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    Spacecraft Engineer
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  1. Good day, I installed this pack with relative dependences (Kopernicus and Module Manager for 1.8.1., KSCSwitcher and RSSDate last update). The only problem I have is that sunlight is really weak, even on Mercury brightness is really low. I've tried to install RSSVE but problem remain. If I delete RSS folder sunlight come back to normality so I tried te redownload and reinstall RSS but nothing, that sunlight still remain low. There is a way to fix it? Thank you
  2. Did anyone know who is creating spacedock.info? I have an unused full-managed if can help..
  3. It is possible to decrease a bit the spin velocity of the Mk2 Centrifuge Habitat?
  4. Proot is a very serious guy and KSPRC is something he really trust in. I know he is very busy in RL but not for this reason he leave the project. Probably is just slowing down the update to wait the new Unity5 and its change. Just be patient
  5. Why you not add a column called "Compatible with" where every author can insert the compatible version of Ksp?
  6. This is what happen after a while, clicking "v" to change the camera view on Mun surface. My Kerbal is fell down as if there were no ground.
  7. 1) No it doesn't, a new version will come soon. 2) I don't know. 3) No. This is a fully custom mod but as I know it hasn't different resolution.
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