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Posts posted by KCreator

  1. Wow! I am really impressed! You have turned my (poorly made, it needed refactoring a long time ago...) little mod into something really powerful. I'm almost glad that the last traces of my old code has finally been obsoleted :P 

    I am curious though. In the original version, I had a bare-bones in-game documentation function. Do you have plans to implement something similar in the future? It may be useful in a couple of ways.

  2. Guys, this mod has been rendered obsolete now! Tekno has made a new beta of Kopernicus that allows for 100% custom planets.

    Until Kopernicus adds an ingame UI for editing PQS components, this mod remains relevant. And the particle system thingy in KittopiaTech has yet to be integrated into Kopernicus, so that's one more reason this mod is still relevant.

    Don't demoralise Gravitasi with sayings like that, as he is the only person to ever show an interest, and skill, in continuing my plugin.

  3. Gravitasi, it's been a month since the last update! Please release 0.122 or 0.13 (which ever version is next).

    I'm getting so impatient!

    I would be careful what you say, its comments like this that put a lot of pressure on me, and the sheer pressure (Including a lot of other factors) of maintaining my plugin caused me to give up.

    If you want updates quickly, you could always learn C#, fork the project, and help.

  4. Hi, (my apologies if this has been asked before) I use KittopiaTech to create rings in Jool and some other effects for the stock game. So, once discontinued KittopiaTech, may I use this to do the same or this is dependant on the updates of KittopiaTech too? can be the settings used directly here or need I some type of re-making? Thanks!

    This plugin is KittopiaTechs first continuation, as far as I am aware. So as long as Gravitasi doesn't change how the config parser asks the plugin to make rings, your existing configuration should work fine. Simply ask people to download this instead of my discontinued work, as this will likely be updated to any future KSP version.

  5. As I have said on the Kopernicus development thread, I am formally discontinuing this project for an indefinite period of time.

    This plugin has fulfilled its role, and is technically scope-complete. However I am no longer interested in continuing development of it, or any other planet-based mods. There are many factors that contribute to this. Such as my own short-sightedness while programming this plugin. For instance:

    -KSP's API being difficult and troublesome.

    -The code has become too difficult to read and edit with ease.

    -User unfriendly UI design.

    -Unrealistic expectations of the end-user.

    -Kopernicus will fill in most of this planets unique features anyway.

    -Lack of programmers on the planet making scheme.

    -General ignorance of this plugins goal, potential and capability.

    -Lack of PQSMod creativity.

    and finally, Other projects of mine taking precedence.

    I am sorry if I am seeming rude, however I have noticed, and become rather upset by the state of the "planet making" group, mainly the reliance of third-party tools and utilities. In the early days, the art of making planets was reserved for adept plugin makers. And generally were self-contained.

    There are defiantly exceptions, such as NathenKell, Gravitasi, MrHappyFace, OvenProofMars and his successor, medsouz, and, of course the Kopernicus team.

    I wish to thank everyone who supported this plugin, and I wish the Kopernicus team luck. I would be honoured if they decide to use some of this plugins code to make life easier on them.

    Should interest rise again, I might resume. But for now, feel free to gut this mod of all its good stuff.

  6. Feel free to extract anything from KittopiaTech, such as its "unique" features: rings, the hacky "star fix", hazardous "oceans" and the cfg-based particle loading for scaledspace planets. I'm probably just going to (personally, feel free to do whatever with it.) discontinue it, as working on it became much to stressful due to how messy my code became. It would be nice to finally have a "one-stop shop" for planets, instead of a series of dependencies.

    Good luck, you may or may not need it.

  7. I was able to fix the RSS incompatibility with rings, the error was caused by the ScaledSpace model "expanding" after the rings formed, without the rings scaling to match the new size.

    As for custom ring shaders; I think it would be entirely possible, as they are GameObjects with a mesh. If you are interested, feel free to take a look at the source code and change things around.

  8. Adding shadows and other such details to rings would be nice, but would require a custom shader. Graphics programing is a bit too tricky for me, so I would need to ask someone to create the shader (If someone does, they will defiantly be accredited). KSP's lighting system is a bit weird.

    As for the incompatibilities with RSS, the way this plugin tries to modify PQS defiantly conflicts. But that AdditionalData config should load regardless... I will see if there is a problem with the plugin.

  9. I have a suggestion. Would be possible to add a small fade at the end of the particle's life? Right now the particle just disappears. That small change is maybe subtle, but could be very noticeable in terms of consistency in the particle system.

