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Everything posted by T_S_Kimball

  1. Oops. That's what I get for skimming backwards in time on too many threads. I started getting curious about the game again recently, but decided to hold for 0.24 before starting the mod-fetching.
  2. For the updated Career, something will need to be done about the 'recover a stranded Kerbal' missions. Even if in orbit around Kerbin, the poor thing will probably die just from Oxygen/Electricity. A temporary workaround (I think) should be to not accept those missions for now, as the Kerbal will spawn once accepted.
  3. As mentioned in the past 2-3 pages, the new asteroids are actually classified in the game as something like a 'rocket part' (and they are even cross-feed capable, last I heard - OOP inheritance can be amusing at times ). The simple solution would be to treat them as Kethane tanks in some way. The mod has a well defined API, so other modders are free to give that a shot, and report back with how successful it was. But this method is prone to breaking easily in later versions, as you're effectively modifying a 'stock part' in the game. Majiir still wants the ability to 'drill' the rock; I'm fine with that (it effectively keeps the Kethane mining portion self-contained), but it will make expanding Kethane for asteroids more difficult. In fact, I'm not sure if the existing scanners would be compatible in that setup either (probably not). I'd suggest a compromise - a modified 'Claw' part that also has the ability to do the survey work (would update the Resources section once attached to the rock and activated), and effectively act as a 'drill' afterward. I admit this can effectively 'overload' one part a bit too much, but it seems to simplify the work quite a bit.
  4. The longest (for attention span) would be Myst Online, about five years (1/1/04-2/9/04 for Uru Live, through the Until Uru years, and the approx two years with the actual-named Myst Online). I tried its current invocation last December; it just doesn't have the same appeal that it used to. Ah well.
  5. Hi all, While the use of Imgur is nice, I've had a hosting account / domain (including dedicated IP) for many years now. I'd prefer to leverage that instead. The problem is that I've not found any in the past that worked very well with Wordpress. I'm looking again now, so perhaps that has changed. But was also hoping that someone here has looked around and could recommend something. I'm OK with the fact that it will not be embedded - my site would provide that interface on another page. I'm also quite OK if it requires something complex for the server install - I do those kinds of things for a living, so should not be too bad. Thanks in advance, --TSK
  6. Since I'm unable to connect to Twitch chat from work (due to firewall restrictions), I wanted to give a huge 'Thank You' to the streamers running over the holiday week. Tanuki in particular did a X-Mas evening stream that ran *forever* - I work nights, and was shocked to still see it running at 2 AM (EST) when I pulled it up during a quiet moment. Today, its nearly 5 AM here, and I'm half-listening to an interesting presentation of a replacer mod (Alternis?), beautiful stuff there. Terrifying in some ways too. Again, thanks guys. Hoping y'all are having a good holiday season. *salute* --TSK (Sungak on Twitch)
  7. Was going to remove/edit the earlier post, but decided to leave it. To attempt to get better proof, I decided to try a couple tests with the RavenSpear 4, included in my first install (and I've flown it quite a lot - landing is another matter ). Its behavior now has not really changed, and looking at the thrust/lift/mass markers I see that its optimized to be nice and tight across center-mass. I also tried just doing a stock engine replacement with Rapiers. That didn't go too well, due to the weight change. . . Still, was worth the experiment, and despite the egg on my face I now have some ideas how I'd like to use a Rapier engine (related to a couple challenges I was perusing).
  8. Thanks, that video clarifies an unusual behavior I could not put my finger on. So, basically, the problem boils down to: In 0.22: SAS sets the 'base' orientation from whatever it was when turned on, and will only change when told to. Prograde/Retrograde/etc will follow it. With 0.23, this 'base' orientation has changed to the current Prograde (does this also happen with Retrograde?) and will shift to that unless actively 'nudged' to where you want it. It's hard to tell, but from what I've seen this really only gets bad in an atmosphere, and is not as big a hindrance once in space. I've been able to compensate (manually for planes, and Mechjeb for rockets), but seems an interesting oddity. Perhaps related to a change in Unity itself?
  9. http://sungak.net/general-info-profile-for-alan/ Pic at bottom, and includes two avatar pics as well (Second Life and Eve Online). I may add my two favorite GW2 avatars as well.
  10. Noted, and thanks. I'm curious enough to build and test one. One question though - why the large OKTO? I would think the small/short one would suffice. Edit - Ah, did not realize the 'small' OCTO was also smaller in D/W as well - making it impossible to attach to Clamp Jr. D'oh. I did come up with something that makes the little one work, but it looks nothing like a 'normal' MMU.
  11. Are the names in the state file, and editable? I would love to drop in a few that I'm known by: Sungak/Sognar (RPGs), Alan (SL) and Alain (Eve Online) come to mind immediately. Would make for some interesting AARs, and adding a more personal stake in my Kerbals.
  12. Nice to see this thread still going. Some real oldies from me: First ever computer game: Acquire for the TRS-80 Model I (was a conversion from the original AH Bookcase game, which I now own). Favorite 'Very Old' strategy game: Planet Miners for the TRS-80 Model I/III (a cassette game, but we transferred it to floppy as it was in TRS-DOS BASIC). You can't even find references to this game anymore, very unfortunate. And at one point I was converting it for the Model III's Voice module. Closest I've seen to that game today would be 'Planet Interaction' and/or the Asteroid Mining in Eve Online. Favorite 'Sim' Game: SimEarth. I still have the original disks someplace, would LOVE to see this revived. [second Place: SimCity 4, which I have both in normal and Steam format.] Favorite Old 'Eye Candy' game: Rama (from Sierra). Longest 'Old' running game with a single save: Betrayal at Krondor. IIRC 4 years, 5 computers. I eventually gave up and edited the save (leveling took *forever*). Most Frustrating, yet Beautiful game: Riven. 2nd Place for Myst III Exile (which was Win98 only, until recently). Favorite Old Online Game: Uru Live, now known as Myst Online (iterations 4 & 5 IIRC). 10th anniversary of the original Ubisoft attempt is occurring right now. I started during the 'Accounting Error' on 1/1/04 and it was Shutdown on my birthday, six weeks later. Favorite Old Pinball: Doctor Who, full stop. Played it when it came out. I'll stop there for now. ;-)
  13. Evening all, Been playing with this off and on for awhile now, started playing more recently now that I'm taking a break from Guild Wars 2. Though that was originally to hang out with some friends, during the 10th anniversary of the original Uru Live (aka Myst Online - I'm one of the 'Accounting Error' group who started 1/1/04). I'm a UNIX Admin who works the 'overnight' hours (aka 3rd Shift aka Graveyard Shift), US/East. Its certainly an interesting experience, but I find it no different than any other timeframe for working - you just need to learn how to deal with it. I am considering poking my nose back into the FOSS scene (something I've not done since trying to help on a project related to Second Life), but still need to work on a couple other things first. Have a good weekend, --TSK PS - For the curious, yes I post under my RL name. I'm old enough not to care anymore, plus I'm very reserved about posting anything public anyway.
  14. That may be due to the download button saying 'Buy Now!' which certainly gave me pause. Still, I grabbed it anyway. Could use one or two solar panels (the small bolt-on models should be OK); that Rapier is sweet but for some reason does *not* generate Charge. I ran out of battery before I could finish tweaking the orbit, though the flight was otherwise very uneventful. Using your flight profile it switched to Closed-Cycle around 31.2K, and by then I didn't have to burn much more before Ap was above 70K. Also, about noob-proof - add a note on how to raise the gear. ;-) Very good plane regardless. A keeper for me.
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