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Everything posted by cziken20

  1. Ahh! I didn't even remember that is aid this 645: Another manned minmus landing try. this one got into orbit, but had not enough fuel to land, astronauts only could come back to kerbin. Some guy called "Sparag Kerman" invented asparagus rocket fuel system.
  2. But i also want to ask for other scales- engine sin KSP are about 10 times less powerful, aren't they?
  3. But will kerbal space center send it into space? The Theoretor.
  4. Sorry to mess a bit but on page 7 there are orbitals, suborbitals... Or maybe i missed something? Was there a catastrophy that made kerbals forget about manned munar landings?
  5. They did.... check some earlier history myabe? Victory143 will tell you probably.
  6. cziken20


    Not to say, but the ultimate answer created by (oh my god, i forgot his name- i was reading it so long ago!) 'insert name here", was damaged because humanity was wiped out and replaced by "insert civilization name here".
  7. So it means that Earth really needs more speed in orbit? But... why Scott Manley on one of his films calcuated that on Earth you need 4300 m's dV for orbit, and the orbital speed is 7300 m/s, my mind simply don't get it.
  8. I wanted to ask- Kerbin gravity is 1 g, Earth is 1 g, so why they have other orbital speeds? they should have the same, because speed doesn't changed byt the radius of that body, only by gravity, and distance from body- isn't it? Or maybe even i have wrong infos and the orbital speeds are the same?
  9. cziken20


    Gdzie jesteście? Zbierzmy się polscy kerbalonauci!
  10. 625: First manned orbital if Minmus. And first unmanned leave of Kerbin's SOI.
  11. cziken20


    You know that if i would say that he fallen you would guess that right away?
  12. cziken20


    It doesn't matter that it is desert, i said desert to simply distract you.
  13. cziken20


    I think i will post the answer. The answer is.... a parachute!
  14. Year 365???? Ftw? anyways: 615: Kerbal doctors start to develop cure for Zombal Illness.
  15. WE are proud to represent our new hypothetical particles collector (gravioli, dark matter, and bosons)- The Theoretor! It uses special detectros to determine the particle, puts it to a sorting machine which then puts each particle to it's own tank. It's also a device that we created to see if we can get at least one postivie gravioli particle (it really needs to be shorter- maybe NGP and PGP?), and understand the universe. Here it is- and from the up: download: http://www./view/p87i1k5trxec9k9/Theoretor.craft
  16. An wait, i see you have RLA stockalike etc. Do they work on 0.23?
  17. I DON'T KNOW! Anything... I.. I.. ugh.
  18. cziken20


    If everybody gives up, i will give you the answer. But fist i will give a hint- it's small in the bag, but when taken of it's big, and it's thin.
  19. If gravioli is produced by matter, as the same are bosons, and photons, then there is a chance that aniti-matter produces anti-photons, anti-bosons, and two important things for positive gravioli- anti-mass (negative mass), and anti-gravity, which would theoretically be simply pushed away by any gravity. Quantum physics was the thing that i never understood, but i noticed, about a year ago, that most of philosophical things i say, are connected with quantum physics. But ok- if negative gravioli exists,then the positive gravioli can exist, but with 0,01% chance of- but we all know that universe is HUGE so there must be probably a place where conditions are perfect (think- antimatter galaxy), and probably positive gravioli also exists, and in such place the chance of antigravity rises up to 5%, and if we see that antimatter, dark matter, dark energy, bosons all exist then why not positive gravioli? If we take such a way of thinking the probability of positive gravioli rises to 99,999999% chance. So what do you think? I noticed one thing- i've got so much to say! So much theories are tumbling in my mind now! So much projects of antigravitomagnetical cars, hypothetical materials, bosons, gravioli, and antimatter! I love scientifical philosophy! And if kerbals develop an anti-gravity engine, they could simply have unlimited thrust at no-power (by no-power i mean with only electricity, but maybe even without it), can you imagine 10000000000000 kn of thrust? it could produce it!
  20. Well, antimatter exists, so why not anti-graviton? It could make so much possibilities...
  21. And now i also see thet some arguments will probably go, because of HWOTK. HWOTK kills, poisons and separtes human hearts.
  22. (sorry for posting two dates)I think i am going to say something about HWOTK: 559: End of that big battle, NF wins, but at what cost... they lost 95% of they army. 560: Not so big, but most civilian-killing battle takes place. 50 million Kerbals die. Newest Deuterio-tritium fussion bombs are used by NHC (National Helicentrists), and TGC (Tonju's Geocentrists), a poor country Koland is cut in half, and one side belongs to NHC, and the other to TGC. (also sorry for alot of statements.)
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