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Everything posted by rickyhewitt

  1. I'm having the following error when attempting to upgrade this mod via CKAN:
  2. RTEmergencyChute -- RemoteTech Emergency Chute Automatically deploy chutes on unresponsive RemoteTech probes. DEVELOPMENT ENDED Development of this mod has now ended -- I decided it was probably better to implement this functionality within a kOS script. What this mod is for Ever built an early probe with RemoteTech to gather some early science..? Only to loose connection to KSC and have all your valuable science dumped into the ocean? This mod is a small add-on for RemoteTech that attempts to deploy the chute automatically, in the event that a connection to KSC is lost. How to use Just drop the 'RTEmergencyChute' directory into your GameData directory. Once installed, continue to launch your craft as usual. Stock parachutes are all supported including drogues. In the event a probe is disconnected, then the mod will attempt to automatically deploy parachutes attached to a craft once it is safe. Required Dependencies ModuleManager RemoteTech Links Download Github Other notes I haven't tested this mod with RealChutes yet, so I have no idea how compatible it will be. If you notice a bug (of which I am sure there are many!), or wish to provide constructive criticism then feel free to do so! My knowledge of C# is not that great -- so I'm sure the code could do with improving!
  3. Yup, that is the one I was thinking of. Sounds like a good solution for now, thanks!
  4. Has anyone released a smaller maptraq model? I'm looking for a slightly smaller/realistic model. I recall seeing a screenshot of a small model but I'm not sure if it was ever actually released.
  5. Noticed a strange bug with 4.1. I haven't replicated it yet -- but I haven't really made a huge attempt at replicating it as I was just casually playing at the time. On re-entry, I jettisoned a stage with an FL-200 fuel tank and LV-909 engine, and a few batteries + panels. As it heated up, the parts exploded from overheating as expected -- but when it came to the fuel tank an exception was thrown (in the debugger/logs) and the fuel tank was re-created in place, ~333 times, and then exploded ~333 times, resulting in the image above. Afterwards kerbin turned into a strange ball of light and some really weird things started happening.
  6. I have developed a temporary patch for SCANsat. You can download it here. Just replace the SCANSat.dll with this one. Note: I have never modded KSP before, and it is mostly just a few hacks. I have tested it and it seems to be working so far (mapping works, display works, science works, minimus biomes work). The only bug so far is related to science retransmission. I am not the original mod author -- this is just a temporary patch that will be removed at the request of the original author, or when a new patch is released. If you notice any bugs, feel free to note them below and I will take a look at them when I can although cannot guarantee a fix. I'm about to go to sleep now though. Edit: Did some additional testing on kerbin, mun and minimus with the biome + SAR and they both seem to work fine, aside from some small science issues related to the new retransmission logic. Also tested it with all my mods (Kethane, RemoteTech2, Kerbal Alarm Clock, FAR, Engineer Redux) and seems to be working fine.
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