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Everything posted by michaelhester07

  1. 3 hours of burn time in a vacuum. You won't realize how long that is until you need to burn 1800dv to get to duna and the burn time is 45 minutes... and you can only physics warp 4x to drop it down to 9 minutes IRL. I'd make her a little bigger and have liquid rocket boosters to boost you into solar orbit. 12000 dV gets you anywhere though.
  2. The nodes on the Biodome are 2.5meters wide, the Small torus are 3 meters wide. I should be able to retweak the size when I get a chance. I didn't catch the sizes of the medium and large diameter parts though.
  3. Class C would have the effect of the one that came in over Russia last year. You can intercept it in kerbin's SOI and slightly nudge it out of the way. A slight nudge and an aerobrake later and you got yourself the start of an asteroid spacestation. A Class E would be a proper crater maker. I had one of those hit kerbin's south pole.
  4. I don't think this is possible for KSP as its a 2 object orbit system instead of a multi-object system. The only way I would think to achieve this is to have a small constellation of satellites: An equatorial ring of 6 or so in geostationary orbit (which does exist in ksp) and two in polar orbit. If you could do small burns like the above suggestion to rotate it then that would keep it from being eclipsed. The 2 in polar orbit setup would be placed in perpendicular polar orbits so that one of them is always in sunlight.
  5. Unity can directly import a blender .blend save file. That may speed up your work flow a little bit. The biggest gotya you have to make sure about is that you only have one material per model object. If you need multiple textures you'll have to split a model object into separate parts. Unity would allow multiple materials but Kerbal Space Program only uses the first material.
  6. I'm in the process of making a full sized stanford torus mod at the moment but I might be able to help. I'm just gettin back into the swing of using Blender after about a 10 year hiatus on it. I personally would rather have 3d studio max but I can't afford it right now. Blender works but the texture baker in it leaves something to be desired (like high resolution)
  7. http://kerbal.curseforge.com/ksp-mods/221181-biodomes-and-stanford-toruses A little bit back I posted a request for a mod like what I built here. Now its done for now. Introducing new habitats from Netherdyne's HR department This mod adds two new parts for kerbal habitation. The 50 meter diameter Toroid Woods module is a nice way to show your kerbal workforce you care that they're cooped up in cans for hours on end. The module has scenic views of space to enjoy. The Biodome (Netherdyne S1 Garden module) is a small garden plot for Kerbals to hang out after work. The album below is from older screenshots of it. You can still walk around in it but its better off to use the IVA instead.
  8. Now that the torus shell is done I can start making things to fill it with. Showing below: the habitat module
  9. Is it possible to make the game reload a model without having to restart the game?
  10. Quick refresher on the imgur album shows a virtual test flight. For actually deploying this I'd recommend the Extraplanetary Launchpads mod. It makes sense as you would have to build it in orbit anyway IRL.
  11. 0.0 release Stanford torus and biodome models http://kerbal.curseforge.com/ksp-mods/221181-biodomes-and-stanford-toruses They're ready for their first release! And here's what's coming up After that trip through the Netherdyne holodeck here's whats coming up: The torus you saw up there is a structural component to which the following modules can be mounted (modules which will be built as separate parts!) 50 meter diameter spacedock module: will have mount points for extraplanetary launchpads and storage space for rocket parts surface mount biodome : the biodome module, only surface mountable for installing inside the station The villa- 8 person crew module for mounting in the torus: Science module: This science lab will be used for processing materials Surface mount docking port: so you can park a cruiser at the station And more things as I come up with em.
  12. Waiting for Curse to approve the mod and I can post it. I'm releasing the Biodome and the 25m torus. There is now a 1200 meter diameter torus in the works now that I know what i'm doing. That will take significantly longer to make than this mod did if only because there is more involved with it. I may also do a 15 meter biodome. The current one is 8 meters across (if i recall, i don't exactly remember)
  13. With all my torus building I'm going to be getting into the realm of really big stations (on the order of kilometers in diameter). I saw a mod that changes the physics processing range. I want to replace the VAB with a "holographic ship design lab" to facilitate making the large stations. Going along with that is increasing the VAB size to a 2km cube. Is it possible to do this?
