedback for the update -- So far, things went seriously explody. I made a huge solar generator for KSPI, similar to what Manley did with his. I used a cubic strut for the 'hinge point', and every thing was going good, until I switched away and back to the ship, at which point the kraken attacked. Was funny after the frustration, watching it slowly shake, then spasm uncontrollably and then go kaboom.

    ....or is that kerboom, since it involves kerbals? :D

  2. Roboto:

    If the "Realism_Level" variable ends up 'doable', then there will not be a need for two separate versions of the mod. This will reduce confusion in both bug reporting and the hassle of maintaining two branches of code.


    As far as the rates I agree with the post a page back. The conversion rates are fine, but perhaps a multiplier could be used for the throughput. I like the realism bit, to a degree. Another thought is I'm not sure how accelerated Kerbin time is in relation to Earth time. Basically I'd be happy to see the rates move enough to be able to see the growth with no time compression (but this may mess with life-support mods).


    The other thing is the detection of life support mods. If there are no life support type mods installed, i would suggest turning off food production for one (unless this can be recycled to simulate kerbals' living and obtain the CO2, waste, etc. that they'd generate (or it could do this automagically based on detection of "life support mod X". As it stands I think the mod assumes that there is a life support mod installed to account for the complete biological ecosystem.

    I've been toying with the idea of just HTFU and getting TAC life-support, since I do believe that the base game will most likely have some system like this eventually anyway, and it's better to get used to it now than have to tear up a whole solar infrastructure and rebuild it :P

  3. That... is wierd. Somehow, the one in the other thread works perfectly fine, but every time I download via this one (either by right click context menu or just a click), I only get 30K. I know it's a long shot, but perhaps the different post formatting is doing something?

    Just checked the links and they're identical -- w t f -- think something is possessed :P

    If I copy the link address, and just wget it or post into browser, it works fine.

  4. Do not right-click on the download link and select "Save file to ...". Just click normally on the download link.

    Odd thing. There are two threads, and the other one downloads fine. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/60066-0-23-0-Toolbar-Plugin-1-3-0-Common-API-for-draggable-resizable-buttons-toolbar

    I'll have to try downloading with another computer... this one has everything tied with aget instead of wget, and perhaps the threaded bit is messing up the download.

    (Edit: No-go. The link here gets a 30KB file (30,572B). The other link gets a 61KB file (62,177B). Perhaps the linked file is damaged?)

  5. These aren't mods, they are cfg edits, which pretty much anybody can do with a text editor. They don't require any particular skill.

    If you can't do 3D models, you might want to team up with someone who can, but be warned: anyone who can make 3D models can also do cfg edits and might not approve of the cheatiness of your parts.

    Dude. Seriously. if you don''t like the mod, don't download or use it. Other people obviously do. So do us all a favor, if you have input about some other mod you like, then go post there. But stop with the idiotic posts griping and moaning because you don't like something.

  6. I agree that this project would be very good for many mods.

    Biomass is one that comes to mind, but others would also benefit from a common DLL, so that they can focus on their mod, and not the resource bugs/features in the default game. If a sufficiently robust system were made, then many mods would be able to focus more on other things, instead of each modder having to write their own libraries to deal with resource calculations which I'm sure many have had to do over and over. Its like re-inventing the wheel...

    This IMHO would be awesome!

  7. I think the realism variable would be a workable idea. The other issue that I've come up with is possibly a detection issue. Many of the changes on the new version seem to expect or almost require a life support mod to make sustainable, which would fit perfectly well with the reliance on another DLL. On the flipside, perhaps along with RealismLevel variable, put in detection of other mods, and based on that, define (or don't) new resources based on those mods, and tweak resource gain/loss based on the presence or lack of those mods. I'm not sure if this is possible in KSP -- my modding experience is from MC.

  8. Sean, could you perhaps ramp up the 'speed' of the resource use/generation? Keeping it realistic of course, but just get the resources up to 1-2 units/tick. I think one reason I have a hard time figuring out what to turn on/off is the lack of any meaningful resource use (mine generally shows 0.00)

    Also in .23 the greenhouse models 'blow up' in the VAB

  9. Ahh no problem figured it was you guys on holiday, just was curious -- I didn't think it was being hijacked or anything.

    One thing I'd say would be a really nice (though complex possibly on the programming side) is detection of TAC or (insert life support mods here), so that parts work slightly different based on that.

    Personally, I find that the life support mods tend to add a bit too much realism :P I like building cool things and flying around. I don't want it to be too cheaty, and I do realize that there is a loss of real materials when you make fuel and such and you (effectively) jettison the stuff into space, so I can handle some form of resupply and such... but at the same time, I hate micromanagement. Usually just the logistics of getting a full station into place with the correct ratios of power, bio-generation, etc. and assembling the whole thing is fun, and while it does get a tad bit 'cheaty' to have an infinite supply of... supplies doesn't make much real sense, I think I'd end up having to spend more time supplying the things than using them to supply interplanetary vehicles.

    Perhaps even a configuration option eg "RealismLevel==varX" that determines the 'cheat factor' would be nice. It would allow for people to have a choice of how much micromanagement they want to do. Having such a setting would allow the mod to function as one mod, while catering to different playstyles and choice of mods.

    Also, Chris does make a point that I can get. Biomass R1 I got really wel, and while on some levels I do understand it was too simplistic, R2 (github) is a bit past my league. I do LOVE that the project is being looked at in more detail for realism and the ideas that are going into it -- very cool. But on the flip side of that, I tend to get lost between reading about a part then constructing a ship, as there are just so many different resources -- last ship I designed had the resource tab take over 50% of the vertical space (a station with biomass, interstellar, and the launch vehicle (or ship that comes to dock).

    There is so much that is there that I feel like the builds may end up getting so complex I'll need a printed 'field manual' of sorts just to make a proper resupply station that can process quickly enough to function as I want, and still be able to launch the thing into space. Perhaps along with the 'realismlevel' idea, make the resources a bit more simplistic based on the variable.

  10. ... As a rule, don't try time accelerating over 50x while you have a craft with a greenhouse selected.

    Biggest issue with this is actually where Biomass shines the best -- long distance missions. I didn't know that resources weren't calculated if the ship wasn't actively loaded though. That is useful -- I'd assumed that due to many mods having non-selected ships still 'function' (life support mods, KSP interstellar, maybe others) that resources were always being calculated.

  11. Not a problem. I have gotten to a point that I can barely play default KSP now, as some of the rockets I used to design were so absolutely ridiculously large that it would kill my PC, and with mods my part numbers have gone down by several orders of magnitude, allowing me to build more complex and survivable ships that aren't as Kraken-summoning as default. Also it lets me not have to have crazy refueling missions that had to burn tons of dV to reach and match existing ships that ended up running out of fuel. And better yet with the BioMass mod, I can park stations at various planets/moons, and not have to worry much about resupply at all, so I can not worry about micromanaging every little thing :D

    Now all we need is some form of AI-control that can do basic supply missions on its own :P Similar to the Egosoft X series.

    If you want me to play guinea pig some more and see if I can find any more issues, I officially offer myself as a guinea-kerbal, in the name of SCIENCE!

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