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Everything posted by Tellur

  1. Got the same problem (same mods too), deleted Antenna Range - still the same problem. Edit: Seems to be a problem with Science Alert. Error goes away as soon as that mod is gone. Edit2: Newest version of Science Alert has fixed the problem
  2. So, I just spent about 2-3 hours assembling the packRat on the Mun. I wanted to do one of those 'go to location x, y and z and do experiment alpha' contracts - and what better way than to use a rover. So I pack my pack rat into KAS containers (octocore universal storage) and land on the Mun. However, when I try to assemble the rover, things started exploding. Specifically, whenever I dropped the front, rear or any chassis part they would fall to the ground, stay there fore about a second only to spontaneously disassemble. Wheels worked fine, solar panels worked fine, even the Universal Store KAS containers were glad to lie on the Munar surface for hours (well, not that I tested it for so long, but I imagine they would have). Bringing up the log, I noticed something interesting: It wasn't crash damage that caused a runaway exothermic reaction, but for some reason the parts clipped through the surface, got recognized as "inside the Mun" and promptly executed for breaking physics. Don't know if this is a problem with the parts, KAS or the stock engine, just wanted to let you know. To my untrained eye it almost seems as if the collision mesh (or whatever passes for that in KSP) is buggy somehow. For all those that encounter a similar problem: The way I finally got it to work was by hacking gravity and EVA-propellant and then scramble to assemble the front, front chassis and front wheels while the thing was still in the 'air'. The problem is that the gravity hack appears to only work for the active vessel/Kerbal, as the dropped parts would still fall down, even when I gave them a small upwards momentum before releasing. Another trick that might work is using multiple Kerbals.
  3. I got this idea from discussion with Yemo when talking about his SETI-mod. There are several mods out there that make KSP more demanding, more realistic, what have you. There's Deadly Reentry and FAR, and Remote Tech and DangIt! - they all make it harder to get that sweet-sweet science we all like so much. Then there are mods that give us more ways to get that science - Station Science and Orbital Science, I'm looking at you!. We have the community tech tree that requires us to get more science to catch... unlock them all, and hard mode that restricts our science gain. But in the end we can still get almost all our science from Kerbin and it's moons, provided we have the right mods and we don't play on stupidly hard. The mod I'm proposing implements science caps on the various... let's call them difficulty tiers. Once you reach that cap... well, you'll have to look elsewhere. The idea of this mod is to get players out there, to shoot for new targets once they mastered getting to the Mun. To have a reason to build up an impressive satellite array that can reach all the way out to Jool. The very basic implementation would be the simple cap. Numbers are entirely made up for now. Let's say you'll only ever get 200 science out of Kerbin. After those 200 science you'll have to shoot for the Mun (or Minmus). The Mun and Minmus are the next tier - maybe together with high above the sun. Together they can give you 400 science. Doesn't matter how you do it, which experiment you use or in which biome you are performing them in. Ideally that would include contracts, but that might be a bit more difficult to implement (still possible though, I believe). From there we go outwards. Next are Duna, Eve their moons and high above the sun - they form the next tier. Then come Jool and its moons and ultimately Moho, low above the Sun, Dres and Eeloo, but those are just examples how they could be grouped. It might actually be better to have each planet as their own tier, but I think you get the idea. A more advanced iteration could convert science collected over the cap into funds/reputation, similarly to the contracts that do something similar for normal science (maybe add custom contracts that tweaks the numbers as well?). Anyway, just an idea that I wanted to throw out there. I looked at it myself, but sadly my coding expertise is lacking.
  4. Warping doesn't help. I actually don't get the orange warnings that I've run out of EC, only the green status of a partial transmission, as I do have enough EC. What's even weirder is that I sometimes the green status tells me that only 2 science of my 32 have been transmitted (without partial transmissions this time), yet 26 have actually arrived at Kerbin (and in my science pool). Then sometimes the transmissions actually work as expected. It's all very strange.
  5. I got a strange little problem and I'm not 100% sure if it's remote tech or stock that's causing it: Some if not most transmissions get semi-interrupted (like when electricity runs out complete with the green status telling you x data has been sent for y science) for no apparent reason. In most cases that's not a big deal but when there's only relatively little science left to transmit, nothing might make it back to Kerbin. Typical situation: In high orbit around Minmus, using a KR-7 in cone mode to connect to my LKO system/Mission control. The first gravity scan transmission might get interrupted, but I still get science out of it. The second transmission says it's worth 10 science (or thereabouts) but nothing makes it through since after 6 data packages it temporarily interrupts only to resume immediately. Neither part-transmission gives any science. Electricity is not a problem and neither is connectivity. Still had tons of EC left (~6000 with several panels deployed). What kind of helped sometimes is increasing the maximal physical time-delta from 0.04 to 0.1 - for some reason my game is running rather slow and even a modest sized ship gets me into yellow time. Might be some weird issues with that. I'm using 32-bit KSP .24.2 with open-gl. Mods that might interfere with this is Kerbal Joint Reinforcement (since it might affect physical time delta).
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