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Everything posted by KD0PLS

  1. Great job! It'll make getting my Christmas RUD's to their destination much easier!!
  2. I was talking with some people in IRC recently about honoring deceased astronauts in-game. The specific point of conversation was the pop-up tips displayed coming from different astronaut personas. However, this could also include named points of interest on the different bodies like how Neil Armstrong is honored on Mun. One of the people I had in mind was Steve Nagel. We had him at our ham radio convention last year as a guest speaker. He came and talked to the children in the schools as well as giving two forum presentations during the convention. He was a professor at Columbia University here in Missouri and was a very well liked man. I really enjoyed working/talking with him and hearing the enthusiasm he had for space related endeavors. I think it would be great if we could honor people like this who spent their lives educating and promoting space flight.
  3. Outstanding! Going to have to give it a try!
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