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Everything posted by cziken20

  1. You travel to juptier system, and immedietale die of oxygen deppraviation. I wish i had endless wishes.
  2. Of cors i see the magic white text. And no, im not xannari. Sampa? Magic text
  3. Banned because i forgot this forum exists for one day.
  4. Banned because i like jerky bacon.
  5. Im not Sampa, nor speak latin very well Alea iacta est. (?) Mmm.... Xannari?
  6. Granted. You read the comic while being under your desk, but it falls and you die. Sad face. I wish my signature was adored by more pople for how awesome it is.
  7. Noooooot really, sorry, no. Kind of, maybe. TUBM too didnt expect 6 pages of posts since my last post.
  8. Did you now? You can never know.... Or can you?
  9. You made it, but your ship crashed while being subdued inside of minmus by Kraken. I wish i had a better accent.
  10. Banned for a faster than 2 frames per day avatar/
  11. Granted. But it grows on your tongue. Disgust intensifies. I wish i had awesome facial hair.
  12. Banned because you have alzheimer.
  13. Uhhh, no. Mozilla Firefox. TUBM is from a slavic country.
  14. Huh? What? Is that to me? Trombone? What is that even? The user below me likes chinese food.
  15. Banned because you didnt capitalzie the first letter, nor added a dot on the end.
  16. Granted. The desk is so tidy your computer and screen are gone. In fact, you are gone too. In fact, its so tidy, the whole universe is gone. I wish i had a better memory of faces.
  17. Granted. The piece is thinner than one atom so it doesnt actually exist! I wish i had super skills in Osu.
  18. Banned for already having 666 posts.
  19. Im feeling ambivalent towards that question. TUBM is a living being.
  20. Banned because of showing emotions. NO EMOTIONS ALLOWED
  21. Banned for wings on signature, how dare you.
  22. Kraken no! War Thunder all the way! The user below me is a user.
  23. Granted! Theyre disgusting. Way to go! I wish i had the best cookies on the world.
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