  14. Wrapping up work on the 25m Torus. Here's screens from inside
  15. I took this little biodome as inspiration to start workin towards actualy Sanford Torus models: Now that I realize that the internals actually render over top of the external model always I can give this and the biodome a proper inside. I think i may release early versions as early as tomorrow. I wanna make sure they fly right. The 1km torus I still plan to build will have to be built in space though.
  16. Well... I have to close it and make the inside from IVA. There is indeed a problem of my kerbals not trusting the forcefields and just keeping their helmets on. I worked on the IVA now and stumbled upon a fairly important Gotya: The main IVA model can't have a mesh collider on it or it collides with the ship. Scene from the IVA in the garden module. I plan to add tables with snacks on them and little drinks on their chairs.
  17. I've currently scrapped the torus idea to start on something smaller: the actual garden plot i wanted to have in the first place. Here's the first test on it: The inside is "open". My startup space company Netherdyne knows how to make small forcefields to keep air in.
  18. I can tell you why the top tanks need the fuel. It's kinda silly too. Here's your ship with the flow of fuel outlined on it The fuel flows from the bottom tank through the girder to the kethane tank, up through the top through the kethane converter and out to the top tank. I've done this design thinking of why it works on mine but my secret is I only ever used one tank for the engines. The problem is that fuel can flow through a girder out of a tank so long as the receiving object is not a fuel tank (in this case it's a kethane tank). You won't get a circular flow through this system so the bottom tank drains first causing your engines to flame out. To fix this: Run the fuel lines from the kethane converter to the bottom tank instead of the top tank on each engine stack.
  19. Ninja'd Explanation! While you have access to the spaceplane hangar you won't actually be able to do much with it in Career mode until you unlock your tech tree in the Lab (the building on the bottom). You get science points by having your kerbals run experiments in their ships on on extra vehicular activity (EVA) which are used to unlock more parts to use. The starting technology you have does not allow you to build space planes to launch off the runway. You lack wings and landing gear. You get wings by the time you unlock the second tier of the center branch in your tech tree. You get landing gear on the bottom branch by the 5th. Because of this (and a noticeable lack of types of landing gear) you'll rarely if ever use the Spaceplane hangar. It can be fun to play with though. Most of my laughs are at space planes spiraling off into destruction. The use of the subassemblies tab in each builder allows you to transfer a ship between the VAB and the SPH or vice versa if you take the whole ship minus a starting part and put it in the subassemblies spot. This could help you with building a space shuttle like vehicle. Enjoy!
  20. Kerbin I would imagine used to be like Earth. Some of the game elements suggest the existence of a capitalistic economy with contracting corporations bidding for space projects. You have Jebadiah's Junkyard Kerbodyne Probodobodyne Rocomax Highway 12 (also known as "Laying by the side of the road"). Let's spin the clock back a few hundred years to see how we got to this place. Kerbin 2100. The world is fractured into several countries based mostly on geographic areas. The largest set of countries belong to the Laythope Union (equivalent to earth's Europe). On the Continent where KSC is found you get the United States of Kermerica. The Spot where the crater is you get Kasia. Countries within each are equivalent to Earth's countries. The crater you see today didn't exist then. 2115: USK's corruption has grown to the point where the LU and Kasian nations declare war on it. This world war lasts 20 years and all sorts of technology comes about because of it. Basic rocketry, air flight and some space flight are used. 2135: Just before USK develops a nuclear bomb something more unthinkable happens: A colossal 2 mile wide asteroid hits Kasia near the capital city Keryoto. The impact leaves behind a 400 km wide crater. Everything within the crater was instantly vaporized. Everything within 1200km of it covered in a layer of ash and dust. The atmosphere clouded up for 20 years. This time saw the remaining nations band together and drop their differences. They vow never to allow corruption of a government to occur and even more so vow to develop and perfect the technology to prevent another planet killer catastrophe from occuring. 2155: Jebadiah's Junkyard becomes an aerospace corporation after recovering used parts from years of dismantling missiles used for war. Highway 12 being his only competitor (and not much of one since hey, it's a road and not an aerospace corporation). 