Here's a MS Paint I did of my rocket. I can take actual screenshots later tonight if it helps. So I have a central rocket, and 2 side rockets. On the left is all the pieces (fuel tanks, decouplers in green, capsule on top, engines below). On the left is everything joined together. When I put it together, I make the central rocket first. Then I attach the decouplers on the sides. I then attach the side fuel tanks onto the decouplers, making sure visually that they are not crooked or attached wrong. On the finished rocket, I was busy putting other pieces on and I accidentally grabbed the tank marked with the X. I was having trouble getting it back on perfectly. So I grabbed same size fuel tank from the menu, and attached it to the empty decoupler in the same spot. I made sure to line it up with the tank below, and I do this by moving the tank on my cursor down until it turns red from being inside the tank below it, and then up slowly until it turns green. Also the round edges get lined up perfectly, so it is straight up and down. But when I launch it, this side rocket where this happened depletes fuel faster on the bar. It isn't using 3 tanks of fuel. If I rebuilt that entire rocket column, all 3 tanks replaced, it works fine. It is as if the replacement tank isn't being considered as part of the "group" any more. This hasn't happened every time. I've only noticed it on rockets with a lot of tanks and parts, and after I've already launched once and aborted to fix something.