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Posts posted by KCreator

  1. So, I was bored one day... And thought: There are going to be a few planet mods released, or even new stock ones... Why don't I make a planet deleter...

    So I present you: The PlanetBuster 9000!

    A bomb capable of destroying celestial bodies.



    Fixed for now... Bomb will not work, and the plugin in general is a bit odd

    HEAVY BETA, I am not responsible for lost save files, "warranty" void if used on kerbin or kerbol.

    Update: Added basic SFX, nothing too fancy, Fixed planet deletion a bit.

    Update2: Re-added download, but the bomb doesn't work anymore, planet .cfg deletion works, I guess...

    I have created the basic code, and the part itself.







    Wish spoilers worked... sorry about wall of images

    So far, My plans are:

    Delete planets using a configuration file -Done

    Have bomb deleted planets added to the cfg - Done

    Have CFG's delete planets based on savegames - Done

    Relocate orphaned moons

    SFX! - Reverted changes, seems to fail

    And a model for the bomb...

    Includes source code.

    license: Do whatever you want with it, but it would be nice for some credit :D

  2. The more pressing question is how a planet with no atmosphere has molten pools of lava all over its surface.

    It looks cool, but doesn't make much sense.

    It is meant too, in the Planetarium info screen, it says it has an atmosphere, but sadly it is a bit of a challenge to give it one. I guess I could always change it later, when I get a better understanding of how the Atmosphere components are used.

    Edit: I wont derail Krag's thread much further.

    Do you have any intention of adding more planets/Adding atmosphere configs to Laythe/Duna/Jool/Kerbin Type planets? or perhaps a ring definition in the config files? I would be happy to do that for you...

  3. 2 questions:

    Why is a planet with lava pools orbiting a icy planet?


    KCreatoer those planets look awesome. Would definitely like to have those ingame eventually.Are you planning to have the lava pools be similar to water oceans, or solid surfaces that destroy ships?

    The icy planet is about as far as Jool from Kerbol, the lava planet has intense heat internally. :D

    If Krag gives me permission, I will finalise, and upload the plugin. the lava pools will act like a liquid, but cause part overheating

    May I ask how you did this, and is there a easy way to do it, (just modeling and some cfg. editing) As I am... well, I don't code.

    At this point, I just broke down the PlanetFactory code and added my planets (It is fully compatible, though), But Krag plans to have easy config files to make planets.

  4. I have been working with the code, and built my own neat little system, with some unique features... Here is some shots:


    I call this one: Red. (I'm SOOOO creative...)

    Its main feature is its lava pools. Its based on the standard VertexPlanet, Template was Minmus. The lava pools are just a scaled sphere mesh, I have yet to create any detectors so ships can explode in the lava, or even touch it... It orbits planet "White":


    And here is a strange planet... Very weird looking, but interesting, I has an atmosphere, but it kind of broke...


    Edit: Sorry about the "Size" of this post... wish there was a way to compress it a bit...

  5. You can do something like this with Krag's code:

    PSystemBody Minmus = prefabBodies[ "Minmus" ];
    Minmus.celestialBody.bodyName = "Not Minmus at all";

    Krag's LoadPQS function accepts strings, so you should be able to mod existing PQS systems using the configs...

    And I think you can delete planets entirely using DestroyImmediate( );, like:

    PSystemBody Minmus = prefabBodies[ "Minmus" ];
    DestroyImmediate( Minmus );

    Haven't tested it, though... (Poor Minmus... Always the subject of my testing )

  6. I guess I should have explained it more, that or I failed to copy+paste it in correctly... I put it in the main PlanetFactory class, and called it below "findPrefabBodies(PSystemManager.Instance.systemPrefab.rootBody);" in OnLevelWasLoaded.

    Im sure Krag will make a better system... Mine is a bit cobbled together

  7. I am glad to see this released, with source as well :D, I have already done some stuff, and got it to create planets based on a .cfg. It kinda works, but its confusing...


    public void LoadAdditionalPlanets()
    var root = ConfigNode.Load(DataPath + "AdditionalWorlds.cfg");
    for (int i = 0 ; i < root.nodes.Count ; i++ )
    ConfigNode node = root.nodes[i];
    PFBody newBody = new PFBody( node.GetValue("Name"), node.GetValue("Template"), int.Parse(node.GetValue("Index")),
    new PFOrbit
    inclination = 0,
    eccentricity = 0,
    semiMajorAxis = 3000000,
    LAN = 0,
    argumentOfPeriapsis = 0,
    meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0,
    epoch = 0,
    referenceBody = "Kerbin"
    localUpdate: delegate(PFBody body)
    print("Updating Local " + body.name);
    } );
    print( "new world ready: "+ node.GetValue("Name") + " With template: " + node.GetValue("Template") );
    newBodies.Add( newBody );


    Name = "Test1"
    Template = "Minmus"
    Index = 300

    I call the new LoadAdditionalPlanets before it loads the templates, probably better ways of doing it...

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