    Its defiantly possible, even right now in the current version. Add decreasing alpha scales in the 5 configurable colour options, it will fade out nicely. Scaling the particle to 0 during its lifetime adds to the effect.

    I'v given up trying to create anything. Can't get anything to export a scaledspace. No one else is having this issue? I may just dualboot linux to run 64bit ksp so that planetfactory isn't an issue. As much as I'd like to use kopernicus and RSS, I just can't create with the same amount of detail as PlanetFactory, not to mention the issue I'm having with scaledspace.

    SaveLoad and ScaledSpace have been a thorn in my side since the beginning. I will try to make it work better, but overall it may never work perfectly. I am sorry for my plugins shortcomings.

  10. KCreator, I'm having issues with a transparent ring around my planet obscuring its rings and orbital paths, as you can see in the lower right corner of the screen below. Have you ever seen something like this and if so, do you know how to fix it permanently? I've managed to remove it when I set the Transform Scale (legacy) in the Atmosphere SFX menu to anything other than the default 1.025. But I can't get it to apply to the next time I launch, primarily because changing the Transform Scale isn't recorded in the SaveLoad configs.

    That is definatly due to the atmospherefromground component... I never interfaced scale to saveload, but I guess I can do that for next update.

    I'd love support for using height/color maps. I'v been playing around trying to get a PQS_Mapdecal to work so that I could add interesting features on planets but I'v found no way to make this work other than using Planetfactory. The Skelton planet from there uses a decal to place a huge mountain on the side of the planet. I'v tried using RSS to add a decal but it doesn't seem to work there either. Also would like to be able to just use heightmaps to specify terrain for the procedural type planets like Minmus and Gilly. Ideally I'd just like to have more control in creating "interesting" areas to explore, rather than just tweaking some random deformity values that apply uniformly over the entire surface.

    I am still in the process of trying to fix the texture import functionality. For some odd reason it doesn't play nice...

  11. I am really sorry to have to do this, but can you please make sure you are following my license agreement for the plugin: KittopiaTech. As of KittopiaTech version 0.183; it is no longer licensed using CC BY-SA, but rather a custom-written license ( refer to http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/68619-0-90-Plugin-WIP-KittopiaTech-Ingame-Terraforming-Tools-V0-19 ) designed to prevent undesirable results from redistribution. Seeing as you are redistributing the binary compiles of KittopiaTech version 0.19, I will have to ask you to check if you are not violating it. I am a bit weary of the "curse" hosting website; can you please elaborate if you are opted in to their "rewards program" (http://www.curse.com/author-reward-points-faq). If you are currently opted-in for said program, then, by distributing via curse, potentially gaining "profit". This would be against my new license and if it is the case, I will have to ask you not to redistribute the compiled binaries. Any and all configuration files generated or used by the KittopiaTech plugin may be freely distributed in whatever manner you please, however.

    Again, I apologise, but I must protect my sanity and my ideals, as well as uphold my license designed to help me deal with potential exploitation, not that I am accusing you of exploiting me or having any malicious intent.

  12. Firstly: I have released a new version, with preliminary support for custom ground scatters. These are models (in the same format as parts) added to a models folder. The location is as followed: "GameData/KittopiaSpace/Models/TemplateName/scattermesh<number>". These have not had saveload implemented yet. I have been a bit neglectful of KittopiaTech, sadly.

    And yes, the textures are a bit weird. Manually adding " (MapSO)" directly on the end of the keyvalue of the cfg file might help.

  13. Thanks for the update Kcreator. About the new license: I've distributed my mod under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 so far. Your plugin is also included in my mod. Is that license close enough to your CC BY-SA or do I need to make some license changes for future updatest to my mod if it contains 0.183 or newer?

    So long as your mod does not capitalize on my code, I am fine with it. If you are using a custom binary compile, no further permissions are needed other than my old CC BY-SA.

    The licence change was just to correct some mistakes I made with license selection that may have allowed people to profit from my work via unwanted advertisement revenue and suchlike, and I felt uncomfortable with the prospect. Also note, the config files the tool generated for you are yours and you can do whatever you want with them.

    I am sorry if the change seems more restrictive and confusing, but its mainly for my own sanity.

