If gravioli is produced by matter, as the same are bosons, and photons, then there is a chance that aniti-matter produces anti-photons, anti-bosons, and two important things for positive gravioli- anti-mass (negative mass), and anti-gravity, which would theoretically be simply pushed away by any gravity. Quantum physics was the thing that i never understood, but i noticed, about a year ago, that most of philosophical things i say, are connected with quantum physics. But ok- if negative gravioli exists,then the positive gravioli can exist, but with 0,01% chance of- but we all know that universe is HUGE so there must be probably a place where conditions are perfect (think- antimatter galaxy), and probably positive gravioli also exists, and in such place the chance of antigravity rises up to 5%, and if we see that antimatter, dark matter, dark energy, bosons all exist then why not positive gravioli? If we take such a way of thinking the probability of positive gravioli rises to 99,999999% chance. So what do you think? I noticed one thing- i've got so much to say! So much theories are tumbling in my mind now! So much projects of antigravitomagnetical cars, hypothetical materials, bosons, gravioli, and antimatter! I love scientifical philosophy! And if kerbals develop an anti-gravity engine, they could simply have unlimited thrust at no-power (by no-power i mean with only electricity, but maybe even without it), can you imagine 10000000000000 kn of thrust? it could produce it!