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Everything posted by michaelhester07

  1. Edit2 I confirmed that the orbital construction dock no longer can call up the ui. Was this intended? This was in an install of .25 with 4.3.0 launchpads, kerbal engineer, and active texture management.
  2. I've been brainstorming what to do next for this mod. What i'm looking at now is planetary pipelines. The basic idea is similar to natural gas pipelines. The idea for this implementation: Land ships no more than 10km apart with a pipe hub part. When you deploy the pipeline on both ships their resources are linked together. Chain more pipelines together and you can span an entire planet's worth of resources together in a single spot. The pipelines are assumed buried underground. It will take time to build the pipeline based on how far apart the ships are (it may also take resources (metal,etc)). The pipeline will have limited "bandwidth". I'll hopefully be able to use generators on those parts too (so they can generate resources). I've already laid the groundwork for this with the network capability on the mass accelerator.
  3. Released version 0.4 with mostly stability enhancement and bug fixes. When building my torus today I discovered a glitch: The station habitat may prevent the torus from finalizing properly. Don't use the station habitat module until I've released a fix for it (unless you want to watch a 1km wide explosion).
  4. I started a new career in .24 as I can't do .25 until active texture management mod is updated. As part of this career I built a new mun base. It's completely mobile.
  5. Released version 3 with new parts. This should be .25 compatible but I won't know until Active Texture Management is updated as I use a lot of mods in my install.
  6. I would only assume it is how fast the light turns on. The module plays the unity animation which animates a light object on the model that actually produces the light. They also can use an emissive texture for the bulb and animate both with the module. The dim speed is how fast the light fades to off I would assume. Test it and see for yourself. I'd say 80% of mods I've made so far I've had to figure it out on my own my trial and error.
  7. I do the career. It adds an extra layer of challenge to building rockets. Yes I can build my stanford torus but setting up the ground bases wasn't cheap. I had to run a few flags, throw a KR-2L or 2 out of kerbin's SOI to pay for it. Contracts give me something fun to try to accomplish that isn't my own mission design.
  8. Shameless bump to announce a new launch system! The mass accelerator is a really large electromagnet which can be used to accelerate a payload off the surface of a planet or moon without the use of rockets. This idea is something akin to how NASA would actually launch materials off the moon. You'll have to build a mechanism to align the payload before launch. When armed it picks up the first payload it detects which is below it (red is up, black is down for the rings on it). You can then set a countdown or immediately fire. A second version of the accelerator ring allows a chain of accelerator rings to be setup to increase acceleration time. Be wary of Newton's third law. The rings have acceleration feedback.
  9. I got them coming in 0.3 Stanford Toruses... http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/82008-WIP-0-3-Torus-spacestations?p=1455870&viewfull=1#post1455870 scroll down past the smelter I just gotta make sure they're not inducing torque. I tried to use them on minmus with a lander and they seem to be torquing it.
  10. Going to orbit first lets you plan your burn to get to the Mun. This is a skill you need for farther away targets. If you go to the map (M) and click on your path in blue you get an option "Add maneuver". This lets you plan a burn. Proper planning can save you fuel in the end. Orbiting Mun also lets you chose a landing spot so instead of hoping to get a flat spot where you won't roll your ship when you land on it you can land safely and get back to kerbin. 2: The rocket equation (see above posts for links). If you don't want to do all that math in your head or in Excel I suggest getting a mod like Kerbal Engineer or MechJeb. These will calculate your efficiency for you and relay the most important information you need: Delta V. They also give you other stats, like per-stage dV, Thrust to Weight ratio, the mass of your ship, the atmospheric drag it has, etc. DeltaV is how much velocity change your craft can produce. When you plan a maneuver you see the maneuver's cost in this number. What you don't seein stock KSP is how much deltaV you have left on your ship. If there is any mod I want Squad to incorporate it's a deltaV calculator. It *is* rocket science after all. The higher you get your DeltaV the more efficient your rocket is (in layman's terms. there is more that effects efficiency, like Thrust to weight ratio).
