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Everything posted by Fieldsweeper

  1. yeah still no luck on getting the full mecjeb experience, im not sure why the rest is not available.
  2. I think I am having the same issue, this is the Only mod i have installed. and its a fresh steam download from like 2 days ago. I will try the above.
  3. All of the things required are researched, but what needs deleted? and with 419 pages, a link could be helpful, or a general idea as to were it was. thanks
  4. its odd, in the science hierarchy, it shows like 3 or 4 different mechjeb moduals but i have researched them all, but only one actually is usable. the other one is greyed out. any thoughts?? I wanna use it lol. hopefully after the update from today doesn't throw it out of whack
  5. um, I installed it, added the part (one of the parts looks like its still greyed out (even though I unlocked it in the R&D section, but i still put the one on, my question is that I do not see all the same settings listed like ascent autopilot and several others?? whats going on?
  6. yes you can do it, copy your save game folder (the one with the name of your save) to your desktop or so, then you have a back up. do what you want, then when that saves it will not save to your backup. it will only save to the one inside the KSP file. of course nothing else you do will be saved if you revert back to your old save, but btw even if you kill jeb or any of the other orange suited pilots they cannot die. they will always be available in the crew section. orange pilots are the only ones that cannot die. (they die but they will be available again.) (not perma death) as far as mods. I think incorporating a similar practice could allow you to use mods for one save but not the other. you could just remove the mod folder (depending on the mod) as well before loading back in your "vanilla" save. Fyi, I have used this method to make a career mode save with 50,000 science lmao
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