  14. Could you please upload older versions? I'm doing a 0.24.2 save file and this build doesn't work for me, no rings or GUI

    I'm very sorry, but I don't think I have any legacy versions on my computer, however I will browse the horribly organised filesystem and edit this post with it, should I find it.

    edit: Thanks to one of my good friends, I have aquired legacy version of 0.18, here it is: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/80556647/PlanetaryEditingToolsUI%20v0.18.zip

    Is it possible to load height map textures using this mod? There are a few references to it in the editor, but they won't do anything (either because they do nothing or I did something wrong).

    Second question Kcreator: how do I edit a procedural moons (Gilly, etc.) terrain/ScaledSpace and have it load correctly the next time? If you know the correct steps, please share them.

    Right now, the "texture browser" is broken. However, I can add a temporary fix to just load it based on names and suchlike. I will do this ASAP. As for editing procedural planets/moons: you would want to edit PQSMod_VertexPlanet, or other PQSMods such as PQSMod_VertexHeightNoise. ScaledSpace updates are the same for all planets, and simply use the export checkbox to allow it to persist on reload. Remember to hit save in order to keep the changes to the PQSMods.

  15. Is there a way to get a perfectly smooth sphere with this plugin? I can't figure out a way to delete the pre-existing PQS mods.

    So far, you cant delete PQSMods, but you can disable them, check the "disabled" (or was that enabled?) tickbox and rebuild it. I guess I should add the ability to erase a PQSMod, as it may be needed to help clean up mistakes/make smooth planets easier.

  16. There is a specific property of rings, Jool requires much less radius for a ring to work, while other planets, such as Kerbin, require much larger numbers.

    I mentioned some info earlier, on page 14:

    Rings have weird scaling issues... Seems gas giants have a need for a min of 5000 and Kerbin has a min of something like 10000. Lock rotation adds a "rotational lock" to the rings, preventing them from jiggling all over the place, but it seems a bit broken, causing the inclination to be 0.

    Hopefully this clarifies things!

  17. Ah, much better! That is what I see. Now to the why....


    I few pages back I had some preliminary findings, and (At least back then) I found that the archive dynamicly generated the list, and that the errors were caused by duplicate dictionary names, and some kind of missing asset. Defiantly a side-effect of the instantiation process.

    I have since not done too much research on this matter due to the very little public information and source code regarding the archives button list. I'm not too sure where to start, but my advise would be trying to rename the duplicates subobjects, and try preventing anything from being destroyed by the garbage collector or something.

  18. Krag what about the orbital rail wobble in map view ? It can be pretty crazy and its been there since .23 if I am not mistaken.

    Are you using the 64bit version? I noticed the same error with my custom planets (using instantiation) in 64 bit, but in the 32 bit version it seems ok. (As of .90 at least)

  19. Please help me ! I can't manage to select a planet !

    Sorry for not answering sooner; to select a planet, open the UI and click select planet, a list of planets (as buttons) should appear in the lower half of the UI, click on the one you want to edit, and it should "lock" the planet in for editing.

    I admin that this isn't exactly the most intuitive system, but it works, and I cant really do much else.

    edit: I'm not entirely sure if the ring colour option works anymore, can anyone can confirm this?

  20. I need help, I really don't know how to really comphrend this mod. What I want to do is make the Mun look like a habbitble world by adding an Atmosphere, an Ocean, and change the textures. But I just don't know how to do that properly. For starters I would like to know how to add in an atmosphere, because I can only get in some weird pixaliated

    The "add atmosphere" tool is pretty broken at the moment, I will try making it work better by using Jools atmosphere as a template, and scaling it down.

    Hello, all. I've came to this thread today to discuss a bug with this mod that has been probably not told of before, but my apologies if it had. Has anyone noticed a bug when re-coloring a planet's surface (ex. I made Eve's surface golden yellow to look sandy), but when I start the game, (after exiting it), its surface color reverts to its usual purple. I'd appreciate to have this issue fixed, if possible! Reference photo.

    Also, I've noticed another bug associated with making a celestial body orbit another. I can't get an encounter with the modded planet. I'd just appreciate to shed light on these bugs, and I can't thank you enough for making a mod as fantastic as this, KCreator!

    It seems save/load is acting up a lot recently... To anyone having problems, can you please send me the config files? I will try to debug the plugin from there.

    Good day,

    I was wondering if it would be possible to add a ring that emits light to the game in the hopes of adding a realistic accretion disk to the Black Hole in the StarSystems WIP over on the Add-On Development Section.

    There should be an option to make "unlit" rings, these will have the visual effect of luminance.

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