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Everything posted by cziken20

  1. I think i must get enought money to buy a new computer before you realease a download 2 GB Ram will surely be completely not enough, but if you realease a low resolution pack (the textures, insides everything, it mostly reduces the ram used by mod by half or so) then i would be able to use it.
  2. The picture made me think wrong! There were no boosters
  3. Why the middle stage is thicker than the lowest stage?
  4. 3612: For some unknown reasons Laythe Kerbals, just got pissed off and attack Kerbin, Duna and Dres. They kill half of both armies with their Jfusion bombs (they are created of super-compressed Joolium (Jool consists of this gas)) But the entire army on Dres survived.
  5. cziken20


    Lol, didn't notice it.
  6. cziken20


    So it has no bounds? It's a straight rocket... Maybe German satellite launch vehicles?
  7. 3455:Cave Kerma dies of eating Mun dust. Kerberture Laboratories is now held by KLAD-KS
  8. So, Daemoria ca you tell us WHAT sizes you wat to make? (6m isn,t too much or me, its like puttig one FLT-something 1.25 m tank on side of Novapunch tank )
  9. Just an idea - i see you have a futuristic designs too. What about a small ship that has huge power ak speed? Because right now the most powerful engines are big
  10. 3260: A new religion develops in kerbal world. It is called Ikeitanity. They believe that Ike is a dead kod and needs lots of praying to make him awake, and than all kerbals shall go to Kreat Klace of Kods. (kkk)
  11. cziken20


    Those fairings? A probe with no electricity production (not unfolded solar panels ).
  12. 3192: Onlu KSA and Kurope built Kaegers, but Krussia also suffers DLK so it built "Kratimov" It is a bit bigger than Kempire Kate Kuiling. Kerbals after build hard defences start to don't know what to do with too many robots. Some think they are going to declare war against each other.
  13. 3161: Kerbals use the most powerful telscope ever to discover how Sun surface looks, some small dark dot is found but it's moving in rather too fast way. It is found it is a monlit, the same as on Mun, Duna, Dres, everywhere in Kerbin System. It is added to anomalies as Anomaly#231, after that an anomaly#232 i also added, because a small teapot is found to be orbiting that monolit.
  14. Everyone don't know what i mean... I meant the world MOSTLY (Kerbals probably gone on surface in the places were there was no lava) covered in lava, and i meant for the lava to be a still one. You know - basalt, i made a small mistake not saying this . Sorry. I also edited my post - do you feel happy? Of course there were liquid lava pools, but i... I think i broke it.
  15. The thing i would like to see the most (i am not pressing you to do this) is fuel tank that is very small, but hold a lot of fuel (but in normal means, you know not like a tank the size of Probodobyne octo holding 1000000 fuel), so i could make finally a good-looking probe . Tanks were always making probes ugly for me, but with your skills you can make a tank that makes everything prettier! What i say, you can make everything look beutiful (in modelling of course! Idk if you can make things like makeup :P ).
  16. He doesn't need a sponsor. He needs a "donate" button. He would earn more money in one day than Bill Gates in two years.
  17. The models all look awesome, but for me this section between two sizes should a bit longer, it looks a bit thickish.
  18. 3151: Ca+2Ku-2 is found to be reacting with Kethane (C2H5O2C3H2O2IO(Kethane is a natural Kerbal blood)(such a nice one isn't it?)) and making Kertulium (a new element), which affects Kerbal's white blood kells and making them very vulnerable, and unable to fight viruses and bacteries. That "illnes" is called KIV. Kerbals don't know to eat it or not, because it's making skin, hair, bones, nails etc. more healthy, but makes you die of Kneezing.
  19. I didn't reas it entirely, but hey! Youa re using planets from Planet Factory *fianlly*. Will you download some user created pack of planets and use it? And i also think you have a small mistake (maybe not), because i think there should be "positive gravioli" rather than negative because they are already using negative graviolis in engines. It may also be nice to check Inaccesible's gravioli. As we all know it is ultra-super-duper dense. (my estimates are for ~10000 g/cm3)
  20. cziken20


    Vexx, are you still alive, or you got to a philosphical loop?
  21. 3135: AFTER some explorationKerbals find out that world is MOSTLYcovered in STILL lava.
  22. HOW MUCH MODS DO YOU HAVE? I have about ~16 and it satrts in 4 minutes.
  23. But don't you feel weak when without sleep for a long time?
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