2156: Soon the Rocomax conglomerate joins the space race with Probodobodyne and Kerbodyone shortly behind. Probodobodyne builds probe cores using its vast expertise from developing missile guidance systems from the war. This explains why most rockets using their cores end up aiming back at KSC. Rocomax puts forth expertise in medium sized rockets and capsules while Kerbodyne shines with simply gigantic rocket parts. The government ended up being a single planetary nation. They're a Democratic Republic with small states replacing the countries of old. Each state governs themselves while answering to a federal level law. The space program becomes the most important piece of this government and receives nearly 90% of all federal tax revenue, the remaining 10% going to pay for officials salaries and other programs. Whenever someone proposes reducing the space program's budget they simply get flown out to the crater and thrown in it (with a parachute of course) so that they learn why the program gets such funding. Several corporations compete for their contracts. To compete for a contract to sell your parts not only is "part of the noble cause" but also the most lucrative business. Most corporations who win contracts end getting budgets with a ridiculous amount of 0s before the decimal point. As such the space program ends up being the true power on kerbin. Political dissent in this Government is controlled by two factors: First is the 400km wide reminder. The second is that the bulk of the research the space program does ends up producing equipment and techniques that provide must of the Kerbal way of life. They get things like: the Poodle BBQ Grill, Minmus brand toothpaste made with real Minmus dust, rocket cars that don't blow up. Any kerbal who joins the space program is immediately elevated to rockstar status. This is mainly because you would have to either be really brave or really stupid to trust yourself to their contraptions. With opportunities to leave Kerbin for good and go places as well the space program ends up being the end all of Kerbal dreams and aspirations. The government has a president I guess. And a congress I guess. They tend not to get anything done though. They're just there to look awesome on the cover of Brawndo bottles and Jeb-Os cereal.
  21. One small thing: Sally Ride Kerman I want unique looking Kerbals (and women, not just men) to launch. It just bothers me that I have a space station with 50 kerbals on it and they all look exactly the same. It's like Jeb has a secret clone factory hidden in his junkyard that produces all the astronauts for the space progra..... oh **** he's here to shut me up. Gotta hide.
  22. So you want to build a probe mothership to deploy probes to every Biome on the Mun with one Launch (or to Minmus). But when you try to build it you get all wonky stage setups and it's quite annoying to redo it all every time you add a new engine or stack separator right? Well here's how to trick it to get what you want. I'll use the picture of my new Artemis 0 science probe to show you: I mounted all the probes this mothership with stack separators. The trick that got the rest of the auto sorter to work for me is that double separator stack you see between the probe rack and the transfer stage. It works like this: The stack arranger (when you click reset) assumes each stack layer you put is in the next stage out from the core of the ship (the first piece you placed). If I build a ship that has a crew pod with parachutes on it, one stack separator, and an engine with fuel on it: The parachutes end up in stage 0, the engine in stage 1. If I build a rack behind this and put more stack separators on the ends to attach ships to: it now assumes those new ships will be in stage 4. The rack took up stage 3. Anything I build below the rack will end up in stage 4 with my dropships. To get around that simply stack another stack separator below the center separator. Now all the dropships stay in stage 4 and anything new on the center ends up in stage 5. For each stack separator you put on the ships on the top rack you need 1 new separator on the center stack to keep the auto sorter working for you. Now you can build all your ridiculously complex ascent stages without bothering the stack setup for your payload. Remember that the radial decouplers also count towards this mechanism. If you mount dropships with them then add another separator to the center stalk. Also be sure to strut the top properly so you're not relying on the stack separators structural integrity. Try it out!
  23. I started a new career for the month (don't worry I'll soon have my orbital construction platforms operational again). So far I'm up to farming Science off Minmus. Here's the progress on it: This career is the first to feature use of landing lights to allow landing on the darkside of Minmus. The ships are 99.99% stock (with the sole exception of the Kerbal Engineer part).
  24. Except the fastball is going 10 times the speed of a bullet, your mitt is a slab of metal and the baseball field is 10,000 miles wide.
  25. My Kerbal prison is named Eve. Criminals enter... noone leaves. "You are sentenced to a mission to Eve. The ship was designed to return... hopefully. If you manage to make it off the surface of Eve you're a free man."
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