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Everything posted by dbellmo2

  1. Just double clicked the .jar file and that puppy fired right up. Keep It Simple Stupid. I had (wrongfully) assumed your program was using a .exe suffix (like the orbital calculator) ... which upon closer inspection also has the .jar file hiding in there so I could use that one as well I suppose, if I wanted to, I guess.
  2. Mac doesnt know what to do with .exe files but i\'ll give it a whirl when i get home from work.
  3. Spot on Nova. [me=dbellmo2]is too lazy to dual boot.[/me]
  4. Any chance i could convince you to make a version for those weird apple computers? An android app works too
  5. Ah okay, thanks. I\'m finding it quite difficult to get into orbit with this pack in 0.13 .... BUT I\'ve reached orbit 1/4 times. Getting to the Mun is going to be difficult. But nobody ever said rocket science was easy
  6. the only problems I\'ve noticed so far are bendy rockets (below), and rockets that shift at connection points... usually struts help with the shifting rockets, but the bendy rocket was weird. After this image was taken, the rocket bucked back around and pointed backwards then bucked back forwards separating my command pod, and hurtling it (like a pumpkin in a trebuchet) out of the payload faring into the wild blue. I deployed parachute and watched as my crippled rocket flew on without me. edit: didn\'t save the .craft file.
  7. Been playing with this pack for a day or so. It\'s a very sexy pack, but unfortunately my engineers need to go back to the drawing board to work on a rocket design that can consistently get into orbit. From there, I guess we\'ll work on getting to the Mun.
  8. something something giant mirror, something something vaporize a target from space.
  9. Have yet to see a full fuel tank on the surface.
  10. The below quote is from here: http://www.spacebanter.com/showthread.php?t=169803 Also if you want to learn all of the math behind orbital maps read this book on Google Books: Glossary of the Mapping Sciences - American Congress on Surveying and Mapping BUT to echo what has already been said: It looks 'Squiggly' because it\'s a 2D representation of a 3D object (or in this case objects). The globe has been flattened and the orbital path has been flattened on top of the (now) flat globe. The reason it isn\'t just a single sin wave on the map is because they\'re also factoring in the planet as it rotates under the object in space. (at least that\'s how I think of it). Check out Orbitron (http://www.stoff.pl/) to get a cool map like this:
  11. Perhaps they were connected at one time, and he just removed the connecting pieces after placing the struts.
  12. +1 Take only what you need to get there and back. Excess fuel costs too much (fuel/thrust) to put into orbit.
  13. +1 or *woop woop* pull. up. * woop woop* pull. up. or too low, terrain terrain.
  14. Truth. Many a rocket has been brought to its firery knees due to the gimballing engines going ape**** when the asas is turned on. So I tend not to use asas until im landing on the mun.
  15. Yeah, I never knew about it either... but hey I can verify in 0.12.0 it works.
  16. Don\'t forget the 'F' key.. it is like a temporary SAS key which either activates or deactivates the SAS as long as the key is pressed. If ASAS is toggled 'ON' the 'F' key will temporarily disengage the SAS for as long as you hold down the 'F' key. Conversely if ASAS is 'OFF' the 'F' key will temporarily engage the SAS for as long as you hold down the 'F' key. This is really useful if you\'re making minor corrections to your lander.
  17. Sometimes the ASAS likes to take my lander and throw it over sideways with the RCS thrusters. Otherwise it was such a beautiful landing
  18. The Rockit Co Soyuz pack is a very beautiful pack, but it makes getting to the Mun too easy. I love my wobbly, 'Don\'t think we\'re gonna make it' rockets
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