  11. Lol so that's why people can't use my stanford torus as a gigantic wheel . As for the plugin itself. If you add a reference to the original plugin you can use it as the module you inherit settings from. In visual studio under your project right click the references folder and click "Add Reference", then find the .dll from KAS. In your c# you do this for your module class to "inherit" methods and features from the KASModuleContainer module. public class MyPartContainer : KASModuleContainer { //define things... } Then you overload the events that you need. In visual studio (even the express versions) you can right click the KASModuleContainer after you've added it and go to definition. From there you can see all the events they added and find which ones you want to override. Play your animation in the overridden event, then call the base method. Be sure to play the animation in reverse or add a new close animation when you close the container. This is how I did my resource science system. [KspEvent(...)] //replace the ellipsis with the parameters you need new void OpenContainer() //the new part is necessary so you can intercept the event { animate(OpenContainerAnimation); //you can write this function yourself base.OpenContainer(); //call the base method to invoke the original module's code }
  12. I have a part that seems to have glitched its icon in the vehicle assembly building that when I mouse over it it zooms in. This is a part I'm making. I've never seen this happen before with my parts. I've seen it on the ksp interstellar mod once. What should I check for to prevent this glitch?
  13. Introducing the laser smelter! And turned on! This is a stock-alike (3 meter size) smelter unit to go on your base or station. Converts ore at a reduced energy cost from normal smelters (cause it doesn't take much to power up a laser!) There will be a version of this for Karbonite too Next up on the list: the solar panels. They come in moderately normal sized And stanford torus sized Yes my smelter ship is under that.
  14. Just released the additions today. I'm already brainstorming ideas for the next expansion for it. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/84106-0-24-2-Stanford-Torus-0-2 There's the release thread. New ideas I'm brainstorming: Progressive Experiments - Ore analyzer: Once you've stored ore you can process it in the analyzer to see what the composition of it is. You might find signs of life or other things! - Karbonite analyzer: Kind of the same thing as the ore processor but lets you discover what may have caused the formation of the element. - Seismograph: You've already seen the seismic experiment. Now record results over time. Launch systems - Electromagnetic accelerator: Comes in 2 parts: the launcher and accelerator rings. Chain a line of accelerator rings with the main launcher to launch a payload off a surface. The payload can be expected to experience upwards of 40 Gs so it's not recommended to launch live passengers with it. The launcher picks up the payload and then arms the system. Rings charge capacitors inside them with your base's power (through induction for rings not attached). They launch a single payload that enters them. I may even do feedback where if you launch something too heavy you might destroy the launcher. This would be akin to a launch system NASA might actually employ on the moon to fire payloads into space without the use of chemical rockets. The launch system paves the way for making the "gravity" on a stanford torus actually work. Torus sized solar panels I'm talking huge panels, at least 30 meters on a side, that generate power for a torus or base (to avoid having many solar panels that slow down framerates). Processing plants I'll use my own generator code to make processing plants for the torus for most resources. These would be large structures (the farm biodome would actually be useful for once) that process resources. - Karbonite refinery: A 3 meter size machine that processes karbonite faster than the basic converters - Laser smelter: Smelt ore into metal with less energy cost than basic smelters. - Laser drill: Extract ore from a surface with less energy cost than a normal drill (I'll research how to do a drill mod).
  15. You can use Karbonite with it. I even included a Karbonite hold for the torus.
  16. Thanks. I didn't know i could edit it till i looked for it.
  17. Today in KSP I released the new update to my stanford torus mod! Also the legit build torus is 50% of the way there. I've drained 2 ore fields on Minmus and am draining a third one now. Karbonite has helped me build bigger delivery ships. Here's a picture of the test from the new biology experiment
  18. I updated for version 0.2. Check the front page!
  19. I had unity 4.5. Yeah... seems like that would be the problem. I'll let you know if downgrading fixes it. Edit: downgrading fixed it. Thanks for the tip.
  20. I attached it to a ModuleScienceExperiment part. I want the "deploy" animation that goes with those to cause it to light up. I get Error]: PartCompiler: Cannot clone model from 'progressiveScience/parts/ParticleAcceleratorexperiment' directory as model does not exist I don't get this error unless the model has any of the MeshRenderer items animated.
  21. I'm trying to animate an emissive texture on a science module. I'm animating it with unity. The part doesn't load when there are any curves assigned for the MeshRenderer. I can only animate the transform for it. Can I animate the emissive texture?
  22. I finally got the animation control sorted out. Now I can start building experiments. So far.. the biology lab This is a 1.25m unit that you can stick on a probe and run experiments on plants with.
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